
Surviving The Moon's Curse

A group of high school friends stumble upon the secrets of vampires and wolves, completely by accident. Their discovery begins when they find a mysterious book called 'The Blood Moon'.

Moonlight_haruyuki · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 8: A Fight for Survival

3rd person POV:

It's night once again. The vampires have begun their hunt, while the wolves are already howling in the distance. The eerie noise echoes through the darkness, a haunting reminder of the other survivors who have fallen prey to the relentless vampires.

The remaining survivors have no choice but to seek refuge in hiding. They are powerless against the vampires, beings of unique strength and immortality. Vampires do not perish easily; their hearts do not beat, and they endure for centuries without facing death's embrace.

In a confrontation between a single vampire and hundreds of humans, the outcome is inevitable. The vampire's prowess surpasses that of mere mortals, rendering any resistance futile. Their swiftness outmatches the speed of an ordinary human, and their lack of a beating heart makes them impervious to conventional weapons.

Even if one attempts to shoot or stab a vampire, the efforts are in vain as they do not succumb to mortal wounds. The piercing gaze of a vampire mirrors the sharpness of a wolf's eyes, both possessing a keen sense that instills fear in those who cross their path.

As the night grows darker, the chilling presence of the vampires looms over the helpless survivors, a reminder of their dominance and unyielding nature in the face of mere mortals.

The night grew deeper as the weary survivors prepared to rest, exhausted by the harrowing events unfolding around them.

"The voices... Shouldn't we do something about them?" Dohwa's voice trembled with concern as he voiced the question that lingered in their minds.

"We are powerless..." Seo Han's voice carried a tone of resignation. They were left with no choice but to hide and endure, unable to confront the formidable strength of the vampires.

"The book... Where is the book? Perhaps it holds information about them..." Kijoon's words sparked a glimmer of hope as they collectively searched for the elusive tome.

"Ryu Min, weren't you the one in possession of the book?" Daehyun's inquiry directed towards Ryu Min, who appeared perplexed.

"Me?" Ryu Min's confusion was evident as he tilted his head in bewilderment.

"You lost the book?!" Kijoon's outburst echoed through the tense atmosphere, met with hushed reprimands from the others urging him to lower his voice.

"Why did you lose the book?" Jaehyun's grip on Ryu Min's shoulders tightened, his concern palpable.

"I didn't lose it! I simply don't know where it disappeared to when we were at the library that night," Ryu Min explained, attempting to clarify the situation.

"Idiot!" Daehyun's reproach was followed by a light tap on Ryu Min's head, eliciting a protest from the latter.

"Must we return to the school?" Minju interjected, contemplating their next course of action.

"Yes, we should return when daylight breaks," Kijoon asserted, a sense of determination in his voice as the group collectively nodded in agreement.

"By the way, has anyone seen Woo-jin?" Jihyun's inquiry shifted the focus to the missing member of their group.

"Huh?" Their collective confusion mirrored in their responses.

"Did he went outside..?" Kijoon's apprehensive question hung in the air, adding another layer of uncertainty to their already precarious situation.

A piercing scream echoed through the night, jolting the group into action.

"Is that... Woo-jin?" Seo Han's voice quivered with concern as the realization dawned upon them.

"Yes, it's Woo-jin!" Kijoon's urgency propelled him towards the door, swiftly followed by the rest of the group.

Daehyun seized an iron object and forcefully struck the vampire who was poised to sink his fangs into Woo-jin's neck. With a swift punch to the vampire's face, Daehyun disrupted the attack, but the vampire retaliated with equal ferocity.

The vampire swiftly regained his footing and launched a counterattack towards Daehyun, his speed proving a formidable challenge. Despite Daehyun's agile dodges, he sustained a minor injury in the skirmish.

In a sudden turn of events, the vampire maneuvered behind Daehyun, tightening his grip around his throat, cutting off his breath. As the vampire prepared to deliver the fatal bite, Daehyun struggled for air, his life hanging in the balance.

Ryu Min's eyes widened in shock as he witnessed the perilous encounter unfold before him. A surge of unfamiliar sensations coursed through his body as he heard the haunting words echo in his mind.

"By moonlight's glow, I shall transform,

Into a wolf, fierce and strong.

With every step, I feel the power,

In this moment, I embrace the hour.

Fur and fangs, I now possess,

A wolf's spirit, I confess.

Running wild, through the night,

In this form, I find my light.

From human to beast, I shift and change,

In the wilderness, I freely range.

With the moon as my guide, I am whole,

A wolf's essence, deep in my soul."

A sense of panic gripped Ryu Min as he grappled with the realization of his impending transformation. Desperate to conceal his secret, he fought against the primal urge to shift into his wolf form, but a subtle change began to take hold within his body, signaling a shift in his very essence.

thank you for reading!

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