
Surviving the End Times

When Catastrophes Strike: Surviving the World's Tremendous Changes Suddenly, natural disasters descended upon the world, beginning with extreme heat, followed by extreme cold, earthquakes, heavy fog, eternal night, and acid rain. Struggling to survive in the apocalypse for ten years, Su Nian ultimately perished in a downpour of acid rain. Upon awakening once again, Su Nian discovered that he had been reborn, with only three months remaining until the apocalypse. Upon finding a massive personal storage space among his family heirlooms, Su Nian set his first goal after rebirth—to spend 21 billion and fill the space with supplies! From then on, Su Nian began his hoarding spree. Rice, flour, oil? Buy! Chicken, duck, fish, meat? Buy! Clothes, hats, shoes, socks? Buy! Jerky, chicken feet, hot pot, potato chips, spicy strips, snail noodles—not one can be missed!

DaoistPnS6It · Urban
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72 Chs

She Also Loves Eating Meat

The wild boar was gradually approaching, and Su Nian dared not hesitate for a moment, immediately lifting her legs and running to the side.

Jing Mo's reaction was not slower than Su Nian's. He also ran towards the other side, not forgetting to shout to Su Nian, "If possible, climb a tree and shoot as much as possible. Avoid close combat!"

In this icy and snowy environment, with thick snow, their mobility was inferior to that of the wild boar.

In such a situation, close combat was simply not suitable.

Su Nian also understood this, "I got it, you be careful too."

The two of them ran apart and reached the edge of the tree before the wild boar came charging.

But with their thick clothing, climbing a tree was not an easy task.

Su Nian glanced at the large tree in front of her and realized that she couldn't climb up in a short time, so she gave up directly.

Turning around quickly, Su Nian raised her wooden slingshot and aimed at the wild boar.

However, Su Nian had hardly ever fired a gun. Even shooting at stationary objects required careful aiming, let alone a wild boar running wildly.

A shot was fired, the bullet grazed the back of the wild boar, and finally hit a tree, making a loud bang.

The wild boar originally didn't have a clear target, but because Su Nian fired a shot, it immediately changed direction and charged straight towards Su Nian.

Seeing this scene, Jing Mo immediately tightened his grip on the gun, subconsciously preparing to shoot.

But before he could take any action, he saw Su Nian without any hesitation, bang bang bang, firing several shots in succession.

Su Nian's marksmanship wasn't very accurate, but in this rapid-fire situation, the wild boar was still hit.

The wild boar howled, then fell sideways onto the snowy ground, sliding several meters away.

Coincidentally, the direction the wild boar slid in was where Jing Mo was.

"Jing Mo! Be careful!"

Upon hearing this, Jing Mo's mouth curved slightly, he raised his hand, aimed the gun, and without any hesitation, pulled the trigger.

The bullet shot out, hitting the wild boar right in the forehead.

The wild boar, which had been howling just moments ago, after a couple of whimpers, fell silent completely.

The body of the wild boar stopped about two or three meters away from Jing Mo.

Jing Mo raised his hand and waved towards Su Nian, "I'm fine!"

Su Nian naturally knew he was fine.

She had clearly seen the shot Jing Mo had just taken.

It was decisive and extremely accurate.

Jing Mo's marksmanship was extraordinary!

Step by step, Su Nian, with some difficulty, walked up to Jing Mo, "Your marksmanship is excellent!"

Jing Mo nodded, "As a weapons dealer, of course I need to be proficient in various weapons, otherwise how can I sell them?"

When he said this, Jing Mo's tone contained no hint of pride or boastfulness, just stating a fact.

"How can I improve my marksmanship to be as good as yours?"

Jing Mo scratched his head, "To improve marksmanship, of course, you need to practice more. When we were at the base, you didn't have much chance to practice. Now that we're out, you can practice more. Since our speed isn't fast, I'll drive later, and you can find targets to shoot by yourself."

Su Nian had to admit that Jing Mo's advice was very practical.

But a bullet costs as much as 5 grams of gold!

