
Another day in Night City

[Scav Haunt]

[Alexander Pov]

Maine Crew Called me here to finish some Scav Cleaning, Since I'm More bored than ever...

Gunfire rang out and the gremlin hiding beside me is practically itching for a Firefight in a not so abandoned Factory...

"Come on, Alex, I am itching Zero on them just once, pretty please?" Rebecca pleaded....

"Fine, Rebecca, Here the Cover." I said While the Scavs Infront of us suddenly frozen as their Cyberware is overclock...

Sensing her opportunity had come, She Rushed out to put lead to the ones attacking us tht is under gridlock. Putting a Bullet after bullet to kill the Scav left and right in a trigger happy fashion, I simply killed whoever was the first to break free...

"Thanks, ALex we should try it again!"

"Please don't Rebecca, I nearly lost you to a bullet wound, didn't a bullet stuck on your subdermal armor? Sasha would be sad."

After the cleanup, We went to meet the crew now with newest addition to the Team Maine is Kiwi and a Teen named Lucy. After I kinda borrow Sasha alot, Maine Managed to find these two that is willing to work, and their mission choices grew as they have Three Netrunners providing more cyberwarfare options.

"Seem like you two worked wonderfully in tandem with Sasha." I said While giving them signs of approval.

"It's just business... Let's go Lucy..." Kiwi Led her student away.

"Ah, You two should get a Check-up, I notice that there is a problem, While I said you worked perfectly, there are still some laggings behind the Quick hack." I said, while Kiwi grunt in frustration...

"Sometimes, Doughboy I sometimes forget you are a Ripperdoc under all that armor." Kiwi looked at me harshly as I simply stared at her through my helmet.

"What about me?" Rebecca asked.

"You too, I seen a bit too much lead being pumped into you." I Headpat the Rebecca.

[Wondertainment Hospital]

[David pov]

I came by to this hospital that My Mother now works for... As Much I dislike that man a few years ago. I didn't hate him as much... now that we been living a good life.

"Mom, I managed to pass the Entrance exams of Arasaka." I handed out the paper of a passing grade..

"Sweetie, this is nice..." Mother smiled as she saw the grading papers.

"Now it's time for the Weekly Check-up David. Dr. Alex will be back in 15 minutes" She Said as she handed my papers back.

The Man in question already arrived along with people that seem to be Mercs to me...

"Nope, I heard there was a Checkup for David How could I not be in a Hurry? Maine Take a Number and I will get back to you." He jest.

There was a Girl, I noticed among the group.

Something In me... Changed?

"David, Are you alright?" She looked worried with me.

"I am Fine Mom. I will do my checkup now." I stiffly walked out of the lobby and head towards Dr. Alexander Office.

"Come In David." The man In the Room called me.

I entered it and Saw the man Seating on the chair, that changed our lives.

"Alright David, let me take a Look at your problems..." He Jacked into the Bio monitor and he frowned.

"What is it Doc?"

"I noticed that some of your Neural link is corrupted, Did you get a Scav Ripperdoc to fix you?" His Eyes looked solemn... As if he knows.

"I just Needed a Quick fix and he was around." I simply said honestly

"Fine, I fix it. Hold still." He fixed me up in record time.

Giving extra time for him to converse with me...

"What is your dream, David?"

"My dream is to go to Top of Arasaka..." I trailed off... what is my dream?

"I understand that your mother wanted to give what's best for you in life, Having a Education and all that to help you survive, But what happens when you graduate? But I know you are a Smart man, So I could give you another choice instead of the path your mother chosen. Here take this, If you ever feel lost David, you can always call me. You are more than welcome to work with me after you graduate." He handed me a Piece of paper.

"So, is there anyone you like? I noticed you looked differently at one of the two newest in the group of Maine." He said.

I stutter... trying to make a coherent sentence.

He laughs it off; "You know those people lived in a world much darker than Yours, are you that willing to fall in love with her?" He Implying he already knows who the person that I liked.

