
[True Federation]: Traces of Rebellion part 1

In a Federation Fleet Center that oversees the fleet disposition across the stars, it held all the IFF tags of both Fleet Command and M.A.Rs fleets signatures, a officer noticed something was wrong...

"Oi, Fred come here, do you see something is wrong over here? Something doesn't add up." He asked the man next to him...

Fred who was a controller of directing another fleet in a sector, grumbling as he made his way over to the officer in question. "Clark, I told you, if there is something better important-" he looked at the screen that Clark was tasked managing...

"See here, there was approximately a hundred million ships entering the AQZ... And when they reached there, it was just two thirds of what exited the AQZ. And what make matter worse... Some of our defensive lines is somewhat undermanned... As if begging for a invasion..." Clark poitned out.

"You and your OCD, how on earth did you managed to get it?"

"I supposed that it is necessary, did they used the Warp Drives or the Regular Hyperdrive?" " If it's the former they will reached there in a few moments behind schedule."

"All of them use Hyperdrive...Shit, let me contact High Command. We need to clarify the situation or we will get our ass kicked like Johnny Rico." Fred stood up his desk and about to report to the abnormality of the situation.. Most of the Fleet is invading the Bug Territory and now the defenses is lacking... This is disturbing trend. As he approached the Comms room, he met a Officer waiting for him.

"That won't be necessary Mr. Fred. I am from FIB, Return to your duties." The officer voice sounded cold.

"I need to inform High Command. This situation is abnormal!"

"I repeat again... Return to your duties or face consequences" the Officer held out his handgun unlocking it's safety and pointed at Fred skull.

"Shit." As he forced to exited the comms station thinking of a method to inform the situation, he found Clark was dead in a pool of blood and several of his colleagues was killed. And a FiB Agent just fired his round at one of his coworker noticed his presence. He turned towards him and spoke in his radio.

"Is that the one?" The agent spoke in his comms.

"Leave no traces, have our own take their stations." Fred eyes widen as he about to escape, his legs was shot to prevent him from fleeing. He was mind was found into shock as he is bleeding slowly. The Agent that he met in the comms station approached him and shook his head as he readied his gun and pointed to a frantic Fred that was screaming for help..

"You shouldn't have poke into this. You would have been alive if you remained ignorant." He shot the man several times to ensure he was dead.

The gunshots didn't stirred alarm across the facility as everyone from the support staff to a janitor was killed and several men took over the dead staff roles as if nothing had happened, and the previous occupants was cremated and tossed in the garbage pit. And the blood they spilled was cleaned up.

They began directing Alexander fleets away from Mars to prevent reinforcements and give several confusing orders to open the borders, some of the fleet commander in the field question the orders but heeded nonetheless...

Two hidden Fleets that had their IFF tags turned off, began to invade Necron and Eldar controlled space, to destroy them at best or Delay them from helping Alexander at worst. (A/n: Are they sure to invade a Fully awaken Necron Tomb worlds or a Pre Slaanesh Eldar empire Eldars?)

And a Main Feet that contains the Emperor Class Battleship as it's head that they stolen from Alexander is heading towards mars, equipped with exterminatus grade weaponry to eradicate the terrafromed planet to extinction.

"May this save us from our destruction ..." One of them muttered as he watched the fleets began their warp drive and enter the sol system.

(3 days before Martian Air Day)

The Pilot known as Blizzard One arrived in a warehouse near the space port. It was dark and several individuals are waiting for him.

"Here's our protegee for this occasion." One of them chuckled. Only a light of a cigarette show a ghastly face in the darkness.

"He looks scrawny, not enough for me to eat." A feminine voice with a alluring voice echoed in the darkness.

"Aw man, you should have seen the looks on your faces when we got a brat in our ranks." Another spoke.

"Shut it and you and let's get down to business" a gruff voice spoke and a figure walked out in the light revealing a scarred man staring at the pilot.

"Are you blizzard one?" He asked.

The pilot nodded. As the man looked at the pilot with a disapproval look.

