
Surviving in the apocalypse

The world changed because of a meteor shower that rained down on earth, this story is about the strange happening in the world after the meteor shower.

Emmaony22 · Fantasy
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27 Chs


You could hear a gunshot and scream from a distance and if you look closely you would see two buff handsome males watching the chaos from the top of the building they were in with interest in their eyes, one of them was sitting down at the edge of the building with his both legs swinging, and he had one of those police bulletproof vests, and he also has a shoulder holster on and you could see the knife head sticking out the holster, if you look closer you would see five small-sized balls made of stones rotating behind him.

The other guy had the same outfit on but the only difference was two axes crossed behind his back sitting with leather gloves perfectly covering his two hands.

John: It looks like people have started figuring out what to do with their crystal.

Daniel: yes, but it doesn't look like he has taken enough besides his choice of weapon is bad.

John: He still hasn't figured out that the gun is his biggest problem.

Daniel: It's about time we make our entrance I don't think they can handle any more of that beside it looks like he doesn't have any bullet left.

I jumped down from the four-story building we were on with my cousin behind me, It didn't even take that much time when we got close to the people being chased by the zombies when five of the balls hovering moved while shaping into a spear before moving toward the 20 or something zombies in front of us.

Bernard pov.

Fuck, I think this is it, these past months haven't been really easy on me ever since the whole world turned upside down I have had a decent rest or time to take it easy. It took me three weeks before I figured out the crystals these zombies have on their chest could actually increase our physical abilities and a means to survive has always been right there in front of me. I may not have figured this out if not for when I saw a little boy kill a zombie before taking the crystal and swallowing it before moving so fast that I thought I saw a ghost.

When I swallowed my first crystal, I felt the power it gave and that power was also what got me in this situation right now because I thought that with my power and the gun I have nothing would stop me and that was until I met these group of family and decided to help them out and make them part of my group. It was great at the beginning after I saved them, and we grouped to kill the zombie's together, I got more crystals and stronger and the power blinded me, so I picked a fight with the abnormal zombie that got me in this situation, I killed it but it screamed before dying and that got me scared but when I saw nothing happen, I got pissed and kicked the dead body before taking the crystal.

I turned to my group to see that they were scared while pointing behind me and when I looked back to see what it was. I pissed myself when I saw a small hoard running towards us, I brought out my gun even though I don't use it often because of the scarcity of bullets but that is something I have to worry about later but for now, I need to survive. I started firing at them until I have nothing left, I saw them jump on one of my teammate tearing him apart in seconds before looking back at us, the ones remaining.

Now we are back to when I thought to myself that this is it because what covered my view was a hungry zombie in the air with the motion of jumping on me when a spear went through its head. I was wondering what happened when I saw two guys that looked like they were taking a stroll, and they couldn't care less about the damned end of the world with a horde of zombies rushing toward them.

I was so envious of their expression because you must have a lot of confidence in your strength to look like that in a world crisis. My thought at the moment when they saved me was to ask how they did it and when I asked them, I only got a smile and a response.