"We all make our choices David, I hope you can make your own. And Fulfill your own dreams. That is the one she respects the most. I am not your father, but I hope that my words will be a Parting message over the years we spent." As he Led me to the door...

Before I leave the door, he has these Lasting words to say to me; "When you are 18 Yrs old David and you think that the life of being a corpo sucks, You could contact me if you want to be a Merc. Who knows, you might meet her there." He waved goodbye as he closed the door behind him.

I looked at the paper and kept it in my pocket until I needed it once more...

"Thanks, Old man..." I muttered as I left the hospital...

[Alexander Pov]

I spent several Moments with David... As Much as Maine Does like a father figure to him, and He is definitely a perfect Merc Material... Both of us will not force that issue to not make Gloria scared... even if we did protect them from the dangers from the shadows... there will come a time that even both of us might be gone... If he wants to join being a Merc, I will ask Maine to get him under his wing... Since he does have a friendship with Gloria, I am sure he would protect David as he both owe me and Gloria a Favor...

I looked at the report given by my Assassins and doing a quick hack on the Arasaka Servers....

"Lucyna Kushinada, Polish-Japanese, Child Divers for Arasaka Deep dive for Datakrash net Division..." I pour my Recaff as I read the reports.

"Mother is dead, Father is dead... Sole Survivor of the purge protocols..."

"Holy Shit... That's Kind of Fcked up, Even sending children in Warhammer is only a desperate option and they even have Lasguns to defend themselves and have a melta Grenades if it gets that serious... Sending Kids in a Data World of Insanity With need-to-know basis?" I softly sighed... As I took a Gulp of the Recaff...

"David... You really like wild girls huh?" I mused as I looked through the screen of the lobby that show the Teenager in question...

"Gloria, Please inform Maine he is next." I call the intermission...

Maine... He has been grown more mature nowadays he uses less Chrome under both Dorio and My Doctor supervision, but I improved his Cyberware so that he is no less dangerous when he had his full armaments...

"Yo, Doc, fix me up..." Maine Cheerfully went to the operating table...

I jacked him into the Bio monitor to check his internals...

"How's David?" I spoke to Maine.

"Doing Fine Doc, He already know how to drive. Though he sucks at the Brakes. A mean shot Rebecca told me." Maine Said.

"Hey, Maine About that Favor... You said to me years ago, I going to cash in." I stated.

Maine Raised eyebrows and motion me to continue,

"If.. David Want to become a Merc... I want you to add him to your crew. That is the favor I want to cash in." I said and he immediately laughed.

"Of Course, Choomba, I see that he might not fit in with the rest of the Stuck up Corpos. So if he wished to join the Streetboy route, he would be under my wings?" He said as I nodded.

"You and Me have Connections with Gloria, Me as her Employer and You as her friend... But somehow, I fear that they might be in danger anytime..." Maine even laughed even harder.

"You, The Reapers of Tygers is fearing for their lives?" Maine asked...

"I going to make a bigger wave than the Tygers Purge Maine... I want my employees to be safe... If Making David be a Merc to know how to defend himself and his mother. Then It would be worth it."

"Heck if all Corpos were like this perhaps they are more well liked. I agree with your request. If David wished to become a Merc, I will get him under my wing, Preem?" Main Clarify of my Favor.

"Yup, Now Your checkup is done, and you are perfectly healthy... Stay Safe Choom. Or Dorio Will Beat both of our asses if you go over the Edge once more." I said as I waved goodbye... and finish the checking the rest of the crew... Though Kiwi is still on the fence of not trusting me.

[Time Skip]


I just observed the effects of the Project Horizon Dawn... Sometimes I really wonder about that Reincarnator living there... Did he have a good life?

I dazed a bit... Wondering about My Foster Daughter I left in Warhammer, Is she safe on the Journey to Terra? I trust the might of the Emperor Aquilan Shields that is now protecting my Alter Ego...

Will I meet them again? I stroked the Ravager back beside me as it peacefully laid down beside me.

