
Surviving In My Novel

(Extended Hiatus) Being a socially inept terminally ill person for most of his life, Simon dies after completing his novel. What is waiting for him? A cliche mess that he had written himself. Watch as he becomes OP through his knowledge and random coincidence. “Why did I make my MC an edgelord?” “Why does this system make me too OP?” “Why am I bored?” “Why did I put harem in my novel?” Read before the MC drops this novel himself!

Oscillating_Sine · Urban
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129 Chs


The lunch was a disaster. We all left in seperate directions and did not speak a single word to each other as we did so. To be honest, I kind of feel like shit right now. I forced my protagonist into this situation and this is what I get. James is probably a bit down even though he looked okay, and Rachel is probably bummed about the hostile atmosphere. Welp, this is what I get for playing with fire, if only I had known.

Now I am in my room, it's 2pm and I feel like shit. What I need is a system shop, I need something to help me with my problems. I mean what is a system without a shop? Sure goals are fun and all, but goals take too much time. I need to get something to guarantee that James grows, but at the same time I need to grow.

It's lonely being near omnipotent! FUCK!

[system shop loaded]

Suddenly a menu appeared in front of me, displaying a wide variety of items that were in the novel. Is this a divine blessing?

I looked through the stock, finding everything from socks to swords. There were even some rare physique awakening herbs. But only one thing caught my eye so much that I couldn't look away. On the bottom right of the infinitely long list was a book labeled 'Revision to Visualisation Mechanics'.

"..." is this shop kicking me while I am down?

'Revision to Visualisation Mechanics blurb: the mechanics from the author's novel has been approved for revision by 9/10 grand ranked xianxia protagonists, 10/10 grand ranked fanfic protagonists, 10/10 Master daoists, 8/10 grand ranked manhwa/manga/manhua protagonists, and 9/9 Seers Of The Paths.

This book will completely change the system for Visualisation, to seperate ranks into sub ranks called the 'Nine Visions'. Increasing visions and ranks will now depend on the stage of visionary enlightenment and raw visionary power.

One could say that this is 'cultivation', however, one can only become 'immortal' at 9th rank.

WARNING: if user continues to use current Visualisation mechanics, there will be no way to advance due to the numerous flaws. Individuals are expected to gain one rank of power after changing mechanics

Please consider using this book, the user shall receive 1000 system coins as compensation for the buffs that will be given to all individuals.'

"..." my Visualisation mechanics that I built alone and trialed and improved on contains 'numerous flaws'? These random people have basically unanimously agreed that my final year's work is trash?

But this is the main strong point for my entire novel! If my romance and mechanics are flawed than my plot should be good, right? Please, where is the plot book?!

'Revision to Visualisation Graduation's plot.'

At that moment my heart sunk.

Everything can be improved. Nothing I made is perfect.

If not any of those, are my fight scenes good? That's where all of the praise came from.

There is no manual for it. I will just look at what the plot book says.

'Revision to Visualisation Graduation's plot blurb: the plot from the author's novel has been approved for revision by 10/10 grand ranked xianxia protagonists, 10/10 grand ranked fanfic protagonists, 10/10 Master daoists, 10/10 grand ranked manhwa/manga/manhua protagonists, and 9/9 Seers Of The Paths.

The book will revise key issues with the plot an make character more 'real'.

NOTE: this book is already in effect.'

So I guess that is why this world's so damn dynamic. Well, this system really knows how to make someone want to die for a second time. No one likes my plot, so what's the fucking point?

"Hahaha... I am a failure of an author. If this is my life's pride and joy, my life is worth shit."

'Fuck it.' I dug through my dorm kitchen cabinets, finding some hidden wine and booze. At rank 3, alcohol doesn't negatively affect me. Even if I am just a toddler, as long as I am rank 3, I am all good.

I opened a can of beer and chugged it down, filling me with a sense of warmth. The quality was good, but it just didn't hit the spot. A bottle of wine wasn't enough either, I still can't get drunk.

So... the second day in, not so amazing.

