
Surviving In My Novel

(Extended Hiatus) Being a socially inept terminally ill person for most of his life, Simon dies after completing his novel. What is waiting for him? A cliche mess that he had written himself. Watch as he becomes OP through his knowledge and random coincidence. “Why did I make my MC an edgelord?” “Why does this system make me too OP?” “Why am I bored?” “Why did I put harem in my novel?” Read before the MC drops this novel himself!

Oscillating_Sine · Urban
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129 Chs

Bon Appétit

"Be honoured, slave. You are my first man, the first man of the Blood Monarch of Destruction. You should be joyful, so hurry up and get rid of those tears; your sobbing is making me furious!" A sharp nail, poked gently against Simon's neck. The nail slowly increased its pressure against Simon's resilient skin, subtly penetrating into his neck.

"You won't bleed from this, I have only given you a flesh wound...It would be a shame if I have to do more..."

Simon avoided eye contact with Malece, rapidly changing his view as he darted his eyes to every single corner of the room, trying to avoid the mere shadow of the witch on top of him. In a cruel fashion, she had chained him, abused him, and stripped him of his clothes. What could Simon have pride in? He had been beaten into submission, and now he is about to be violated.

"Hmmm... not bad. The size is actually bigger than average, I didn't expect this from a mere-"

"Shut up! If you are going to do something, do it now!" Simon furiously shouted as tears leaked from his eyes. With a disgusted expression, Simon watched as Malece took off her lingerie, revealing her untouched and perpetually beautiful devilish body. He skin had no blemishes, and her figure was every devil's hopes and dreams, she is perfect. However, to Simon, he only saw a witch who didn't care about other living beings.

"Do you like the show?" Malece coldly asked as she untied the top part of her lingerie, revealing her well developed chest.

"Go die." Simon responded with a deathly gaze.

"Who are you trying to tease? I am your victim, not your lover!"


"Who gave you the right to speak to me like that? Your mouth is poison, please cure yourself of it." Malece chuckled as she looked at Simon with a cold gaze.

"You are evil. You aren't even comparable to the common street thug. You are a sadist!" Simon vilified. Still unmoving, Simon stayed with a gaze of hate. While he may have accepted that this is his fate, he did not desire for this, he will always hate her.

"A street thug doesn't have good looks and a perfect body. Be thankful. I only need you to create an heir, so do me a favour and let your phallus become erect. Once you give in, I will do the rest of the work, and reap what I desire. Any pleasure is just an added bonus, a very nice bonus for me, since I have been pure for this long. Slave, stop looking at me with those disgusted eyes and this will be very easy for you."

Simon retracted his deathly gaze, giving off an aura of pure submission. In any case, Simon was now humiliated and unable to do anything. The only thing he could ask for was that the experience would be good enough to eclipse the infinite possibilities he could have achieved if he stayed pure, along with the fact that he may forever be a widower once Malece dies from old age, while possibly leaving Simon with an unwanted child to care for. He felt like his new life has already ended at age 16.

"Please...be gentle with me." Simon showed an expression of sadness and regret, giving only little eye contact to his captor.

"Finally. Servants! Begin the Adulthood ceremony!"

In a blur of emotions, Simon let his guard down. The aphrodisiacs finally started to take effect, increasing his carnal appetite and receptivity to pleasure. With that final barrier broken, Simon was now fully in the hands of Malece. Just like a slave, he had to do as she desired, otherwise he may die a tragic death. The darkness of the Demon World finally became apparent to him. Power dictates everything, and a minor with little strength cannot house their own destiny.

Just like a puppet, he was being controlled by a master. With his autonomy gone, what is Simon? He is a slave.

"Not many can go through the ceremony at this age. I had to scour many ancient texts to find this loophole in the Adulthood Ceremony. With this, I can have you as my mate and you can have an early awakening. You see, everyone is happy." Malece laughed as she gestured towards a floating obelisk in the centre of the room. With a glowing red colour, the obelisk gave off a pulse of energy, invigorating both of the devils.

'I am married now.' Simon inwardly sulked with his deadpan expression.

"THROUGH THE POWER OF THE ASURA, YOU HAVE BEEN UNITED. YOU WILL BOTH RECEIVE THE ASURA'S BLESSING." A light of pure crimson erupted in the room, blasting rays of warm energy at the two devils. The rays of energy hit Simon with the force of a truck, Sending waves of unfiltered power into his body, sending him into frenzy. Malece had a much calmer reaction, instead, meditating to the energy and focusing her eyes more towards her prey. With her eyes glowing pure crimson, she seemed no different than before.



Simon's chest exploded, sending his blood flying in every direction. The smell of corrosive blood became plastered across the once sensual room, creating a scene right out of a horror story. With so much blood outside of his body, Simon began to feel a bit light-headed.But just as he was about to give out, a purple light shone from him, veiling his gaze in it's presence. Amidst this hell, he felt a calm.

"It seems that I have finally reached the 8th rank." Malece spoke as she examine her own body.

"The ceremony gave me much more strength than I originally anticipated. It seems I do not need an heir tonight." She continued.

"Oh! Have this." She said as she poured a green liquid over Simon's stomach, causing it to glow green with a warm aura of healing. Within minutes, the wound healed and Simon returned to good health, almost as if he had never been damaged. His bindings were also undone, letting him feel freedom once more.

"However, even though I may not be in desperation any longer, I expect you to be ready within 2 years. For now, you may lea-"

"No." Simon pushed her onto the bed. In a drug fuelled state, he no could longer control his carnal appetite. Knowing that the one underneath him had forced him to become her partner, he could only dine on her.

"Bon appétit."

[Title: Blood Consort]

And Simon is forever changed. The aftermath will be explained later.

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