My train of thought ended when a Car engine was heard, The only people that come to this place is Mercs that is paid by Corpos to Hunt the Machines, Special Agents, Nomads or Wraiths, Each of them have a definition of goals, As I told Dakota to tell the Nomads to leave the Machines alone is already a glaring factor for some people Are stupid. I grabbed My Sniper Machine Gun and Aimed at the incoming vehicle... the ravager Beside me is Now Activating Its cannons, ready to blow up the car under my command.

A Middle-Aged Woman Stepped out of the Car... with her hands raised showing herself with no hostility.

"Whoa There, Doc. Just want to talk to you. Would you kindly tell your uhm "Dog" not to Zero Me?" She said as her Hands are up in the skies. Nervously looking at the Ravager Cannon ready to fire its Greenish Weapon.

"Stand down Alfred, Tell me, who are you?" I questioned the stranger with my gun still aimed at the Woman.

"My Name is Bes Isis and I worked for N54 news." She quickly stated and felt a sigh of relieve that the man in front of her is making the machine beside him stand down.

"A reporter eh, not many people with interest like you come here other than to hunt the machines, are you here for an interview or a talk?" I spoke. removing my barrel away from her but have a Vindicare aiming at her skull if she tries anything funny.

"Well, I could do both, Doctor, Seeing that you order the machine next to you confirms it, You been making waves in Night City." As Bes is Giddy for the biggest scoop in her life.

"What would you like to know?" I led her to a seat with a wooden table.

"Tell me about these machine that is strolling in the badlands, and one of them is similar to "Alfred" beside you." She pointed out the Ravager beside me.

"Alfred is Simply the Prototype that I made myself, and the ones you see is the mass-produce version." I stated causing her to be suprise.

"That is Blunt of you, usually most people I interview with often hide behind vague term and Jargons and you have many mysterious projects. What is the purpose of the Machines in the Badlands?"

"Simple, they are part of the Project Horizon Dawn, As the Project name states, a brighter future for humanity and the earth we live in, its purpose is to rehabilitate the land around us, the skies and the seas. If possible, I will make it worldwide if I have the permission with the governments around the world."

"Interesting... Why did you want to start this project in the first place?" Bis Asked.

"Tell me Bis, did you ever have a child?"

"No... I haven't, since my work is a bit more important... I never really had time to raise one..."

"In this hell, we called earth, I travelled the lands, and find no place to safely raise a child with care unless you have eddies or connections to Corporation value. I prayed to my God every time I saw a Woman Miscarriage as she entered my hospital because she lived in a suboptimal condition whereas she could have a family right now as they enjoyed taking walking in the parks, I wept as a Child died of Lung Cancer in the Badland and the Wasteland of what was once called America because of toxins buildup, all because he didn't reach his Air Mask in time. I prayed to the dying for them to heal, But no help came, Bis, So I resolve to take the matters on my own hand. I made these machines to cure the Earth, I no longer need to beg and rely on corporations to provide assistance, what they have done? Constant Warfare and backstabbing as the world burns around them. As they flee to the stars from the damage they done, I will not be standby as the people death and illness affected from the damaged environment that the corporations leave behind. This is a Organization that have no strings controlled by the Corporations and Government that uses it as a Political Cards on this crumbling planet."

"A philanthropist?"

"More than that Bis, I want to see the Rebirth of the cradle of humanity."

"Alright, What is the robot's main functionalities? Does it collide with the UN A.I law?" She said throwing fastballs.

"Alfred here is a Ravager, they are much like a Shepard dogs, a Guardian staving those that have a malicious intention for the rest of the machines to do their terraforming activities, some of them creates purified oxygen, other till the soil of the earth and renew its vigor, some fly to the skies to filter the Rainstorms of toxins, other dwell deep in the ocean to heal it, As for the A.I law? I didn't Break any part of the stature, as I programmed each code to commence the terraforming, and if they attack Target on the Strict defense protocols I drew."

