
Surviving In The World Of Pokemon

The magnificence and downfall of a former life have come to an end, ushering in the dawn of a new beginning. The pursuit of might is intrinsically linked with isolation; should the road to prowess require dispassion, determination, cunning, and perseverance, Cain is prepared to embark on it resolutely. Disclaimer: I'm not the Author of this Fan Fiction, I'm merely the translator. Translated from a Chinese fan fiction. Author - Cén Zìxǐng Link of the original - https://book.qidian.com/info/1011064194/

Rookni · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Deja Vu, Time Travel Once More

Cain carefully thought about whether there was anything he had missed, and after ensuring that everything was in place, he sat on the edge of the bed.

On this day, so many things had happened that Cain was extremely tired, but he still tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep.

He decided to turn on the TV, which was replaying a match between Will and Koga in the Elite Four ranking.

Will's Slowbro was constantly using Calm Mind, its psychic powers so strong that it was frightening. Koga's Pokémon couldn't hold up against it and were quickly defeated.

Cain sighed. He had later learned about the origins of this Slowbro, but unfortunately, he didn't have such an opportunity himself. Exceptional Pokémon were hard to come by, and encountering one could save at least ten years of hard work.

That's fate!

Moreover, the Gengar that Koga displayed today was completely different from his original fighting style. From Cain's perspective, it seemed to have been drained of its life energy compared to when he battled previously.

As Cain thought about it, he gradually became drowsy, and images of his sixty-some years of struggles in this world filled his mind.

If he could start over, he would not let go of any opportunities.


In a daze, Cain heard sobbing and instinctively covered his ears. The crying grew even more mournful and desolate.

"Who's mourning at the Gym this early in the morning?"

Cain squinted his eyes and walked towards the door, opening it.

This place? Why does it seem so familiar?

He saw an old man crying loudly, holding two boxes.

No, this wasn't the Ecruteak Gym, and that old man...

Cain was genuinely shocked.

He quickly shook his head and ran back to his room, splashing cold water on his face.

Finally, he sobered up.

Cain looked at the room's decorations, his mind racing.

Slowly walking to the calendar hanging on the wall, he stared at it for a long time, unable to calm down.

League Year 687, July 10th

This date was 63 years ago, precisely when he had first arrived in this world, wasn't it?

He recalled being only seven years old at the time. Cain still couldn't believe it and sought answers in the mirror beside the bed.

He looked like a six or seven-year-old boy.

Having confirmed that he had time-traveled once more, Cain sat on the edge of the bed, his emotions unable to settle for a long time.

In this world, with over sixty years of experience, I was suddenly at a loss for how to apply it and plan my next steps.

My forte was poison-type Pokémon; training a Ariados and a Drapion was essential. Unfortunately, the breeding cost was too high, requiring several generations of inheritance. It would take three to five years if everything went smoothly, and I didn't have the resources for that now.

There was also Koga's Gengar, and Will's Slowpoke...

Countless thoughts flooded my mind.

"Impractical, all of them are impractical." Cain shook his head.

I was still too optimistic. It was better to deal with the present situation first. In my previous life, I suffered a lot because I thought the world was too wonderful, and it almost cost me my life.

Now, since fate has granted me a second chance, I must not take any detours.

The old man outside the door was my grandfather in this world. Although we had no blood relation, and he was just a stranger now, I still respected him when I first arrived in this world. After all, I had a kind grandfather on Earth.

The ashes he held in his hands were those of his son's and daughter-in-law, who were also Cain's parents.

Cain's parents were business owners. When traveling between Saffron City and Hearthome City they both drowned when their ship encountered a tsunami.

Cain's parents had left a large inheritance in his name, but his grandfather held onto it tightly.

That was fine since, at the age of ten, I could use that money to buy a starter Pokémon and get my life back on track.

But fate played a cruel joke. Cain never expected his grandfather to be a gambler. In just half a year, he lost all the inheritance his son had left behind. Debt collectors came knocking, and they wanted the property in Cain's name.

At that time, Cain knew nothing about this world. Seeing his pitiful state, He let him sell the house in Ecruteak City. However, the more money he had, the more he gambled, and he soon he lost everything again.

When the debt collectors came a second time, Cain finally saw through him and ignored him. But the old man, in a desperate move, tried to use Cain to pay off his debts. Cain escaped, only to return and find the old man dead from a sudden heart attack.

Eight-year-old Cain was tricked into an orphanage by a group of scoundrels, and the orphanage took the last of Cain's property.

The structure of this world made it impossible for the law to be perfect, indirectly leading to some dark aspects of society. For example, a dead body left in the wilderness would be devoured by Pokémon like Mightyena, leaving the victim unrecognizable. Who was the killer: a person or a Pokémon? It was impossible to investigate.

I spent two years in the orphanage in a daze.

At the age of ten, one was considered capable of taking care of themselves in this world, and the orphanage was only responsible for raising orphans until that age.

As soon as I turned ten, I was kicked out of the orphanage.

Thus, in my previous life, at the age of ten, I had nothing and almost starved to death on the streets.

Now, I will not let this happen again.

Gathering myself, I went outside where the old man was still crying.

Cain snorted coldly, "You'll only cry for today."

"There's no need to cry. The dead cannot be brought back to life, and we still have to live."

The old man stopped crying at his grandson's words, looking at the seven-year-old boy

The old man wiped away his tears and said, "From now on, we'll rely on each other. Your parents left enough money for you to complete your studies and find a good job in Ecruteak City. Don't follow your parents' path and risk your life outside."

The old man said the same thing in the past life, but unfortunately, he became addicted to gambling and everything changed.

However, the old man pointed out a phenomenon in this world. The League has not yet unified the regulations for the wild. Going out is dangerous, and the sudden appearance of dangerous Pokémon like Beedrill and Sparrow can easily take your life. The sea is even more dangerous, and what is called a tsunami may be caused by a group of rampaging Gyarados.

However, all of this could not stop Cain.

"I want to buy a Pokémon and become a registered trainer in three years," Cain said, but the old man shook his head and said it was not allowed.

"Absolutely not. Forget about it. You are not allowed to touch anything related to Pokémon."

"Stubborn as a mule. Are you going to use me as a debt payment when you lose everything?"

He would not let such a thing happen again.

Cain completely ignored the old man and rushed towards his room. "That is the property my parents left me, and I have the right to dispose of it."

The old man saw Cain running into his room and chased after him. He had just checked the inheritance, and the safe was still open.

Cain rushed into the room and saw the open safe. Hearing the old man following him, he instinctively emptied everything inside.

Two property deeds, a Johto Alliance bank card, a Sinnoh Union Bank card, and three stacks of cash.

Cain stuffed everything into his arms.

At this point, the old man was blocking the door, staring at Cain. "Hand it over. Can't I control you anymore?"

Cain thought to himself that the old man was treating him like a seven-year-old child and had no fear.

"Get out of the way. We can still be grandfather and grandson."

The old man's anger rose at these words. "You disobedient beast!"

He raised his hand and slapped Cain's face.

"Heh, child's play."

Cain had never stopped learning fighting skills in his previous life, and if it weren't for his current physical limitations, he could take on ten of the old man.

Cain easily turned and slipped out the door.

The old man stumbled and almost fell.

Cain took advantage of this and ran back to his room, locked the door, and did not want to cause too much trouble with the old man. He couldn't just leave home.

First of all, he didn't know the password for the two bank cards, and he had to get a work permit from a company or factory before the old man died. Only with a work permit could he prove that he had the ability to live on his own and escape the clutches of the orphanage.