
Surviving The Moon's Curse

A group of high school friends stumble upon the secrets of vampires and wolves, completely by accident. Their discovery begins when they find a mysterious book called 'The Blood Moon'.

Moonlight_haruyuki · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 6: who I cherish dearly

"Mom? Why are you always telling me about wolves and vampires?" Child Ryu Min asked to his mother.

"Sweetheart, I tell you stories about wolves and vampires because they hold a special place in my heart. Wolves are majestic creatures, symbolizing loyalty, family bonds, and the beauty of the natural world. Vampires, on the other hand, represent mystery, immortality, and the eternal struggle between light and darkness. These stories allow me to share important lessons with you, such as the power of unity, the importance of making choices based on love, and the potential for redemption. I believe that these mythical creatures can teach us valuable lessons about life, empathy, and the complexities of human nature." Ryu min looked at his mother Couldn't understand what she was saying. Her mother just chuckled. 

Ryu min looked at the book. 

"By moonlight's glow, I shall transform,

Into a wolf, fierce and strong.

With every step, I feel the power,

In this moment, I embrace the hour.

Fur and fangs, I now possess,

A wolf's spirit, I confess.

Running wild, through the night,

In this form, I find my light.

From human to beast, I shift and change,

In the wilderness, I freely range.

With the moon as my guide, I am whole,

A wolf's essence, deep in my soul."

As soon as he heard the chant, his body began to change. He was becoming a werewolf.

"N-no...this can't be," Ryu Min said, having a hard time as he fully transformed into a wolf.

The next day, Ryu Min woke up to the light coming through the crack in the window. He opened his eyes and scanned the room to see who was already awake. His eyes landed on Dohwa, who was beside him.

"Good morning," Dohwa greeted with a warm smile, catching Ryu Min's attention. Ryu Min looked at him and also smiled.

"Good morning," Ryu Min replied, the words carrying a sense of relief amidst the lingering echoes of the previous night

As he finally returned to normal, he began to feel a growing curiosity about who he truly was, or rather, what he truly was..

"Minju, what has happened to your arms? Why do you have a wound?" Their attention shifted to Minju and Jaehyun, who were partaking in their breakfast, or more accurately, simply eating some bread.

"It's nothing, just a cut. It's alright," Minju reassured Jaehyun. However, Jaehyun remained unconvinced, prompting him to rise and search for a first aid kit. He swiftly located it at the counter and returned to Minju to tend to the wound.

"You should be more careful!" Jaehyun scolded Minju.

"Yes, I understand," Minju replied with a half-hearted smile.

"What happened? Are you alright, Minju?!" Seo Han inquired with evident concern.

"Yes, I'm fine, don't worry," Minju responded, alleviating Seo Han's anxieties.

Dohwa's eyes widened as he noticed a wound on Ryu Min's cheek.

"Ryu Min! You also have a wound on your cheek!" Dohwa exclaimed, cupping Ryu Min's cheek and inspecting the injury.

"Huh? It's just a scratch, not as deep as Minju's," Ryu Min remarked, pouting slightly.

"Let's patch them up!" Dohwa proposed, ushering Ryu Min towards Minju, Seo Han, and Jaehyun.

"Is there any band-aid or patch? Ryu Min also has a wound!" Dohwa said with a hint of tears in his eyes.

"What?!" Daehyun and Jihyun exclaimed in unison. They promptly rose, searching for band-aids or patches.

"Are you okay, Ryu Min?" Seo Han asked, also teary-eyed. Ryu Min simply nodded, sweat forming on his brow.

"Here, don't cry, you crybabies," Kijoon remarked, handing them the band-aid.

"We've found a band-aid!" Daehyun and Jaehyun announced, slightly out of breath. They noticed the band-aid already adorning Ryu Min's cheek.

"Huh?" They both exclaimed, exchanging glances.

"Why didn't you mention you already had a band-aid!" Daehyun chided.

"Yeah, why?" Jihyun concurred.

"You were in such a rush to find a band-aid, how could we tell you?" Kijoon remarked.

"Guys, I also have wounds. Look!" Daehyun said, tears welling up.

"That won't work on us," Kijoon stated, walking away.

"I'll tend to them, Daehyun!" Seo Han volunteered, his eyes gleaming.

"No, it might worsen," Daehyun declined, also departing.

"Ehhh! It won't!" Seo Han protested, following Daehyun.

The others simply chuckled at the scene.

'Even if this world is a mess, we still do not forget how to smile and enjoy what we have. There is no way I can leave them behind,

for they are a source of joy and strength that I cherish dearly amidst the chaos..'