
Surviving in two worlds (ingles)

When I decided to play Diablo 2 to remember my youth, I realized that I appeared in the game and to top it off, I also got involved with the world of Azeroth. Will I be able to survive? Or be another victim of the disasters of these worlds. most of the characters are not my property, I do not have any property or credit on them and I encourage people to know the original works ---------------------------------------------- English is not my native language, so don't be surprised by grammatical errors. ---------------------------------------------- Link para donaciones (www.patreon.com/Osito0)

Osito0 · Video Games
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27 Chs


24 Holands

In the capital temple, there were various priests and paladins gathered.

Suddenly someone walks through the door, it was an 18-year-old man, white hair tied in a ponytail, he had white eyes and three earrings in his right ear, he was wearing full black armor, he had gray touches, the left shoulder had the design of a skull with horns and a blood red cloak, everyone would think that it is an armor of an undead knight, but the holy presence showed that it was not so.

Everyone was silent and surprised by what appeared, it was nothing like what a paladin would wear.

There was only one person who would dare to wear it and that was the new paladin who would ascend.

When I entered the temple and saw their reactions I could hardly control my smile, I saw how Uther shook his head and had a helpless look, he knew this would happen, he was the one who had it created under my design.

I walk to the center I take my war hammer from my back and place it as a support, my hammer has a design that goes with my armor, it is black with a gray skull in the middle, I also have my holy book hanging on my waist, like everything is black and has a gray skull, I spent a lot of money to have this outfit made, I chose the design because in essence I am a necromancer and I really like the dark theme Uther doesn't like it but he does I convinced in many ways, my strongest argument was that I wouldn't become a paladin if I didn't wear this armor, in the end he could only accept.

When I hit a floor with my hammer, everyone reacted, they looked at Uther waiting for an explanation, he shook his head helplessly indicating that they continue.

The priest began his speech about the principles of a paladin and other things, do not take importance, only when I get to the last part pay attention.

Priest: With the light as witness, Juan, do you swear to defend the principles of the light?

Juan: I swear.

I did not have many problems to swear, as I understand the principles of light my heart dictates, as long as I do not hesitate then I will not break my promise.

Priest: from today you will be known as our brother, a Paladin, may the light guide your path.

Then everyone applauds and Uther walks over to me.

Uther: welcome to the order, I expect great things from you.

Juan: I'll do my best.

With this the ceremony ends and Uther introduces me to the other paladins, I didn't recognize anyone who is relevant in the story, but I still made friends with them, I could use their help.

With the ceremony finished, I retire, I already have plans, in the afternoon I will leave for my territory, I want to see the state in which it is.

I asked Uther to introduce me to a magician to take me there, luckily Uther knew someone who knew the Teleportation Spell, as I understand it, as well as the ability of redemption, very few magicians can use teleportation.

After noon Uther came to me.

Uther: Let me introduce you to Maron, he is a journeyman wizard who specializes in portals.

Marón: Nice to meet you, Sir Juan.

Juan: Likewise.

I say returning the greeting.

Juan: I suppose that Uther explained to you why I am looking for your services.

Marón: Yes, he told me that you were looking for a magician to help you get to your territory.

Juan: Exactly.

I confirm that there is no misunderstanding.

Juan: thanks for everything Uther, if you need anything don't hesitate to let me know, I'll do my best to help you.

Uther: Haha, I'll let you know if I need your help.

We say goodbye and Marón activates her teleportation ability.

When we arrived I found a port city, it was not very big and not that small, according to my knowledge port cities are very valuable, I wonder if the king was very generous with my reward.

Marón: Sir Juan I did my job, it's time I came back.

Juan: Wait a minute.

I stop it quickly.

Juan: I would like to hire you for a long time.

He seems to think seriously.

Marón: Sir Juan, excuse my rudeness, but my services are very expensive, as a magician I still have to maintain a certain honor.

Juan: don't worry, you gave the price and if I can't pay it, I won't bother you anymore.

Maron: The fee for my services would be two hundred gold coins per day.

