
37. Sharing Sunshine Once Again

April, 2010

"Hey, Rodgers, there's two more out there."

Rick looked up from where he sat on his bunk. The other man, a fellow inmate, had paused uncertainly by the open doorway, intimidated by Salesi's glare. Rick didn't remember the guy's name; he was one of a parade of inmates who happened to be 'walking by' and wanted to speak to Rick.

"Ok, thanks for the information." Rick went back to looking at his notes while Salesi continued to guard their cell.

Overnight, Rick had become a celebrity within Nuutania. The local evening news and late night news had been full of the footage of Martha standing in front of the prison pleading for her son's release. There was also video of crews trying to get statements from the prosecutor and judge that had presided over his trial, without any measurable success. His former defense attorney had holed up somewhere and was 'unavailable.'

With the first broadcast of the story, Rick found himself not only a much more popular inmate, but one that suddenly everyone 'knew all along' was innocent. They called him by his real name, even the guards. No one was willing to risk the wrath of an innocent man who clearly would soon be walking free. Especially an innocent, filthy-rich, world famous man.

Despite the about face from seemingly every inmate and guard in the prison, Rick had chosen to stick close to Salesi. They remained in their cell unless absolutely required to leave. It was now mid-morning the day after he'd seen his mother and Afaitu. The new in vogue game in the prison was for those whose cells faced the parking lot to report on the arrivals of more news crews. Apparently the tarmac was beginning to look like a convention of satellite trucks, news crews, and the merely curious. Some enterprising locals had also arrived in their food trucks, eager to cash in on the whole spectacle.

Salesi and Rick had no TV to watch in their cell, so those without a direct view of the circus comforted themselves by being glued to the TV and racing to bring news to Rick from that front. He'd learned this morning that his mother and Afaitu were once again holding court in the parking lot, granting interviews and repeating their pleas for Rick's release.

Tahiti was certainly receiving attention. Flights into Papeete had been packed with news crews racing to make it to the island. There were reports of tourists being offered thousands of dollars for their seats on an inbound flight. Hotels were similarly snapped up. Everyone wanted to be there before Rick's release, though no one had heard when that might be, including the man it concerned the most.

Recognizing that this was news of an international magnitude, a few of the local stations had basically been broadcasting nothing but the topic of Richard Rodgers from 8 that morning. They'd struggled to fill airtime, initially, since not much was known about the man currently. So, they'd been showing old footage from the original survivors of the Iriata, then later footage of the man who would be convicted of being himself.

The Presidential Manor was also under siege. Guessing that President Grollet was the only one with the ability to release Rick immediately, by granting him a special pardon, several reporters had staked out the house. Grollet had not yet made a statement about the situation, nor had he been seen in public since the story broke. This fact was starting to lead to speculation amongst the various journalists. The two men had, after all, been on the same boat for days. It seemed strange that the President had yet to publicly comment on the incredible news.

Not to be outdone, news agencies in the States had tried to get interviews with people from Rick's life before his disappearance. They were generally unsuccessful, mostly because he hadn't had many friends or close acquaintances, and his mother was, of course, already in Papeete. However, Rick had heard from a breathless inmate that a school friend named Harold had just been on TV talking about what a great guy Rick had been. Rick just rolled his eyes. He didn't remember Harold.

One worrisome trend had come out of the race to fill air time: rehashing the stories of all the people involved in the shipwreck. People were very familiar with Grollet's rise to fame and fortune. Tane, less so, but he was known to be a close friend of the President. Tamahere was an unknown entity after the rescue. No real trace of him had been found in the few hours they'd had to look for him. It was well known that Arenui had died on the way to Raivavae, and that his death had altered the course of the boat dramatically. Finally, the life of Kate Beckett was brought up.

This last terrified Rick; it was all he could do to stay in the cell and act nonchalant when inmate after inmate relayed the questions the broadcasters were asking. If Rick were alive, after Grollet himself had claimed he was dead, what about Kate Beckett? Perhaps she'd also survived? Then there were the questions as to where he'd been all this time. An abbreviated search had been done ten years ago, mostly to recover the ship. No trace had been found of the ship or the three bodies left behind. No one had any idea where the ship had even wrecked.

