
Author Short PitStop #??

Sometime I do Wonder, Will I Dabble in the Warhammer40 Timeline After the Kaurava Conflict? Like the Book of Omens, I can't Afford the actual thing, since it's more Expensive and Australia is the Only Closest to my Country that have those books and That so Much expensive even to Mail here, Does GW Hate Australian? and My Funds goes to My Studies....

Since he has a Machine that literally Make him Live forever with no Side Effects and No A.I that Supposed "Vashtorr" can affect him...

Would He be in the Indomitus Crusade?


I managed to Get the Tarot Cards For Alexander, and No Warhammer Book is Without a Warhammer 40k Tarot Card I think?

. The Young Warrior

. The Fool

. Galaxy

. The Emperor

That Tarot Selection May Change upon Future Chapters... or up to the Reader interpretation...

I could Create a Imperial Guard Base in Warhammer verse at the Start...

But at a Colonel Ranked? Nah, Raise too Many Eyebrows.... and Reasons why I have to Make Alexander Reach Lord General Militant, Was that it would not Raise Suspicion that he Can Raise Army here and there... and Not Many could Question the Validity of his Troops that popped out of nowhere, especially when sometimes Entire Regiments tend to Go Missing in the Warp... If he is Higher Ranking enough.... yeah...

Unless Roboute Himself Decided to Place Alexander as a High Lord of Terra in Charge of the Military Matters after he Purged the Filth... Even that I Don't know...

I discussed with a Friend that had "some" Information about Warhammer 40k lore and he told me that Cadia will fall sooner or later... And even if Belisarius Cawl managed to Start up the Cadia Pylons Earlier with the help of the Translated text...Most likely The Blackstone Fortress will Still Crash on Cadia In Response of the Build up, Since Abaddon The Despoiler Know what he has been Doing for the first 12 Black Crusades, He is definitely not Stupid, to think that a Corpse Emperor Follower would No Know such a Thing when that Specific Pylon is acting up...

Around if the Kaurava System is in the North of the Segmentum Ultima past that Rift Effect from Cadia downfall, Probably The Blackstone Pylons Blueprints would be of use ... the Galactic Map is Huge.. I got lost in it... where the heck is Kaurava System, I am Pretty Sure it's not Located in the Cadia Warp Rifts Effect? we have 270 years to plan for the Harshness of reality...

Perhaps in the Grim Darkness of 40k There is Still some hope? well Hope is the first Path to Disappointment.... But it doesn't hurt to try....