He says with a little hesitation.

Juan: okay, I'll need tea for at least a month, I hope you help me.

He is shocked at how quickly she agrees.

Marón: then I will be at your service.

With everything said we headed to the city.

We walked for a while before arriving at the town hall, I had no idea what to expect and it is better to get information and what better place than the town hall.

Juan: Excuse me, I would like to meet with the person in charge of the city.

I show my viscount badge to the girl who seems to be the secretary or something, I have no other way to prove my identity apart from paladin.

She checks the badge.

Secretary: Excuse my rudeness, I will immediately inform Mr. Ampeter of your presence.

She quickly hurries up to the second floor, then comes down with an older man, walks up to me and says hello.

Ampeter: My name is Ampeter and I am in charge of managing the city, I might know your name.

Juan: Hello, my name is Juan Arco de Luz, I received the property of the city from the king.

Ampeter: I received the news from Lord Juan, I expected it to take longer to arrive.

Juan: I was able to get there quickly thanks to your help.

I say pointing to Marón, he nods his head.

Ampeter: Sorry we didn't welcome you, we didn't know you were coming.

Juan: Okay, I came here to see the state of the city.

Ampeter gets a little flustered and speaks.

Ampeter: sir this could take a while, how about you wait in your mansion.

Juan: okay, can someone take me, I don't know his location.

He nods and calls for someone to take us to the mansion.

We arrived at a large mansion, when we arrived the butler was already waiting for us.

Butler: welcome teacher, we were waiting for you, my name is Marcos and I am at your service.

Juan: Nice to meet you, my name is Juan Arco de Luz, you can call me Juan.

Marcos: Understood, Mr. Juan.

He says as he bows.

Juan: Marcos, could you give me a tour of the mansion?

Mark: Gladly.

Marcos showed me everything that the mansion has, it is very large, it has several rooms, a large living room, a large dining room, a huge garden and several other facilities.

Juan: Marón, you can do what you want, I'll look for you when I need something.

He nods and a servant guides him to his room.

Juan: Marcos, Mr. Ampeter will come to give me a report, I'll wait for him in my office, he also sends a message to Miss Carla, owner of the "Esperanza" store in the capital, tell her that she can find me in this city.

Mark: Understood.

He bows and walks away.

In the office I take out my paladin book, now I have some time to review it, I want to find a way to unlock the paladin skills of the devil world, there are some that can be useful, such as conversion that helps me convert an enemy on an ally, also revenge which allows my attacks to do different types of damage at the same time.

After a while, Marcos knocks on the door.

Marcos: teacher, Mr. Ampeter arrived.

Juan: bring him to the office.

Marcos leaves and returns to Ampeter.

Ampeter: Lord Juan, I brought all the documents you wanted.

Juan: thanks, you can give me a report while I read the documents.

Ampere: Yes sir.

The state of the city seems to be stable at the moment, according to what Ampeter said the merchants are starting to stop coming due to preferring the main port Clearwater because it is easier to access and the other kingdoms also bring their goods to that port. port.

It seems that he is nervous about the future of the city, I also found out that the name of the city is Holands, I do not worry much about it being full of merchants, this will help me so that I can reinforce the city and turn it into a refuge for people can escape.

Juan: Well, it's better than I expected.

Ampeter looks confused by what I said.

Juan: this city is perfect for my plans, do you need me to take care of something while I'm here?

Ampeter: sir, you are in charge of the city, you can run it yourself or delegate it to others.

Juan: I think it is well managed, I will leave you in charge, but you will have to take care of some things that I ask of you.

Ampeter: I understand sir.

leans over

Juan: I need you to improve the dock and also build another bigger and more resistant wall, don't worry about the money.

I say as I hand him a space bag full of gold, Ampeter seems to hesitate for a moment, but then answers.

Ampere: Understood.

I continued talking with him to improve the defense of the city and he left, he had a lot of work to do, but with the money I gave him it would be easier for him, I go to my room and tell Marcos that no one bothers me during the night , I will enter the world of Diablo and I will not be available.