Who knows how many bullets she would need to use before she could have marksmanship like Jing Mo's.

However, Su Nian also understood that nothing comes for free. If she wanted something, she had to give something in return.

Not to mention there's no such thing as a free lunch. Even if there were, Su Nian wouldn't dare to eat it.

The matter of practicing marksmanship could be discussed later, but for now, what should they do with this wild boar?

When she had looked at it from afar before, she had thought the wild boar was quite large.

Now that the wild boar was right in front of her, Su Nian realized it was even bigger than she had imagined.

It probably weighed at least two to three hundred kilograms, maybe even five to six hundred catties.

There was no way it could fit in the car, and even if it could, Su Nian didn't want to stay close to the corpse of a wild boar.

Before Su Nian could come up with a solution, she heard Jing Mo say, "I have steel wire rope with me. Let's tie it up and hang it behind the snow sweeper!"

Jing Mo also brought a backpack about half a person tall, which was filled to the brim.

But Su Nian hadn't expected Jing Mo to have steel wire rope inside.

It seemed she hadn't considered everything comprehensively enough!

Su Nian secretly made a note of this and decided that after getting back into the car later, she would put the steel wire rope into her backpack while taking the opportunity to organize things.

Maybe they would encounter other prey later, and it would be useful then.

Jing Mo quickly returned to the car and soon brought down a bundle of steel wire rope.

The two of them worked together to tie up the wild boar, and then attached the other end of the rope to the snow sweeper before returning to the car.

Having been outside for so long, both of them were quite cold.

The car was originally equipped with air conditioning, and with the heat from the small stove, it was still twenty or thirty degrees warmer inside compared to outside.

The moment Su Nian entered the car, she even felt the warmth inside like spring.

But after sitting down for a while and relaxing, she began to feel a bit cold again.

Su Nian opened the thermos, poured herself and Jing Mo each a cup of hot water.

When the hot water was just poured out, it steamed, and when drinking, they had to take small sips, hold it in their mouths for a while, and then swallow.

After being frozen, a person's sensitivity to temperature would decrease.

Hot boiling water poured into the mouth might not even be felt.

But if swallowed directly, it could scald the throat.

After slowly finishing a cup of hot water, Su Nian felt a little warmer all over.

Checking the time, it was almost noon.

Su Nian suggested, "Why don't we eat something before we continue on the road?"

Otherwise, they would have to stop again for lunch after driving for a short while, which would waste time.

Jing Mo had no objections to this, but he was more concerned about what they would eat for lunch.

Jing Mo opened his backpack first and took out two cans of meat and a pack of biscuits.

The biscuits were frozen solid, and Su Nian felt they were probably harder than bricks.

Looking at the biscuits, Su Nian felt her teeth ache.

"Forget about the biscuits. I have self-heating rice. Let's eat this, it's more convenient and faster. If you want to eat meat, you can boil those two cans of meat

 in a pot."

Jing Mo nodded repeatedly, "Eat, eat, eat! How can we do without meat?"

Hearing Jing Mo's words, Su Nian couldn't help but look at him more.

She hadn't noticed before, but she didn't expect Jing Mo to be a carnivore.

But coincidentally, she also loved eating meat!

Su Nian placed a small iron pot on the stove, opened the cans, and poured all the braised pork inside into the pot.

The braised pork had already frozen into solid chunks. After pouring it into the pot, it soon started sizzling and emitting steam, spreading a fragrant aroma.

While this was happening, Su Nian took out two boxes of self-heating rice from her backpack.

By the time the self-heating rice was ready, the braised pork in the pot was already bubbling.

Without any hesitation, the two of them dug in, each immersed in their own meal.

Although they were inside the car, where the temperature was higher than outside, if they didn't eat quickly, the food would soon cool down.

If it cooled down, it would become hard as a rock, making it difficult to chew.

Hastily eating, when they reached the end, the food was still cold.

But neither of them minded and finished the last two bites of rice.

Jing Mo looked at the box of natural rice in his hand, "This box is of good quality. It's a pity to throw it away. I'll wash it, maybe it'll come in handy later."