"When you mean Targets, You mean Humans right?"

"If Necessary, yes, Like Several Wraiths that came several times to attack and capture some of my machines. Their Bodies already prove that."

"What about the group of Corpo Agents, that died while capturing the Machines?" Bis Asked another question.

"I admit they are brave or stupid to charge to a swarm of a hundred like Alfred over here. But they shouldn't think that whatever on the field is already belonged to them, All of the Machines like I said, Created with Defensive protocols in mind, and I have Live footage of Kang-tao being arrogant thinking that these machines belonged to them? It was pretty funny how they begged their lives to a Machine that they wanted to rob in the first place?"

"You know its normal in this society that corporations that needed an edge in Competition?" Bis amused as she wrote what the man in front of her said.

"Well, not my problem for scorching a bunch of arseholes that think they rule the world and grab whatever they wanted and not feel the consequences being fired on their face..." I said, causing her to chuckle as she writes off some sentence in her notebook.

"Alright, Scratching the last part off, I want to know more about the more technicalities of the Machines performance later, Now I want to have a discussion of a Exclusive Media contract with you."

"What is the Media Contract?" Sure, I seen trade contracts with my suppliers, but this term is new.

"I would like to be the first to see future press release from this company. Truthfully Doc, Ever since you arrived in Night City, It was akin to a tidal wave, sweeping the balance of power of the city, Corpos, Civillians and Ganger been searching what the trail you left behind." She grabs a Kratos Cigarette and Lighted it and she took a puff.

"You appeared as if you were like a Phantom, you started a Hospital in Heywood, renown Ripperdoc with a Master's degree in the Medical Industry. Introduced a Drug that saves lives from the chance of Cyberpsychosis and Cyberware rejection rate, Cigarettes in several flavors that heals your body and Mind, like the one I am Holding now, A Well-known face in the Afterlife working directly under Rouge and a Part-time Professor in a school, Even Now You are Under suspicion by the authorities that you are the Tyger Klaws Reaper to the Purge list, not another man, And that is all I gather about you. No one notice where you are doing during the time you disappeared, who can account what you are doing."

"After all those shenanigans aside, it put the people on edge what are you doing this without getting even caught even once on camera. No Electronics could detect you; No one can even find your net activity as well. It's like following a Ghost! and the closest I could get to you is one witness who was a Artist managed to sketch your face. Even Now My cyberware only see an empty green plain with a wooden furniture but my real eyes are seeing a man conversing in front of me!" Bis Gotten agitated, and the Vindicare almost took the shot and I ordered him to stand down.

She continued her rant for a good hour or so, trying to pierce the information about me and struggle to even to find one scrap of information that is valid in her search.

I provided refreshments of Orange and Pineapple blend as I simply waited for her rant to come to an end.

"The Bottom line is Doc, you done a lot of things that is important to know, and people are demanding answers." She Finishes as she grabbed the drink and felt refreshed from her rant.

"How does this Media Contract benefit me?"

"It's like a liaison, You provide the Information that you deem important to the masses to know and a line of communication like my media company N54 for clarifications, and it also gives a way to contact you for any rising question on our part." Bis Replied.

"Deal, I am In."

"I knew you were quick on the uptake. Here is the contract, You could determine what lines you want to change." She grinned.

After a hour of discussing the contract would benefit me, Bis was feeling refreshed.

"Thank You for Conversing with me Dr Alex. I never heard of a man that cared about humanity so much."

"No, Problem Bis, why don't you visit Megabuilding H8, Next week? I am planning to open a Supermarket. I will contact you the date of the opening."

"What is so special about the Supermarket?" Bis was Curious

"We are going to sell organic Food to the people, at low price, not that Garbage you call Synthmeat that is Worms that is filled with Steroid that is mashed and pumped with chemicals, But real meat, fruit and vegetables to Night City at the bargain prices before the Corpo Wars. Everyone is welcome there, and this would be the greatest scoop for you Bis, "The Return of Organic Food in Night City" Wouldn't that be great Headlines?"