"They sent us a kid for this operation? Bunch of asshole bankers and fat cats from Wall street could hire a merc and we got a brat with no hair in his chest?" Another in the shadows looked at the pilot with disbelief.

"Can it! Anyway follow me and we will begin our briefing, Names Scar and I am Leading this mostley group of clowns." The Scarred man beckoned him to follow.

They followed the commanding officer and they reached to the basement revealing a Armoured Cores being assembled away from Alexander Skull probes.

It was one of many warehouses that was bought by different shell companies to start the fight. And they were allowed to do so with impunity as they didn't have a search warrant by the Martian Government and acted as a legitimate business dealing with corn and palm oil imports.

They enter a simplified briefing room below the warehouse and Scar took a quick look as the begin to plan.

"Since everyone is here, we are now ready to start now, Our main Objective is to kill Alexander Solair, And his Family with whatever means necessary. That simple that numbskulls as you bucket of mush would understand."

One of them pointed out.

"How on earth we do that? This is Alexander Solair for Christ sake! And Mars is the heavily defended planet in the Federation! Don't forget his personal forces as well as the Air coverage from the Air bases and from the Orbital dockyards that have those railguns defenses that would not hesitate to blast us into pieces! Don't forget the rumors of Astartes. And the fleets that he owe!" Of of the pilots cried out.

It was crazy to attack a target in a home base, and what makes them sure if they survived?

The commanding officer smiled as if he was waiting for that answer.

"We have several groups in place, And we managed to send infiltrators in the Star Fort, orbiting dockyards and the airbases, they managed to sabotage as much as possible in Alexander defenses, so they would be unable to assist their forces, And those Astartes? They are just propaganda to deter our forces. Alexander fleets is going along with Sky Marshall plans and if they refused it is a casus beli to consider M.A.Rs as a rogue organization."

It brought some uneasiness from his last sentence.

"Alright, we go in Seven group."

"Group Alpha is task to attack the Scholar Progenium of Mars and kill the Dean known simply as Horus Lupercal." Scar shown a picture of a bald man smiling on the camera.

"He looks like Professor Xavier in my comics!"

"But he is a important target, since Alexander and him have spent considerable affiliation. Taking him out is necessary. If not important. We already have several regiments agree from within the Scholar Progenium to assist us."

"Group theta that is us, is to Attack New Texas and keep the defense forces off our trail, destroy the population centers if you have to, they are just traitors anyway."

"Uhh, How the hell do we blend into the Capital?"

"There is a Mech Expo that show all the Mech designers around the Federation, we already have blended into that thanks to our Sponsor from America..."

"You mean the Abrahamic Arsenal is involved with this?"

The Abrahamic Arsenal was created after the decline of America influence after absorbing all the weapons company such as Raytheon and Springfield Armory, but it was still going strong. And produced some parts for the Warfront such as Starship parts and defensive weapons, however they were testing a walker system to leave a legacy behind, until Alexander already introduce Mech Warfare with a blaring introduction. Now they are dissatisfied with him and they along with several companies around the earth have thrown lots with the Rebels.

"Of course, along with several Weapons manufacture agreed to give us arms, in this ops this is simply just a weapons field testing, whether we win to keep their stockholders happy or we lose and we all share the blame."

"Group Epsilon is to attack Solair Estate and if you can capture Alexander family as hostages to dragged him out of hiding, if not kill them."

"Sounds easier than done, I heard this is harder to crack than the White House."

"Not our problem, let that group handle it."

"Group Meta is to Attack the M.a.rs headquarters known as Base Zero."

"Are the volunteers insane or suicidal?"

"Perhaps both is a necessity."

"And Group Beta is task to prepare the Anti-Matter Bombs that you managed to obtain in your last mission."

"Lastly, Group Meta is to hold the Space port and the space elevator to prevent any reinforcements from meddling with our affairs. This would be our final strike."

"And we would strike at the Martian Air Day. Any questions? Blizzard one?"

"Does Sky Marshall Amy Snapps approved in this operation?" The Pilot asked... Making the silence uncomfortable.

