
Surviving In My Novel

(Extended Hiatus) Being a socially inept terminally ill person for most of his life, Simon dies after completing his novel. What is waiting for him? A cliche mess that he had written himself. Watch as he becomes OP through his knowledge and random coincidence. “Why did I make my MC an edgelord?” “Why does this system make me too OP?” “Why am I bored?” “Why did I put harem in my novel?” Read before the MC drops this novel himself!

Oscillating_Sine · Urban
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129 Chs

Simon Crypts

"Wake up, breakfast is ready." A loud feminine voice shouted through the door.

Simon woke up from his slumber, yawning as he tried to get out of bed.

"Diana, I will be there soon, just give me a minute." Simon spoke as he stretched his back.

Ever since his spontaneous resolution, Simon felt like he was truely enlightened. He didn't feel as much connection to his novel as he once did. He simply lived as if he was a person of this world. He worked everyday to grow his strength, reusing his old techniques. One of these techniques was of course the [Wraith's Talons].

But this time, he knew he was no god power genius. He has no pills, he only has his knowledge and his own judgement. With the power of his own self, he had already decided to work until he can no longer improve. This would be how he can live his best life.

But of course, that is not all to Simon's new life.

Simon was born into the house of Crypts in the Demon World. The Crypts bloodline is one of pure noble heritage, tracing their family tree all the way back to Sata Crypts; Blood Monarch of Blades. Through this noble bloodline, he gained the ability to become a Devil even at birth. Although, this didn't instantly promote him to a high rank visionary.

His body was in autopilot for the last 16 years, where he made no contact with the outside world and only worked on building his foundations. At this point in time, he had finally gained control for an entire month and had grown to become a 3rd rank visionary.

This progress of course would only be considered as great, for his age group, but Simon knew that there are monsters in his age group that are already 4th rank. It's all a matter of talent. And Devils just have so much, even with the constant training, Simon could only amount to a 3rd rank.

However, Simon is no ordinary Devil.

'Xander hasn't talked since I got here. Shame. I kinda miss the guy, even though I only knew him for a little while.'

Simon ended up being born into the body of Simon Crypts, the 4th son of Karlus Crypts. His older siblings were already nobles of their own house by now or they were still attending Blood Academy.

He had apparently been born into a decent family, meaning that there was no infighting or schemes against each other. This however, didn't mean that he received much outward affections. His father desired for him to supplement his near mediocrity with effort. This meant that Simon lived a life of pure devilish pain as he trained his body and mind to grow accustomed with the true nature of devildom.

'Effort is key.'

Although his body was in autopilot, he could feel every sting and bruise. Nothing was easy anymore.

"F**k the plot." Simon routinely whispered.

'Just have to remember an important thing, never become fixated with the plot. It's like Santa, non-existent.'

Simon left his room in his day clothes, entering a grand dining room as he walked Brough a long and wide corridor. Inside were 6 other similarly dressed young devils and a single adult devil enjoying a dark coloured drink.

"Simonifirac, take a seat. I have important news for everyone here."

Simon took a seat at where the other young devils, pouring himself a cup of wine.

"Well then, my children..." The older demon spoke.

"Jazukal has been admitted to Blood Academy as the headmaster's personal disciple. Please tap your horns in congratulations."

Simon remembered that tapping one's horns was a sign of respect or congratulations in his novel. A small detail that he wrote in because he thought that horns should actually mean something.

"Congratulations twin brother." Simon spoke as he took his nail of his horn.

"Thank you, twin brother." Jazukal bowed.

From the time he had taken his first breath, Jazukal could only see his twin's back. He was motivated to become strong by the unending efforts that Simon's autopiloted body had put into his training. This helped Jazukal find his calling in the element of fire, unlocking a genius potential within him.

And for the first time, his brother had congratulated him.

"Let it be known that Jazukal is the future of the Crypts family, he will be the one to inherit the House of Crypts and be named Lord Crypts. I myself can only amount to becoming a 7th rank Devil, but Jazukal has the potential to become a powerful 8th rank. He may even become an Blood-"

"Father, I wish to duel Jazukal for the right to become the heir to the house!" A slightly younger devil shouted.

"Telestion, you are but a 1st rank of average talent, your brother can kill you within a minute." Karlus said as he waved his hand in rejection.

"It is best for you to work hard and build your own branch house. Jazukal has already been chosen and therefore the sole heir."

Simon relaxed himself on his chair as he attentively listened to the conversation. All of the training that he had gone through had helped him remain calmer, but also left him a bit more distant when compared to his previous self. Although, at heart, he was still a writer. In fact, Simon had taken his off-time to write a smaller project. This project could be considered his masterwork. Unlike his novel, this project is one of slower pace and includes a plot that he described as 'it makes sense.'

The atmosphere around him felt homely yet intense. He enjoyed the thrill of drama, however, he did not enjoy his younger brother's annoying challenge, considering he obvious strength difference.

"Learn from Simonifirac, he understands what it means to be humble yet hardworking." Karlus said as he directed his gaze towards Simon.

"Unflinching, powerful demeanour, great posture, doesn't masturbate and waste his body's nutrients like you and your younger brothers! Look at him! The pinnacle of manners and noble behaviour!"

Simon smirked inwardly.

'A refined mind requires refined behaviours.'

"I have hope that he will create a branch house that can craft its own legacy, unlike some of you, that still cannot even grasp the concept of etiquette."

"It is pitiable that Simonifirac lacks the potential of Jazukal. Even all of that effort will never get him to overtake Jazukal."

'Talent can be supplemented with knowledge and experience, it turns out I have quite a lot of both. Even if I lack talent, I will use my brain to grow in strength. As it turns out, masturbation lowers potential and growth in the Adulthood Ceremony, so necessary sacrifices are needed. As to why it is so bad? Well, Devils have a certain seal on each and every one of them, knowledge of this was lost millennias ago, and it is unlocked the moment that a devil climaxes. Cool detail right? Without a working seal, a devil loses a huge amount of benefits from the Adulthood Ceremony.'

The Adulthood Ceremony, a rite of passage that unlocks a noble devil's true potential and cause exponential growth within them. As it turns out, not everything is about pure talent, some benefits can only be gained through restraint and focus. Simon didn't have any special abilities right now, nor did he have a physique, but his mental strength is unrivalled within his age group.

As to what actually happens in the ceremony, no one that hasn't gone through it know until they have done it, unless their name is Simonifirac Crypts.

However, Simon won't be able to do this rite of passage for another 2 years since it has the age requirement of 18 years. So much for a quick and easy life.

Welcome to the second half of the volume.


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