But, with palpable evidence that it had wrecked near enough an island for someone to survive, a debate sprang up once more as to where it could be. Which desolate rock was just bountiful enough for someone to survive on for ten years? The thought of someone out there looking for it—finding her before he had a chance to look—it was paralyzing.


It was yet another inmate. This one was a TV watcher, one who'd been in earlier to tell them that the Mayor of New York had released a statement relaying how happy he was that his old friend had been found alive. Rick had no idea that Bob had made it all the way to mayor, but was happy for him. They'd met in college and remained friends for years, though he wouldn't say he was a close friend.

"Rodgers, you didn't tell me you were married."

Rick's heart stopped beating. No one knew except for Afaitu, Tamahere, his mother and Jim Beckett, and they only because they'd read his account of his beautiful wedding. He'd not even told Salesi. Closing his eyes, he succumbed to despair. They knew. Somehow they knew. And he'd never find her in time, not while still stuck in here.

"She's hot."

Huh? Kate was on TV? He looked up at the other man, tears still in his eyes. Mistaking the emotion for relief and joy over hearing about his wife, the other man continued.

"TV just said she's on her way here from Los Angeles."

"What?!" What? Rick shook his head, not sure this wasn't some surreal nightmare.

"Yeah, she's flying in to be with you. You ever think she looks a lot like your mom?" Seeing the look of utter confusion on Rick's face, he added, "You know, the red hair and everything."

Rick's mouth did his best impression of a fish. 'Oh. Fuck.' was the best his brain could come up with.

Another hour passed, with nothing more exciting than two more ulcers erupting in Rick's already raw stomach. Jesus. Meredith was coming. And telling the world she was married to him. Which was patently false and perhaps the most laughable thing in the world. His wife was the complete opposite of Meredith. But it wasn't exactly something he could tell the world, could he?

"Rick." Salesi addressed him in a rare moment when the revolving circuit of inmates bringing him 'information' was currently off.

"Yeah?" Rick was lying down now. Pillow over his eyes. He'd known announcing his identity would be news, but this was far more reaction than he'd ever anticipated.

"It's gonna be fine."

Rick felt like sobbing some more, but he wasn't sure he had any tears left to give. He thought he'd been quiet, but the gentle giant was much more perceptive than most people gave him credit for.

"You'll be outta here, soon. Then you fix whatever it is that's wrong."

"God, I hope I can. I hope I can pull this all off, Salesi."

"You can. You're strong."

Rick felt guilty for not telling him everything, but with Salesi having to stay behind, it was just safer. He trusted the man, but there was nothing Salesi could do to help them from Nuutania, so there was no need for him to know everything. He was smart though; he'd figured out there was more to the story, but also smart enough to know he didn't need to know the details. He was truly a good friend.

"Thanks, Salesi. I appreciate that. You know, I'll do everything I can to help you. After I…after….after this is all over."

"Don't worry about me. Go help Kate."

Rick stared at his friend. "H-how?" he coughed.

"You talk in your sleep. No worries, I won't say anything. But you help her first, then me."



Rick looked up to see who was calling his name now. This time, it was a guard.

"Your lawyer and your mother are here to see you."

Rick nodded, started to hop down from his bunk, but the guard wasn't done speaking.

"Bring all your stuff. Rumor has it that the President is on his way."

Rick swallowed, hard. This might be it. He might be hours from being able to start looking for her.


He turned, looking at Salesi.

"Good luck." The Samoan wrapped him in a giant, bone crushing hug.

"Thank you, Salesi. Thank you for everything."

"No problem. Now, go meet your mom."

Rick nodded, then gathered his few belongings. He left the paper and pens for Salesi.

Following the guard, he was taken to a much nicer room than the usual meeting place. This one was carpeted, had several plush chairs and a large table. It was far from luxurious, but in Nuutania it was probably the nicest room in the place.

Afaitu and his mother were shown in not long after he'd been left alone.

Martha rushed to her son, giving him a big hug and kiss. Afaitu shook his hand.

"How did your night go?"

Rick explained that he'd become an overnight celebrity.

"That would account for this new room, then. Even the prison warden must see that your release is imminent."

"The guard that brought me here said that the President might be on his way."