I already enabled the revision on my novel's mechanics. After a split second, I felt that I progressed to the 4th rank, elite. Well that's cool.

I had already bought a few things with 100 of the 1000 points I received. The first is a golden ring which can change my appearance and clothes. The second is a tier 4 dagger, called the Lisp, it is sharp and it is compatible with blade manipulation. The third is a pill which can help me raise my rank.

As I slowly started, I thought of the bitch. She insulted my life's work. Something lit up in my heart, it was passion. I felt like I was burning up inside, almost as if I was submerged in the sun. "Michelle, I hate you." I swear, I regret writing you.

As soon as I said these words, I heard the door creak. I discreetly put away everything and went to the door. In front of me was none other than my biggest regret, Michelle.

"You haven't forgotten your promise, right?" She looked at me deadpanned.

"Well what did I promise you? Does Mickey wanna play hide and seek? I am always ready to play fun games!" I cheerfully lied.

"You the stake was simple, if you were unable to find a 'ten' for me then you would have to be a substitute."


"Haha... Mickey must be joking! I am nowhere near a '10', surely you don't need me to sub in!" I fake smiled.

"You are rich, you are mouldable, you are smart enough. I have already been given approval from your father, so I am sure you can sub in just fine." Her words were calm, but the intention was aggressive.

"FUCK YOU! Do I look like I care? You think that I will throw away my freedom just because my father approved?" I said this with true passion, in all honesty, I have only been in this body for a day, I haven't even met Simon's father.

She held her composure without a minuscule amount of discomfort.

"Simz... Why are you like this?" She started to show some emotions of sadness.

"You already promised! Five years ago you promised that if I could break into novice, you would take me as your fiancé! Four years ago you annulled that promise and said that I needed to break into beginner! This year... I broke into half-step elite, I am so far ahead. You promised that if you can't find a '10' or else you would surely fulfill my wish! AND NOW YOU ARE GOING BACK ON YOUR FUCKING WORD?!"

I was taken aback by her words, this plot hole that I left has turned into this mess. I wrote Simon, I dint write this. I didn't know that Simon had made this promise, and now I have to fulfil it for him? AM I A JOKE TO YOU?

Michelle let out a single tear from her left eye, unable to hold it back. I looked at her as I started to feel guilty.

I am trapped, there is no way out.

I was checkmated at the start.


"Mickey, you do realise that I am only C-class... I know that you want-"

"No. Will you or will you not?" She held in more tears, about to finally give out. I know for sure, that this girl is different to the one I wrote in my novel. She was introduced after the siege where Simon died, she was much more arrogant and domineering, but now she is here, broken.

I discreetly entered the system shop.

"I am sorry for what I've put you through Mick..."

"Are you?"

She started walking forward, and I started walking backwards. She looked me right in the eyes, I couldn't look away.


I fell back onto my bed. She continued and crawled on top of me, restraining my hands with hers.

"I can do anything to you right now, and you wouldn't be able to do anything. I AM THIS STRONG BECAUSE OF YOU! I AM ALONE BECAUSE OF YOU!"

"Simon, you really know how to play a girl."

I looked her straight in the eyes, I am done. Even though none of this is my fault, as an author, I must take responsibility for this mess.

I took out a small container from my pocket and opened it in front of her.

"Oh my..."

It was none other then my last minute purchase: a custom made golden ring.

There was no end to crying that night.

At the very least, I know that I am in unfamiliar territory. I can make as many jokes as I want, but I can never be careless. I don't even know this much about myself.

Fuck you, me.

How in the world did my novel get so popular in the first place? Even though I was such a shitty author...

Well, I am no author. I am now Simon, a C-class Haven student. So I guess this is my do-over. Just 2 days, and I have now realised how bad I am at writing.

'Why write it when I can live it?'

It’s kind of impossible for every chapter to be comedic, so I had this one longer chapter to advance the plot before it stagnates. Maybe the MC will improve as a person?

Oscillating_Sinecreators' thoughts