"And what is the Name of the Supermarket?"

"Fantasy Food Co."

"Alright, Be there soon, You are always full of surprises." Bis Chuckled as she drove off.

Seeing the Contract stated made me aware of the loopholes I understood about this world.

Sure, I could flood the Planet with my people as yes men, it would just make the hidden problems worse...

And I need Local People as my shield, now I have to consider this universe public opinion on my actions, even a Tyrant would be painted as a Saint if people are more willing to side with him. And there are plenty of people that need work in Night City.

I dislike at the start of hiring the locals, because unlike them, the People in my System professed their loyalty toward me, and the locals may have their agenda like corporate sabotage.

And the people that were screwed over by the Corporations is the best way to hire. How can a person change their allegiance to the Corpos that screwed them over?

All I could think of is the Veterans, they are always screwed over regardless in the multiverse... Even my First life, Veterans were treated like garbage from some politician Dick measuring contest like my Neighbour grandfather that fought in Vietnam, "Monster" the rest of the neighbors called him for heading to a war that was not his own, In a land so far from home...Took his own life so that his family wouldn't label as the monster kindred, I hope that man rest in peace, And here its even worse. Veteran Aid is long cut away, Medical Issues and illness, missing limbs plagued them, Making them treated even worse than the Scavs... Some of them that were lucky enough to get into a gang like 6th street or a menial job that is even worse, others they are husks of themselves selling once top of the line military hardware to just meet ends meet...

If giving them a jobs, most of the people that is related to them will look at me a good light.

I better call Regina as while I am aware that she looks at people with Cyberpsychosis and ordered some non-lethal takedowns. Some of them were former military members and she was a Wartime Reporter so she might know a few Veterans that need aid.

"Hello?" Regina answer

"Miss Regina, It's me Alexander I need to call you something."

"Sure, what is it?"

"I am looking for Veterans, Regina, anyone that got screwed over by the Corporations used them and played them like a fiddle. Those are not having their mental issues to the extreme as I couldn't find a therapist to refer to."

"May I ask why?" She spoke as if I was planning something bad with her.

"I will give them a Job, to give them a second chance, I am lacking in Human Workforce, so they are the first to come to mind and they have diverse skillset of talents I need the most." I stated my piece.

There was several minutes of silence as she debated my proposal. She replied. "I am Sending One Name and One Address to one I know of. I want you to give reports about his progress as well any other people I am sending on your way. I am Betting My Faith in you Alexander, Don't screw me up."

"I won't Regina..." I simply said.

The call ended and a Name and Adress was given to me.



I stand in front of a decrepit Apartment, almost collapsing, perhaps a casualty of the Fourth corpo war or negligence of maintenance?? the floors creaked under my weight until I reached the door of the address that Regina gave..

I knocked the door and it showed a crack and a rough voice answered; "What do you want stranger?"

"Is this Sparrow? Abraham Sparrow?" I asked politely.

"Who's Asking?" The man behind the door asked suspiciously.

"Name's Alexander Solair, I am wondering if you are interested in a job offering?" I smiled.

"What job?"

"I am Here on Behalf of a Company by the name of "Wondertainment," And we provide several Job openings based on your skillset and what you are willing to do. We have positions in Security, Medicine, Mining, Research and Others." I explain making him skeptical of the pie that landed from the sky kind of skeptical.

"How Much is the Pay?" He asked as the creak of the door bit more opened.

"Depends on the field you plan to go to. Not included of our standard benefits or any extra cash earned during Company programs, Around, at 21k Salary Minimum." I stated.

The door widens to show the man before me.

"21K! You shitting me!? That is more than quintupled the average salary in Night city, Surely Your benefit plan can't be worth that much!" as Sparrow spittle almost reached Alexander face.