"Yes, the reporters nearly fainted when they heard that rumor. Their colleagues at the Presidential Manor called and informed them that his limo had been spotted leaving the compound. However, they do not know for sure where he was headed."

"Do you think I'll be released today?"

"I would be surprised if you're not. Just in case, Mrs. Rodgers has brought you some clothes."

Martha emptied her bag onto the table. "Darling, I don't know your size anymore. I guessed, and ended up buying a couple of different ones just in case."

"Thank you, mother."

"You're welcome, Richard. Oh, this is so exciting. Have you seen any of the reports on TV?"

Rick explained he'd stayed in his room, but how information had been ferried his way.

"I just watched a little on the TV in the hotel room last night, Richard. I knew I needed my sleep for today. But it appears that the whole world knows about you. They all seem to be cheering for you. Thank goodness for Jim, he's been screening my calls from New York. Everyone wants to talk to me, and once you're released it will be the same. If not worse."

Rick grimaced. "Speaking of which, one of the inmates watching TV came and told me that Meredith was on the news saying that we were married?"

"What?" Martha gasped. "Why would she do that?"

"I have no idea. Have you heard from her since I disappeared?"

"Not really. I saw her briefly just after the story broke that you'd been lost at sea. She told me how sorry she was that things hadn't worked out and she missed you." Martha fell silent for a few seconds, then took a deep breath. "You know, come to think of it, I did see her once more. I was getting ready to pack up your apartment, and I got a call from the super telling me that Meredith had shown up. She thought she'd left some items there, so I told the super to let her in. I got there just as she was leaving. She had a small bag, told me she'd found what she wanted."

Rick shuddered. "I can't imagine she had anything of value there. Why would she say we're married now?"

"I have no idea, darling, but you know how she is about publicity. This story is huge, and I'll bet she's just trying to cash in on the whole thing."

"Well, it's ridiculous. They apparently are reporting that she's on her way here. Just what I need to deal with on top of everything else."

"Maybe that's a good thing," Afaitu said, startling Rick.

"Huh? How do you figure?" Afaitu clearly didn't know the drama that swirled around Meredith.

"Just think. If there's some actress from the States that shows up claiming to be your wife, Grollet and the rest will have even less reason to think you'll be looking for Kate. Meredith will serve as a distraction."

Rick had growled at the mention of Meredith being his wife, but by the time Afaitu got done talking, he realized it was a good idea. Not one that he liked, but still a good idea.

Afaitu, seeing that Rick was listening to him, and not rejecting the idea out of hand, pressed his advantage. "Remember, Grollet is probably on his way here. That's partly the reason we're in a nicer room than usual. He's going to want to be part of this, try to spin it in his direction. If you say something about your wife coming, he might relax a bit."

"But she's not my wife. I won't do that to Kate. And what about the fact that no one's heard of her until I was found alive? Where was she when I disappeared?"

"Fine, call her your secret fiancée. Or, don't say anything about her story except that she's not your wife. Don't deny anything else. It will only be a lie by omission. As for where she's been, I'm pretty sure Meredith will have some explanation for that. Grief stricken, unable to face the press back then."

Rick snorted. That would be the day. Meredith, press shy.

Afaitu grinned at him. "No matter what else happens, know that you are very close to being free to pursue your search, find your wife. Keep that goal firmly in mind and forget about the drek."

Rick stood from the chair next to his mother and hugged Afaitu. "Thank you so much for everything you've done."

"It's not over yet, Richard Rodgers. I want to meet this wife of yours and finish reading your story about life on the island."

"You will. I hope to write a lot more in it before it ends."

They spent the next half hour discussing how to handle Grollet and the inevitable press conference. Assuming he was released later that day, though they'd heard nothing further on the matter.

A knock at the door interrupted them. The warden of the prison entered, clearly nervous.

"Mr. Rodgers, I just wanted you to know that President Grollet will be arriving in another hour or so. He's indicated to me that you'll be pardoned and released."

"Oh, thank God," Martha exclaimed. She shook out a tissue and started dabbing her eyes again.

"I've come to offer you the use of the showers and a barber if you desire; I was told your mother brought you some clothes?"

Rick nodded. Making eye contact with Afaitu, he saw that the man wanted him well groomed for the coming press interviews. He decided he would shave, to look more like the man he'd been in New York: Richard Castle. More people would identify with that picture than the bearded sailor known as Rodgers.