"Yes, she already given her blessings and hidden our involvment, and have one of our own managed to smuggled 30 mother bugs on this planet making it viable to be destroyed, regardless of what cost, even if Alexander managed to destroy us, the bugs will handle the final blow, our handiwork is simply just impeccable timing with her interest, Alexander Solair have touched many interest in every industry and almost everyone he pissed off, already paid for this operation. You have a few days for your Armor Cores to get ready for the Ops and you are dismissed."

(Day of the Air Day, New Texas)

Many citizens are happy to celebrate it since it was the first time they managed to live Ina Terraformed Planet similar to Earth, under a clear blue skies and almost all of them have a Day off to celebrate it, regardless of students or parents, it was a day to remember...

A day to remember indeed.

What was a day to celebrate, a day of relaxation with families, turned into a day of nightmare.

Almost every Air Bases station on this planet was blown up, Defenses that Alexander painstakingly build was destroyed. And the True Federation attacked. Missiles that supposed to launch glitter smoke in the skies, now rained on the citizens of Mars killing in the scores of thousands, Unmarked soldiers flooded the Streets, now beginning to gun down any people they meet, regardless of Age or gender .

The Police Department was crippled and unable to respond as several bombs have blown up the headquarters, making the units on the ground going blindly and force to make their own decisions in the ground. Many of the Mechs in the Expo now began to activate and now join into the fray.

As expected by the rebels, the Martians Planetary Defense forces reacted early and sent in a force to handle the situation the Invader's have caused.

Many called for reinforcements from Fednet and found that their communication is blocked from the outside world and the enemy have occupied the Space port and Elevator, Leaving them stranded. Calls of help and screams occur every minute, and the national Army is swarmed of just evacuating the civilians to M.A.Rs headquarters as they began to take control of the situation and organized a defensive formation...


"Blizzard One report in! We are supposed to get to district seven!" Scar yelled in his comms as sounds of gunfire was heard in the background.

The pilot in question was heaving for breath as he face one of the outdated Mech that is walking towards him slowly with a heat sword. His AC was damaged in several areas as the mech before him have given him much trouble...

"You piece of trash of machine, I have the best spec than you!" Blizzard spat in his comms telling the pilot Infront of him.

"This is no ordinary Zaku my foe, You brat is just wet behind your ears, if all you see is spec, you are sorely mistaken. It is not the mech but experience what counts." The pilot spoke as the mech activated his heart sword, red glow began to emanate from the sword raising it to its face, making the mech looked like a terrrify death god with its monoeye staring at him.

Blizzard launched his remaining missiles at the foes hoping to buy time, but the missiles were deflected and exploded in a void shield that briefly shown a while until it disappears...

The supposedly outdated Mech ran with speed and took out his rifle, forcing him to retreat by shooting smoke shells at the mech.

The suit just walked in the smoke unimpeded searching for his foe, until Blizzard One came from the skies and about to pierce him with his plasma sword. His AC was torn to shred by Several Basilisk shells and Lascannons from a nearby artillery vehicles and soldiers that managed to hidden in the shadows of the building, Had Blizzard One knew that he was goaded into a trap and the sides of the buildings was filled with soldiers and vehicles ready to kill him if the Mech didn't. The mech in question stood upon the corpse of his foe and simply turned around and search for the next battlefield to assist.

A sizeable force began to converged to the Scholar Progenium. They disregarded the Security units that defended the place.. Factories and Farmland that is within the structure Burning, Many of the students still living there as they were exchange students was sent to the evacuation zone as Transport manage to airlifted them to safety, And the Security teams were barely able to cope with the invaders, until a rumbling began to shake beneath them, several hole were bursts from the ground with the all too familiar Bugs began to swarm the Scholar Progenium from the depths...

Screams of traitors and loyalist alike echoed as the bugs don't differentiate who is their supposedly allies or enemies alike.

The planet is facing a Three front war.

Whoever wins, will get the fate of the Federation in their hands.