"Each Employee of Wondertainment will receive standard Cyberware and medical care, a monthly grocery. and those that go beyond the normal work in the Incentive performance program will receive the high grade Cyberware. You will have a choice to rent or purchase Employee housing once it set up, it would be totally yours until you die or violate the terms of employee housing." I handed him the Document...

He grabbed it and said; "Don't just stand there come in!" as He delved deeper into the room. I saw the place was tidy despite in a dire place, he still managed to make it clean... there was a Pictures of a younger version of him along with a group of men in a boot camp on the foyers "Semper Fi" was written in cursive... Abraham Sparrow, He was Old, some of his limbs were replaced by 3rd rate Cyberware leaving his right arm as he looked the documents using the light near the living room...

He checked and tripled check if there was any fine print to screw him over.

"If I signed this, How far are you setting up the housing?"

A month or two for the actual housing and furbishing it, I have some Barrack apartments and apartment for rent? I Inform him...

'Thank god, I got some housing from the Tygers.' I thought to myself as I witness Sparrow signed his signature.

"Well then, Consider me an Employee of Wondertaiment." He held out his organic hand and I grabbed it.

"Good to have you on board Mr. Sparrow." I shook his hands firmly. Cementing our deal.

[Time skip]

Mr. Sparrow is one of the easiest Veterans to convince in my recruitment drive. To my surprise he chooses security, I recalled I did have some Judge Dread Uniforms. Perfect theme for a Cyberpunk theme and Added a Omniversal shield belt. All he needed was to be cleaned up and medically healed and given better Cyberware. Starting from the Veterans, I entered to other parts of the city their people were abandoned by the corporations, and luckily got some of the resident's local of Night City. Providing a Small group with entry jobs.

[Time skip]

[Megabuilding H8]

Today I was there to oversee the grand opening of the Fantasy Food co. with Bis Isis witnessing the Event

"In Night City we been eating Kibbles, Synthethic Food stuffs pumped full of chemicals, and it contributed several heart diseases and leading death. Now this supermarket will be created for the health of the citizens of Night City, from people in humbling beginnings to the Highest Ivory towers of a Megacorps, All the food here are Organically grown and cost enough even those with the lowest income could afford, a Healthier Night City is a Better Night City. This place is the new beginning and soon the rest of the districts would have this Supermarket." I cut the Ribbon.

And Came a Horde of People that saw the promotional video rushed toward the Market like a Black Friday reenacting all over again. [Black friday for food... the Horror.]

Bis Approached me with shark grinning smile. While holding a plate of Chopped fruits.

"I Could see that it's a success?" Bis Smile as she chewed a slice pear...

"I hope so.. At least I might not see Malnutrition Cases coming in my hospital...Now would you excuse me, I have some business to attend to." I politely greeted goodbye...

As I turned behind the Mega building, several Corpo Agents were Dead on the alleyway and several Android Skitarii were dragging the corpses to a Insta-crematorium...

"Director, Several Rats were confirmed killed and there were others that were after Director Apple pie." As A Group Callidus informed me.

"Who did they belong to?" I calmly asked.

"Biotechnica and Kang Tao. Eversor Squad is currently hunting down the remains. Permission to proceed the hunt?" The Calidus finally finished her report.

"Do it. Touch my pies, they die." I given the Final Order.

[Kang tao Agent]

It was so Simple to do, Kill or Grab the Doctor and ship him to China if that fails, Make the people close to him hostage, what could possibly go wrong!

I mentally screamed as I run as fast as my cyberware could take me.

Several of my group is already dead. Either with a shot through the head or attacked by our former colleagues.. and the other group that was tasked to grab these three women... and we failed miserably....

There is a Safehouse in Japantown... I hope I don't get seen by those Crimson reapers...

Why do I feel... sleepy? I slowly touched my head and found it bleeding.... So am I dead..

A Man in a Black suit appear before him...

"Mission accomplished, Last Rat is dead..." he disappear Into the shadows....

Several agents from other corporation also met their same fate, Those that did survive were sent as to a Asylum as the Message goes.

"One Last Chance"