"Oh, and I almost forgot," the warden said, just before leaving the room, "here are your personal effects that we were holding for you after your incarceration here." He dropped a paper bag on the table with the clothes Martha had purchased for him. "I hope your stay with us wasn't entirely horrible, Mr. Rodgers."

Rick managed not to respond to this last comment, though his silence was in no way reassuring to the warden. The man turned tail and scuttled off after Rick refused to lie through his teeth and simper about how it hadn't been so bad.

Finding his eye drawn back to the paper bag, he tried to remember what he might have had on his person that would now be found in this bag. Clothes were definitely not worth keeping; he'd been in threads by the time he was found. But—maybe—something of her. Could it have survived all this time? He shuffled a step forward, intending to open the bag, but afraid to find nothing but fibers. His mother beat him to it.

"Well, let's see what you had with you," Martha said, dumping the bag out unceremoniously. "Threadbare and filthy clothes, a knife, some water bottles, long empty. Oh, what's this?"

Rick looked up to see her holding a cord with a wooden ring hanging from it. His wedding ring. It had made it. Survived, just as they had. Muffling a sob, he snatched the cord from her hands and fell to his knees, cradling it in his hands. Ignoring the tears streaming from his face, and the strange looks from his mother and Afaitu, he simply knelt on the floor and held that small piece of her in his hands.

Violent shaking of his shoulders eventually penetrated his consciousness; brought him back from her, from their time together. His mother peered at him in concern.

"Richard, what is it?"

He held it up to her, an offering in the palm of his hands. Seeing it there, it suddenly registered with Martha what it must be.

"Oh, darling. I'm so glad it made it all this way with you. Here, let's put it back where it belongs."

She took the cord and secured it about his neck. A feeling of rightness, of deep contentment, suffused him. Whatever the coming days brought him, she was there with him. Over his heart, which she fully occupied. He choked on another sob, then was once again enveloped by his mother's arms.

"She's waiting for you, Richard. Now, you need to go shower and shave. Then meet with this man, this president, and convince him and the rest of the world you're simply thrilled to be back and believed. Do it for her- for Katie."

Rick nodded, then slowly stood. He grabbed the pile of new clothes and followed one of the guards to the showers. They must have been for the staff, as they were far nicer than the ones for the inmates. He luxuriated under the spray, washing the stench of the prison off and kissing his ring several times. Drying off, he dressed in some khaki pants and a blue button down shirt his mother had bought. He knew she'd picked the colors on purpose. He had an image to project, and his mother was an expert at the presentation part of the illusion.

He found the barber waiting for him outside the showers, and was treated to a quick trim and an expert shave. It felt very odd to be beardless in the first time for…well, a decade or more. He wondered what Kate would think of it; she'd never known him without facial hair.

Looking in the mirror, he didn't recognize the stranger staring back at him. He was thin, but fit. Handsome and confident. But the eyes…they were haunted. Rick knew they'd stay this way until he found her. Practicing a few fake smiles, he returned to the room with Afaitu and his mother, after kissing his ring one last time. It was hidden beneath his shirt, so no one should notice it.

Martha let out a squeak when she saw her clean-shaven son, and ran to give him another tight hug.

"Richard, you look more like yourself." She ran her hand over his freshly revealed cheeks.

"It feels strange," he admitted. "The clothes look ok?"

"Yes, perfect."

Another knock on the door interrupted them. This time several men in suits entered, followed by a man Rick would never forget for as long as he lived.

"Mr. Rodgers. It has been a very long time, but such a welcome sight you are," oozed the oily voice of Henri Grollet.

Rick took a deep breath. He'd mentally prepared for this moment, but to be physically in the same room as the man? It took more effort to restrain himself from snapping the snake's neck than he'd expected.

"Mr. Grollet. It's nice to see you again."

The snake slithered across the room and flicked his forked tongue again.

"It is a miracle that you are here, is it not?" He held out an appendage for Rick to shake, which Rick took, reluctantly. Someone snapped a picture of the moment, no doubt to be released to the press demonstrating how friendly this meeting had been.

"Yes, a miracle," Rick muttered. Realizing he was sounding less than welcoming, he hit the snake with a wide smile. It was as good as a pungi, as the hood flattened completely and the cobra's head began to dance as he spoke.

