
Surviving The Last Of Us World

This book is fan fiction for the game "The Last of Us" and will include characters from other Apocalypse games. Currently joining: Game version of The Walking Dead, Metro Exodus. ....... I didn't write this ...... patreon.com/kibishi718

kibishi718 · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 56 / Part 2

But just then, a cold gust of wind suddenly blew onto his face from the left side, immediately catching his attention.

"Hmm? What's this..."

It was a window that hadn't been securely closed. The cold wind kept pouring in through the not-so-large gap. But what really drew his attention was the corpse sitting below the window, its head drooping.

Unlike other places with corpses, this room was open. And judging from the lack of decay, this corpse had clearly died more recently than those downstairs. A preliminary assessment would put its death within the past week.

Stepping quickly into the room, Corbett observed the corpse. Its right hand gripped a gun, and there was a hole in its head, indicating a suicide.

Then he turned his head to look at the twisted, tattered notebook and a package placed beside the corpse on the left side. Without hesitation, he bent down and picked up both items.

Opening the package's zipper, Corbett found it filled with various medicines. A slight smile formed on his lips as he handed it to the soldier behind him.

But just as he was about to flip through the notebook, instructions came through the radio on his body:

"Reporting, sir, all areas of minus one floor have been searched, no traces of infected individuals found. However, the route to the underground parking lot entrance is blocked. Clearing it will take longer. We request permission to proceed to the outside and open the fast door to enter the underground parking lot."

"Blocked off?"

Hearing this news, Corbett's brow furrowed. Considering, under normal circumstances, he would prioritize clearing the route. After all, it was underground, and any incident could be better managed there. It was also safer.

But then he looked at the row of vehicles on the street outside the window, feeling conflicted. Every minute they spent here meant another minute of freezing for the people hiding in the cars outside. After hours of travel, many of them were already in poor condition. If they didn't find a place to warm up...

Squinting his eyes, Corbett took a deep breath, thinking that there were no abnormalities in the outpatient lobby and it seemed safe on the second floor as well. No infected individuals had appeared upstairs. It appeared there were no infected individuals here.

"It should be fine..."

With a sense of relief, he picked up the radio and said, "Understood. Proceed to the outside, and enter the parking lot from there. But if you encounter any issues, report to me immediately."

"Yes, sir!"

After closing the radio, Corbett rubbed his temples. He didn't know why, but his head had been aching faintly since earlier.

But he shook his head, suppressing the discomfort, intending to see a military doctor after the search was completed.

Focusing again on the notebook in his hand, Corbett reached out to flip through it. Much of the front content had been torn by someone, and the remaining part was stained with blood, making it impossible to read what was written.

Only the last few pages of the notebook were clear enough to read:

"November 3, 2013. Milo's condition worsened again. The weather is getting colder. If we don't find antibiotics soon, he won't last long. I don't know why Steven insists on dragging this burden. We can barely survive ourselves!"

"November 4, 2013. Damn it! They actually agreed to Joyce's proposal to raid the hospital, where it's all infected individuals. I can't understand Steven. Watching them make this decision recklessly, I'm considering whether I should eliminate this burden in advance..."

"November 5, 2013. Damn it, the pharmacy has been emptied. Looks like they're determined to raid the hospital. Joyce has been taking care of that guy. I couldn't find a good opportunity. Maybe I should act while they're asleep at night?"

"November 6, 2013. Yesterday I failed again. Why is Joyce so concerned about that guy? Steve and a few others have already scouted the hospital. Now it's just Joyce and me here. They're about to act soon. Today may be my last chance..."

"November 7, 2013. Joyce sensed my intention. She called me out alone, and we had a big fight. Am I really wrong? Even though I'm reluctant, I've missed my last chance. I'm preparing to use the weapons at hand. Steve is my brother. I can't just sit back and watch him take risks alone. I glared at Joyce fiercely, feeling angry. If a companion dies in this action, I will definitely teach her a lesson, because she's responsible for all of this!"

"Dead! Dead! Dead! All my brothers are dead. That bitch Joyce actually ran away for that package of medicine, ignoring everyone's lives. I should have killed that damn burden Milo long ago. But she didn't enjoy her victory for long. I caught her. I tied her up and threw her into the dark parking lot, watching all the infected individuals enter the parking lot. I sealed off the route. Listening to her begging and screaming from inside, I felt immensely satisfied!"

"I raided the pharmacy to deal with Milo, but ironically, his body had already gone cold. This guy had died last night, yet that bitch didn't say anything!!!"

"I buried all my brothers. This room has the best view. Unexpectedly, it's snowing today. The street without infected individuals looks really beautiful. Living like this is really tiring. Goodbye, damn world..."


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