
Surviving in two worlds (ingles)

When I decided to play Diablo 2 to remember my youth, I realized that I appeared in the game and to top it off, I also got involved with the world of Azeroth. Will I be able to survive? Or be another victim of the disasters of these worlds. most of the characters are not my property, I do not have any property or credit on them and I encourage people to know the original works ---------------------------------------------- English is not my native language, so don't be surprised by grammatical errors. ---------------------------------------------- Link para donaciones (www.patreon.com/Osito0)

Osito0 · Video Games
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Booty again

22 Booty again

I prepare to go to the banquet, a servant came from Uther to help me with the suit, this saved me several problems.

I got on the carriage that came to pick me up and set off with direction, the only reason I'm here is to make some connections with the nobles to help me with my future plan, if it wasn't for this I'd rather not go, I couldn't enter the world of devil because I didn't have the opportunity, on the way back the soldiers began to celebrate and invited me, I couldn't refuse, since I spent a lot of time with some of them.

I'm still looking forward to entering the world of Diablo and being able to kill demons.

I arrived at the banquet site and could see that there were already several people inside, including Captain Carlos, although I don't know what rank he rose to.

Juan: Carlos, I'm glad to see you.

Charles: Lord John.

He bows and greets me.

Juan: come on, you can just call me Juan.

Carlos: I can't do it, now he is a nobleman who will become a paladin.

I give up and stop convincing him.

Juan: whatever, you can tell me what I have to do here.

Carlos: sir, these banquets were made to celebrate among nobles and to be able to talk.

I don't think there's anything else to do here other than eat, spend time talking to various nobles, don't bother deepening my friendship with them, I know most of them will either die from the plague or escape leaving the others. to their fate.

As time passed, more nobles came, until they announced the arrival of the king along with his son Prince Arthas.

The king approaches me and greets me.

Terenas: Sir Juan, I'm glad you came.

John: Thanks for inviting me.

I return the greeting.

Terenas: This is my son and future king, Prince Arthas.

Arthas: Nice to meet you Sir John, I've heard a lot about you.

Juan: also prince, I heard a lot about your achievements.

We talked for a while before we parted ways.

I continued talking with some nobles before I left.

When I got to my room I entered the devil world, it was almost midnight, but I still had a few days in the devil world, upon entering I go to the teleporter to go to the Cold Plains, activate my summon earring and take out to all the skeletons that I have saved in it, two hundred skeleton soldiers come out, it is the most I can summon, to be able to summon more I need to improve my soul, as I understand I can improve my soul by feeding it with mana.

I order my skeletons to get in formation, upgrade the skeletons' defense and hitpoints after many attempts, by continuing to test the defense upgrade I was able to improve my skeleton mastery skill which gave me more information on how to upgrade my skeletons , don't touch their damage, I just need them to act as a decoy while I shoot arrows from behind.

With the skeletons prepared I order them to advance, soon I found an army of three hundred Dark Hunters with spears, my skeletons remained in formation, I learned this from Carlos, he helped me a lot to be able to command armies.

When the hunters attacked my skeletons, they were able to withstand the attack, I prepared my bow and threw a sacred arrow, as the hunters were demons, the sacred attribute did a lot of damage to them, that increased by aiming at their heads, they died with two shots , when a skeleton fell defeated, it summoned another to take its place, the corpses were left over because it quickly killed the hunters.

After a while there were only a few left, but these were more durable than the others and did more damage, but with my skeleton army covering me it didn't take long to defeat them.

Once they are all dead, I feel a great joy in my heart, my two years of intense training were not in vain, I could see the results in front of me and that fills me with pride, with this I can continue advancing in the world of Diablo .

I'm excited for the next part, it's been a long time since I collected a loot, at first glance I see a lot of gold coins, fragmented and damaged gems, rejuvenation potions, skulls, a few runes, various equipment and strange potions.

First I collect everything I recognize and I don't need to check, then I check the rest, first I go with the potions, they are gold in color and they give off a glow, I put them in my inventory to see what it is.

Evolution Potion,

Use: Helps the summoned or hired beast evolve.

This is great, if I'm not mistaken this was dropped by the hunters who lasted the longest, they should be elite hunters, a rank above the normal ones.

