
Surviving The Moon's Curse

It all begins innocently enough when they uncover a dusty, leather-bound book hidden in the depths of the school library. The title, "The Blood Moon," beckons to them with an otherworldly allure. Little do they know that this chance discovery will lead them down a path shrouded in mystery and danger. As they delve into the pages of 'The Blood Moon,' they uncover ancient legends and prophecies that speak of vampires and werewolves, creatures of the night that have haunted the town for centuries. Initially, they believe that their world has been confined to these two supernatural beings, but soon realize that the truth is far more complex and treacherous. Their exploration of the book's secrets reveals a hidden realm teeming with all manner of supernatural entities - witches with dark magic, fae creatures with ethereal beauty, shapeshifters with cunning guises, and more. Each page turned unravels a new layer of intrigue, casting shadows on their once mundane existence. As the friends navigate this newfound world of secrets and shadows, they must confront their own fears and desires, forging unlikely alliances and facing unimaginable challenges. Together, they unravel the mysteries of 'The Blood Moon,' uncovering a web of deceit and betrayal that threatens to consume them all. Will they unravel the mysteries hidden within 'The Blood Moon' and emerge unscathed, or will they be consumed by the darkness that threatens to engulf them? Only time will tell as they navigate the treacherous path laid out before them, where the line between friend and foe blurs, and the true nature of their own inner beasts is revealed.

Moonlight_haruyuki · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 5: The Power Within

3rd person's POV:

They continued to wander the streets until they stumbled upon a convenience store. They entered and began to gather some food.

"Are we going to pay? There's no one looking after the counter," Ryu Min asked, walking towards the counter.

"GAHH!" Ryu Min shouted suddenly, grabbing the attention of the others who turned to look at him.

"What happened?" Jaehyun asked, his expression filled with concern.

"T-there's a child!" Ryu Min said, pointing at a boy who was hiding behind the counter.

"What?" Ki Joon exclaimed as they all approached the counter.

"Are you okay?" Dohwa asked the boy gently.

The boy simply stared at them, fear evident in his eyes.

"We're not going to hurt you. It's okay. You can trust us," Ryu Min reassured the boy, hoping to ease his fears.

"M-my b-brother..." the boy muttered, tears streaming down his face.

"Hey, don't cry. What happened?" Daehyun inquired, his voice filled with concern.

"M-my brother... he saved me, and he..." the boy's words were interrupted by his uncontrollable sobbing.

Ryu Min instinctively embraced the boy, offering comfort in the face of the tragedy they had just learned of. They couldn't change what had happened, but they could be there for the boy in his time of need.

The boy eventually fell asleep in Ryu Min's arms, exhausted from the emotional turmoil. The group sat in silence, contemplating the weight of the situation.

"It's getting dark. We should stay here until it's day," Ki Joon suggested, breaking the silence. The others nodded in agreement.

They stood up, their focus now on finding a way to secure the convenience store and ensure their safety throughout the night.

The group searched the convenience store for any means to secure the entrance. They found a metal gate in the back storage area that could be pulled down to block the entrance. Working together, they managed to slide the gate into place, creating a barricade that would provide some level of protection.

As darkness enveloped the streets outside, they gathered inside the convenience store, finding a corner where they could rest and keep watch. They knew they had to stay alert, as danger could still lurk in the shadows.

The night passed slowly, each member of the group taking turns keeping watch. The silence was broken only by the occasional sound of distant footsteps or the rustling of leaves in the wind. Fear and uncertainty hung in the air, but they drew strength from one another's presence.

It's a full moon. Many vampires were looking for survivors. They can a wolves sound. And it's looks like somethings happening between these two. They can't do anything but to stay silent while someone is fighting outside. 

It's a full moon, and many vampires were searching for survivors. Suddenly, they heard the sound of wolves, and it seemed like something was happening between these two groups. They were forced to stay silent as they witnessed a fight unfolding outside.

All of them eventually fell asleep, except for Ryu Min. He was in excruciating pain and struggled to bear it as he got up and made his way to the bathroom. Once there, he looked at himself in the mirror and saw his eyes - they were red, resembling a vampire's eyes. His body was wracked with agony.

Groaning from the pain, Ryu Min covered his mouth with his hands to prevent the others from hearing him. It felt as though his body was undergoing a transformation. Despite the pain, he quietly ran outside, distancing himself from his friends, vampires, and wolves, so as not to arouse suspicion.

He soon realized that his body was indeed changing as he gazed at the full moon. Memories flooded his mind, triggered by the sight.


In the cozy living room of their house, a woman in her thirties sat on the couch with her son, Ryu Min. She was telling him a story about wolves.

"Long ago, wolves and vampires were enemies locked in a bitter feud. The most powerful vampire and the most powerful wolf were destined to bring peace to their races. However, two rulers, Viktor and Luna, fell in love and chose to abandon their fated roles. They fled to the human world, leaving behind their warring races. In the human realm, Viktor and Luna lived a happy life, free from the burdens of their past. Their love story became a symbol of forgiveness and redemption. Meanwhile, the wolves and vampires continued their conflict, unaware of Viktor and Luna's departure. But their story inspired whispers of unity and peace among their races. Slowly, the wolves and vampires began to question their animosity and seek common ground. The legacy of Viktor and Luna lived on, offering hope for a futurewhere wolves and vampires could coexist in harmony."