"Well, as incredible a story it is, and it is incredible, we have some things to do today besides catch up. I am going to be holding a press conference shortly, announcing my official pardon of you and your immediate release from Nuutania."

Martha clapped her hands again and shouted, "Marvelous, just marvelous." It kept the snake distracted, so he failed to see that Rick was not smiling quite as widely as before. However, Rick managed to school his features back to 'appreciative doormat' before the snake swung his head back in his direction.

"After I make the announcement, I would like you to come out and be introduced to the press. I'm sure they'll have many questions for you, as do I."

Afaitu spoke up before Rick could say anything. "Where will this press conference be taking place?"

"Out in the parking lot. Most of the news crews are located there. If you'd like a more formal setting, you could wait until later and speak from a hotel conference room. However, you should know that in order for them to make the late news in the States, they would prefer to do this now."

"That's fine," Rick said. He wanted his face broadcast in the States tonight; proof he was alive. He wanted no doubt as to his status, and thus insurance against anything untoward happening.

"Tell me, Mr. Rodgers, just what happened to you? What do you remember?"

Rick took a fortifying breath, then launched into the story as they'd rehearsed it.

"I remember lying down to sleep in my bunk after my shift, then waking up with a splitting headache and aching body. I was somehow in the bathroom of the bunkhouse, and when I stumbled out, I found no one else around and the ship clearly foundered on a rock."

"Amazing. We had looked for you, but I was the one who saw you in the bathroom after the wreck. It appeared you were dead; I tried to find a pulse, but could not palpate one. I thought for sure you were dead and gone."

Rick grimaced. "I'm sure I looked quite horrible. I know when I woke up I was disoriented and could hardly think straight. I knew it was bad, but I couldn't process what had happened. I grabbed a life vest and made my way to the bow, but found the lifeboat gone. I must have stood there for a while, wondering what to do next. Then, a big wave hit the boat and tossed me over the side. I started swimming, and after what seemed like hours washed up on an island."

"Incredible! So, you were all alone on the boat?"

"Well, it sure seemed that way. You guys were gone, not sure for how long. I've read that you found Kate Beckett dead, and of course Arenui was already gone, God rest his soul. Who else would be left?"

"Of course, you are right. It's just such an amazing tale, I wasn't thinking. Please continue."

"There's not much left to say. I found the island to be uninhabited. Fortunately, there were plenty of trees with fruit and plants to eat, as well as fresh water. I saw no other living beings until I woke up in the hospital."

"Truly remarkable. We searched for the shipwreck of course, but could never find any sign of it."

"No, it sank quickly. I could see it from the island—from the beach where I lived—but within days of my arrival on the island it was completely gone. I'd hoped to build a boat and go back to it, grab things like ropes and plates, food and water, pots, things like that. But, I never had a chance. She sank before I was even halfway done with a boat."

"Ah, that is a pity. But you were able to survive all these years."

"Yes, though it was harder and harder. I gave up hope of rescue. Eventually, I knew I had to take a chance and try to reach civilization. So, I built a better boat, and after quite an arduous journey, here I am."

"Yes, here you are. You do know we had no idea who you were. It was too incredible to believe that you'd survived all this time. My deepest apologies from the government and all involved."

"It has been quite difficult, I won't lie, but I'm glad you've admitted your mistake and worked to set it right."

"Well, then we shall take my limo down to the waiting press. If I may suggest, I would like to speak alone, first. Then we'll have you join me, and they could ask you questions? Would that be acceptable?"

Rick nodded, and they filed out the door to the waiting embrace of the limousine. Rick rejoiced in the feeling of his first step as a free man outside of Nuutania. Squinting up at the bright sun, he thought about her sunkissed hair, her skin bronzed by overexposure to the radiation. The smell of her after she'd been working in the garden under the watchful rays of the sun. He stood, drinking in all the sunbeams he could and imagining those hitting her at the same time. Soon, Kate, soon. "I'm coming," he said aloud, unbidden.

Grollet turned back at the sound. "Yes, Mr. Rodgers. Right this way."

Rick shuddered, then followed the trail of the snake into its den. He'd get through this because it brought him that much closer to finding her.