
Chapter 27: The March to Kaurava II (1)

Jalaganda Lowlands....

"Located West of Kaurav City is a humid land of silty rivers, canals and mud-hut villages that is peopled by the solitary "Lowlanders," brave taciturn people." - Dow WiKi

It Contains a Ancient Gate that Is Housed there, Mechanicus came here long ago, Examined the Structure and stated that it is Different From all the Xeno Tech and Have a some Semblance to the Eldar Webway, But this Gate is only Locked to this System only... Causing them to be Less Interested in the Structure and left for their neverending Search for knowledge among the Stars, General Stubbs took Advantage of this Gate, Activating it And Used it For Economic and Military, Merchants Entered the Gate With a Hefty Fee to their Destination, Without the need for Reentry Crafts to land to their Respective Planets, And Kaurava Military Able to Enter the Gates for Quick response for a "Theoretical" Rebellion...

In the City that Housed the Gate...

A Platform Was Raised in front of the Plaza that led to the Device...

Amidst all the Onlookers and Merchants that passes by to the Gate, for their Daily Routine they Noticed a Army group..

A Congregation of People was Waiting

As a Red Headed Man Stood On the Platform accompanied by the Canonness of the Adeptus Sororitas and a Commissar With Primaris Marines Now Clad in Imperial Guard Color Stood among the Guardsmen, the Eldars Now Cloaked Hiding in the Watchtowers Looked at Alex, as he Stared at the Guardsmen he will Journey along... He began a Speech on the Platform

"Guardsmen.... Today is the Day we will set out and Eradicate the Orkz at Rockclaw Mountain" The Red hair Explained...

Causing Some Of the Men to Murmur about their Destination and Worried...

"Tell me Guardsmen.... Are you Scared?" said the Red hair as his Message rang out among the men... as they recalled the horror they did faced against the feral Orks...

"If you are Scared Guardsmen.... then Who will Protect your families? Surely not your Children? or Your Elderly?"

"If you Hide behind the Walls, Praying to the Emperor for Salvation, hoping that they will never come to your Home, that is Just Comfort to your Doom..."

"These Greenskins will not care, if its a Man, Woman and Child within their Choppas, They will Disregard the Emperor Faithful Subjects as they Butcher everyone with glee, And When they Start a Waaagh in this System... We have Ourselves to Blame...."

"Tell me Guardsmen of Kaurava... Do you honestly want that? Because We are Terrified of Orkz, that we willingly let our families to be butchered? That our Fears of Death is close to our faces, cause the deaths of your Families that is Waiting for you?" as Alex Gesture the Gate that held the Monsters beyond...

"Look the Emperor with us! As the Canonness is Here Amongst us, to give the Emperor Blessings, As Her Presence Shows how much his Will Has Decreed that the Orkz Must Be Slain to the Last, their Bodies Turned to Ashes and their Place they called Home is Burned to the Ground! We are here today not to Make A Name for ourselves nor become Heroes that is Carved in Stone, We Are here today, Guardsmen is to eradicate that Fear, so that Your Families will not be afraid of them , No longer imagine them Hiding among the ruins of your home, We are Imperial Guardsmen! We Stood Against the Horrors Of Humanity, For Ten Thousand Years, Against the Xeno and Heretics that plagued humanity in this galaxy, We are the Unsung Heroes of the Imperium! We Held the Line! I swore a Oath to General Stubbs that I will not Let a Single Death Under my command, And You Have My Word as "Ork Slayer" Hyde... and Not A Guardsmen that is within my Retinue will have a family member weep for their dead...."

The Guardsmen Cheered as they was Assured by the Man In Charge they will not Die in the Extermination Campaign....

A Miracle happened, as the Canonness Gave her Blessings to the Soldiers and the Priest that accompanied her, Covered in Smell of Incense as he Bless the Weapons for the Eradication ahead...

A Manifestation Of the God Emperor Appeared Above the Colonel, Clad in Golden Armor armed with a Burning Sword, He set his Sword to the Gate, to their Destination, as if Giving The Guardsmen Of Kaurava, a Morale Boost that seen no likes of what they Have Seen in Ten Thousand Years...

The Canonness along with the Ecclesiarchy that accompanied her, looked at Alex in Bewilderment as she left to ponder what this Colonel could do... as she Scanned him Beforehand, His Soul was like a Planet of Vibrant Life, Filled with Emperor Light.. But now.... It was Like a Galaxy swirling in him as Golden Light Emanated from his body as if there was a Astronomican within Him, Those that Witness him... Felt that they were Blessed by the Envoy of the Emperor... and Saw in his Eyes filled with confidence, that there Was no mere lies that not a single death will be under his Command...

"Let's Us Go, Guardsmen of Kaurava.... the Emperor Has Already Decreed, and Now We will Execute his Order, that we Will Drive Out the Orkz!"

The Soldiers Cheered On, as Drivers activate their Engines and Awaken the Machine Spirit within the Vehicle...

As Guardsmen went to the Gate and head to their Destination. With Courage in their Hearts that they Managed witness and be Blessed by the Emperor Himself... Albeit a Part of it...

Leaving the Ecclesiarchy in Stupor that a Colonel was Blessed By the Emperor Himself to Eradicate the Ork threat...

And the Manifestation Slowly Fade Away...

Canonness Decided to Head Back and Send a Message to the Wider Ecclesiarchy to inform about the Miracle... and Hoped that if Possible state Alex as A Saint... Considering he done So much in the Headquarters of the Kaurava Ecclesiarchy with no Complaints or ill will and she was now Sure, he have the shard of the Emperor... it would provide a Certain Protection from the Inquisition... Especially the Radicals...

The Remembrancer that was there to Witness the Speech, Claim it was the day that the Emperor Blessed the People that Witness that event that day, Tapestries of the Meeting and Stone Carvings was Made and Placed in the Sororitas and Governor Mansion, Depicting a Emperor is Behind a Guardsman as his Fabled Sword Aimed at the Darkness.... Leading the Soldiers to victory...


In the Warp...

As there was a Bright Light in the warp that was Second to Anathema Light Shine brightly Causing some of the Weaker Warp entities to Burned out before Briefly Disappeared, Causing The Chaos Gods to be concerned about it at the Height of the Brightness... But Ignored it as it dwindle to nothing, they believed that the Recipient was Killed as they overloaded their body to have a Last Stand in the every Moment in the Warp, Such effort was a Blip of Defiance only to be Snuffed out, is a common everyday Occurrence in this Mad Galaxy....

They Turned their eyes to Anathema as he is No longer Afflicted by the Constant Pain they inflicted him... His Soul is Gradually recovering and the Golden Throne is Glowing more Brightly despite it is Derelict and Almost to breaking Point, they tried to inflicted Pain and Suffering... they sent Scores of Daemons to his Realm, that would have Been Part of Abaddon Black Crusade, to deal Damage hoping to Deal Some Dent to Revelation as they worried he will be Back... They Were Deterred By Scores of People... From the Weakest Guardsmen to the Astartes all Clad in Gold as their weapons Rained On them... All Defended His Psyche and a Gigantic Tree is Now House the Soul of The Emperor, Defending him as Well... Sending Waves of Flames to the Neverending Streams of Demons Destroying them never to be Reformed in the Warp causing the Chaos Gods never to be informed of the Events happening there...

Never Knowing that that Blip of Defiance was the Effort of A Lowly Colonel in their Eyes, and they Commence their Plans as Usual timeframe... as Time in the Warp is Eternal...


Author note: Sorry, Late Since Homework is intensive and I barely have time to came Up... My Brain is Fried for the Moment..