I am intrigued how it works, I call a skeleton to test it, I grab a potion and pour it on his head, the skeleton quickly absorbs it, I carefully feel the changes he has, after a while I notice how his body gets stronger almost nothing , but the most remarkable thing is that the soul inside the skeleton grew a bit, during all this time I couldn't do anything with the souls of the skeletons, I wanted to form bigger souls so that they become more intelligent but I couldn't, according to the information I gave me my domain skill, there are two ways to improve the soul of the skeletons, the first is that when creating them we also use a soul, but the souls of the demons do not stay here, it seems that they go somewhere, in As for bandit souls staying in the world of Azeroth then I didn't get a chance to test it and the second method is to feed an already created skeleton with souls, I couldn't use either of these two so the ev potion Solution is great for me.

I see the skeleton I tested the potion on, think for a moment and decide to call him "Harvester", in the future I hope he kills demons like a harvest, without much effort and in large quantities.

After reviewing the potions I take my attention to the equipment they dropped, there were better pieces than mine, there were studded leather armor, heavy boots, light belts, heavy gloves, metal hats and various weapons, but what caught my attention the most it was a bow that glowed red, I go to pick it up, when I check it I get unidentified, I use an identification scroll and all its information is visible, I'm glad quickly because I got something great, it's the unique bow called Withering Chain , I don't know if it's good luck or bad luck, I'm originally a necromancer so a bow wouldn't be much help, but I went against common sense and specialized in archery, I better not think about it much, I check its attributes and I am surprised by how high they are compared to the one I currently use.

Withering Chain

2 Hand Damage: 11-12

Level: 13

Dexterity: 28

Speed: [-10]

30% Increased Attack Speed

Shoot Magic Arrows [Level 3]

+50% Enhanced Damage

Adds 1-3 Damage

+50 to Attack Rating

Compared to my other bow that only did 2-6 damage, the difference is a lot, the bad thing is that I can't use it now, I need one more level, I have to level up quickly to be able to use this bow.

Seeing all the equipment that is lying on the ground an idea occurs to me, what would happen if my skeletons are equipped with these, I order a group of skeletons to try to equip themselves, they walk towards the lying equipment and begin to arm themselves, the team he could only cover 10 skeletons, I was surprised that the belt was floating around his waist, I pick up the corpses and weapons of the hunters, it's a pity that he can't use his weapons, I don't know the reason but every time I try to use a weapon from a demon I feel like it detests me and escapes from my hands, I gave these weapons to Charsi, she seemed to be happy that I gave her these weapons, she told me that they are full of demonic energy and that she wants to find a way to reforge them for being able to use them, that happened a long time ago, when I showed him the weapons of the fallen, but in the time that I concentrated on training and not moving forward, something strange happened, the people of the camp underwent a change, they began to co Import as NPCs, Akara had some moments when she looked like a person, at first this scared me so I consulted with Akara in her moments of lucidity, after a while we came to the theory that this phenomenon occurred as a consequence of not advancing In the story of Diablo, I could only accept this fact because I had no other option, now that I can continue moving forward, I hope that everyone will return to normal.

After checking that I did not forget anything, I look for another army to kill them, I am full of energy, after two years I can continue, if this was like in the game it would not have taken even a week to finish the five acts.

My next objective was an army of skeletons, due to my experience I could notice something different in these skeletons, I killed all the skeletons leaving only five skeletons alive, immobilizing them with the help of my skeletons, I had to use ten of my skeletons to be able to hold to one of them, when I verified that everything is controlled, I approached a skeleton and put my hand on it, trying to feel what was different.

It didn't take me long to know that it was different, they were full of a strange energy, it was chaotic and destructive, with a lot of intent to kill and corrupt, if I'm not mistaken this must be the demonic energy of hell, I say this because it is the feeling that I was given by demons until now, I think it would be worth studying this kind of attribute, thanks to my tempering method, I can use my mana and change it to different attributes, until now I can change it to death and holy, if I wanted to learn sorceress skills he would have to learn to change them to the element ice, fire or lightning.

According to the last time I spoke with Kashya I have a special body and I can achieve it, all people are born with an affinity, there are some who rarely have two affinities, harpies mostly have, affinity with fire or affinity with ice, there are some that have a second affinity that is arcane.

When he explained this to me, I understood why in the game there were only two types of elements to hire as a mercenary, Kashya said that they were his best warriors and he was right because they were the ones with double attributes.