
Surviving In My Novel

(Extended Hiatus) Being a socially inept terminally ill person for most of his life, Simon dies after completing his novel. What is waiting for him? A cliche mess that he had written himself. Watch as he becomes OP through his knowledge and random coincidence. “Why did I make my MC an edgelord?” “Why does this system make me too OP?” “Why am I bored?” “Why did I put harem in my novel?” Read before the MC drops this novel himself!

Oscillating_Sine · Urban
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129 Chs

A Voice In My Head

The night went by quickly as the moon overturned the sun and the sun quickly regained its place in the sky. A dark and cold night had been snuffed out by the bright candle known as day, as such was Simon's life. The dark turned to light, and suffering turned to confused bliss.


'I guess I should get ready for my meeting with Mr Feng.'

<That, you should.> the voice from yesterday spoke.

'I just said that, you don't have to repeat it.'

<Kiddo, I'm just here to act as a guiding voice. Your progression has been kind of good, but not good enough. Personally, I think your social life is as dead as your sex life. I mean seriously? You had the chance a while back, but you f***ing passed out! I feel sorry for the girl, she must be heartbroken~>

'Shut it, and what are you even talking about?'

<Dude, I've been watching you since you got here! I saw what went down after that little double date of yours. Like man! Are you socially inept? Your little brother definitely hates you for never giving him chance.> The voice from yesterday returned with a an insult.

'Who even are you? You just showed up at my lecture yesterday and gave me advice, now you are rebuking me for something I don't even remember.'

<Ah! I forgot to tell you yesterday, just call me x... nah, call me Xander. And by the way, you're a wuss, you probably forced yourself to forget. I mean I wouldn't want to remember a furious chick beating me unconscious after I wake up, but you are just so much of a wuss that you forced yourself to forget.>

<You should really start thinking about others. I mean, not everyone is just so nice as to just let some random Professor rise to the top and overtake them within a month. I only warned you about that head teacher because it's obvious. Most teachers already know he's out to get you, it's just you never listen to rumours, so you are always in the dark!>

'Fine, fine... Do you want me to fight him?'

Simon stretched out his arms as he felt different bones come into place as he simultaneously cracked them. This routine had become a sort of ritual for Simon, not only did it feel somewhat comfortable, but it also helped him progress his physique.

<No, I would prefer if you play a game of strategy.>

Simon rolled his eyes as he pulled his hair back with the help of hairspray.

'Hmmm... does this come in the form of a goal?'

[Goal added: Have Head Teacher Fabian Winston executively removed from his position]

'What are the rewards?'

<I haven't decided yet.>

'Well, Anyways, I am gonna go now. I have people to meet and a teacher to beat.'

<Please be careful, I'm not supposed to tell you this, but there are very quiet rumours about Winston not being human... So don't get cocky.>

'Hmmm... not human huh?

Simon rolled his eyes slowly to the spot where he stored his jackets.

'Like a demon?'

<I don't know. Just please be careful, I may not sound like it, but I do care about your wellbeing. Your story's more tragic than you think, kid.>

'Well thanks... Xander.'

Simon mechanically drew a grey coat from his closet and equipped it onto his body with relative ease. He had bought this coat with the money that he received from being a professor, which he of course carefully covered up so no one would find out what was going on. But then again, Simon knew he could always state that his alter-ego had provided him with the money as a means to train. Such a thing could be easily fabricated and proven by himself, just having him in the same room with his alter-ego would be impossible.

As such, Simon had browsed through the system store in the hope of finding a solution to remedy this great problem of his. This would culminate in Simon finding a very peculiar and useful item which looked as if it had been made specifically for him. What he found was none other than a cloning technique.

'To buy this, I need 10,000 currency. Dang, I've only stockpiled around a tenth of that. Isn't this much just too expensive? I could by a ton of pills with that much currency; enough for me to reach great rank. But then again...I can't, there's still a student or two that don't think of me as their teacher. I need to fulfil this goal before I consume any valuable stuff!'

However, Simon had other things to attend to. He had to meet with vice-principal Feng around midday, meaning that he wouldn't be able to do much. He obviously did plan on training today, but it turned out that he had woken up an hour and a half before the scheduled time.

'I hope he has something important to tell me. I really can't be bothered with some random chitchat right now. My mind aches.'

While boundless regeneration healed physical injuries and soothed fatigue, it did nothing for the mind; leaving Simon's mind in a groggy state after a hard day.

'Too much concentration, I need to relax a bit.'

<You have no time to rest, work harder.>

'Fine, I will work harder... by the way, do you alway have to watch me?'

<no... why do you ask?>

'You see, there comes a time where a mommy and daddy love each other very-'

<Oh please! I'd be glad if you could finally grow up, missing out on a show is worth it knowing that I could help.>

'Thanks for understanding, I find it very creepy knowing that I could be watched even in the toilet.'

<You'll get used to it.> Xander chuckled.

'Sure I will... it's totally not like I want privacy sometimes, and that you watching me actually makes me very anxious. That's totally not it!' Simon responded sarcastically.

<Fine, I'll just monitor your surroundings then. Can't have you being assassinated on my watch.>


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