
Surviving in two worlds (ingles)

When I decided to play Diablo 2 to remember my youth, I realized that I appeared in the game and to top it off, I also got involved with the world of Azeroth. Will I be able to survive? Or be another victim of the disasters of these worlds. most of the characters are not my property, I do not have any property or credit on them and I encourage people to know the original works ---------------------------------------------- English is not my native language, so don't be surprised by grammatical errors. ---------------------------------------------- Link para donaciones (www.patreon.com/Osito0)

Osito0 · Video Games
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27 Chs

My first death

03 My first death

After thinking I couldn't find a way to kill him, so I get up and leave the camp.

Returning to the place where the rat was, I could see that my body was lying in the distance and I went to pick it up after checking that the rat was not nearby.

I explore the area looking for the rat, moments later I was able to locate it, I try to sneak away again to hit it, when I approach it again it turns around and throws its needles at me, I reappear in the camp with serious pain, this time no one seems to come close, after a while I start to calm down.

I notice that my conscience feels tired so I look for a place to rest and without realizing it I went back to sleep.

When I wake up I see that the sun begins to hide, after cleaning myself in the river I go to the exit of the camp, when I arrive I notice that my vision is severely reduced, if I am not mistaken in the game there is an attribute called light radius, although It doesn't come out in the state presumably I mean the distance I can see, right now I can see clearly 10 meters away, after that I only see some shadows and beyond that I can only see darkness.

I try to get used to this feeling and start to explore, after advancing for a while, I feel a pain in my chest and again I appear in the camp, again I get tired and look for a place to sleep.

The next day I come to the conclusion that once I am killed I have no choice but to sleep to recover.

I leave the camp to explore, this time I go another way, it is clear that I will not be able to kill the rat at the moment.

Along the way I met several rats and I had no choice but to go another way until I came across a zombie.

From afar I observed the movements of the zombie, I could see that it was very slow, taking advantage of this I sneaked behind its back, I kept getting closer until I was in a range where I could attack it, I grabbed my wand tightly and hit it on the head, my hands hurt when I hit him, his head was very hard, the zombie, realizing that there is someone on his back, turns around and pounces on me, I took a step back to try to dodge, but I didn't react fast enough and the zombie was able to reach me, it grabbed me and started to bite me, I tried to let go but I couldn't, then I died, when I appeared in the camp I screamed again, this pain was very different from being stuck with those rat needles, when recovering after I slept was at night, this time I decided not to go out, I understood that I would not gain anything by going out at night, if during the day I could not do anything, imagine at night.

So I decided to explore the camp, as the camp was much bigger than it is shown in the game I could see several tents, the harpies were all wandering around the area, they looked like zombies, after a moment I could hear knocking, of metal hitting metal, following the sound I reached a wooden cabin next to a furnace that seemed to come out of the ground, in the cabin I could see a woman, clearly it was Charsi the blacksmith of the camp, I approached silently so as not to interrupt her.

She seems to be very focused while hitting the hot iron, it's a long time before she stopped, she sees the sword she just made, she sighs and shakes her head throwing the sword in one place, then she starts preparing to forge again. new.

John: Excuse me.

I speak trying to get her attention, she turns around and looks at me.

Charsi: Wow, so you're the new hero.

He says and again turns around to reforge.

Juan: hello my name is Juan and why do you say that I am a hero?

Charsi: People like you used to come saying that they would save the world, it's been a long time since a person said that, when I saw you I felt that you were like one of those people, I still remember those times.

Juan: Well, I don't think I'm a hero.

Charsi: well, whatever, what do you want?

Juan: not much, I'm wandering around the area looking for some information.

Charsi: Then go to Akara, she will tell you what you need to know.

Juan: I've already been with her, she's already told me what's going on around here.

She turns to look at me.

Charsi: Then you already know what you need to know, so you better stop bothering me.

She finishes talking and continues forging, I think I'd better let her do what she's doing, so I turn around and continue exploring.

When I finish exploring I look for a place to rest, during my exploration I was able to find Gheed's shop, but it was closed, I couldn't find Warriv and Kashya either.

Putting everything aside, I settle down to sleep.

Back in the swamp of blood I was able to find another zombie, I went back to his back, but before hitting him I prepared to dodge his charge, when I feel that everything is ready, I prepare my wand and hit him on the head, he turns and pounces on me, I dodge him and give him another hit, the zombie seems not to feel the hit and pounces on me again, as I was prepared I dodge it again, I repeated the process about 7 times before the zombie dropped dead.

When the zombie is on the ground, I feel like an energy enters my body, this energy feels warm, before I can analyze the energy some lights come out of the corpse and become objects that fall on the ground, I look at the objects with Enthusiasm, I go over to check them, I see an armor on the ground, some gold piled up, a violet potion and a small ruby.

First I pick up the armor, I don't see anything out of place, I try to think that I put it in my inventory and the armor disappears from my hand, I check my inventory and I can see that it is located in a corner, I put my concentration on it and a small window on the side of the armor.

[Padded Armor]

Defense: 8

Durability: 12/12

Required Strength: 12

Yes, it was a padded armor like in the game, so I try to equip it and the armor appears in the equip slot, some bone shoulder pads appear on my body, but I don't feel anything has changed, then I focus on the other items, I see that they are a rejuvenation potion, a sharded ruby ​​and 20 gold, the reward is very generous for this stage of the game, but from what I understand, the world became more dangerous, so I don't think it will be a problem.

I was about to leave after picking things up when I remembered that I have a wand equipped with +1 to Skeleton Resurrection, so I look at the corpse again, see the interface, and put Skeleton Resurrection into the slot. quick cast, after that I think the activate the ability and the corpse produces a small explosion where pieces of flesh and bone are scattered, at the same time a skeleton rises where the corpse of the zombie was.

The skeleton is pure white, without any blemishes, he holds a small scythe in one hand and a small round shield in the other, he looks at me for a moment and starts running around me, after a while he stops and stays waiting, I try to give him orders with my mind but it doesn't seem to work, if I'm not mistaken this aspect is the same as in the game, the skeleton will attack the first enemy it sees without me ordering it, hell, this will cause me several problems, however, any help is better than nothing.

Now I think about the energy I felt when I killed the zombie, but I already have an idea of ​​what it could be, I check the experience bar and I notice that it is one third full, as I thought that energy was the experience I gain from killing the zombie.

Glad I explore the area again, this time more carefully so that my skeleton doesn't cause me problems.

In the distance I can see another zombie walking slowly, so I think of a way to sneak up to attack it without my skeleton attacking.

Trying to think for a moment without coming up with any plan I am left with a silly face, because I realized that I can make my skeleton act as a decoy, I can't believe that I can't think of something so simple, it seems that I will have to think well when I get back to camp, anyone would laugh if they saw me in this state, not noticing something so obvious.

Letting out a sigh on the way forward, when I get to a certain distance from the zombie the skeleton runs directly towards him and starts hitting him, I notice that he cut the zombie, but nothing lethal, I take advantage of the fact that the zombie is distracted by the skeleton and hit him from behind, the zombie notices my attack and pounces on me, I dodge it with difficulty, although zombies seem slow, when it comes to attacking they are as fast as a normal person, after a few hits the zombie falls dead, This time it was a bit easier with the help of the skeleton, I see the items he dropped, they are a rejuvenation potion, a shattered amethyst and 30 gold. I pick them up and look for my next prey.