
Surviving In Another World with the WOW and Minecraft System!

A Boy Who Loves Playing RTS Games and SandBox Games suddenly dies at the Hands of- or in this case, Wheels of a Truck! as he dies he gets a second chance at life by an Eccentric God who Reincarnates him in another world with two abilities that were modified to suit the world he was going to! Join Our MC as he Survives and explores this unknown world!

Hunter_Monarch132 · Games
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Beginning - A Meeting with the Enigmatic Shin

In the dwindling light of a serene evening, I trudged homeward, each step a weary rhythm marking the end of another mundane day. My name is Kurosaki Yuki, an average high school senior with slightly above-average grades and a penchant for solitude despite my social aptitude. I found solace in the graceful movements of Kendo, a skill I diligently honed, and the precision of Archery, a craft I had mastered since childhood. Despite my proficiency, I preferred the quietude of solitude, where the pages of manga and the vibrant world of anime offered me a sanctuary from the chaos of everyday life.

Yet, amidst the routine of my daily existence, an extraordinary event shattered the tranquility of my world. A cacophony of screeching tires and roaring engines tore through the silence, heralding the arrival of a truck from the depths of the forest. "Wait! Where the hell did that come from?!" I exclaimed, my voice lost amidst the chaos that engulfed me. "Why was there a truck inside the forest?! Hold on! Wait, wait, wait! Wait just a damn minute!!!"

And then, darkness enveloped me.


When consciousness reclaimed me, I found myself adrift in a realm that defied comprehension. The vast expanse before me seemed to mimic the infinite depths of space, with shimmering stars scattered like jewels across an ebony canvas. Yet, amidst this celestial spectacle, an incongruous figure awaited, seated tranquilly upon a tatami mat with a quaint table nestled before him.

Approaching cautiously, I discerned the enigmatic figure of a man, his countenance serene yet brimming with an otherworldly wisdom. With a gentle wave of his hand, he beckoned me forth, an invitation I could neither resist nor comprehend.

As I settled before him, a delicate cup materialized upon the table, its contents emanating a soothing fragrance that stirred memories of verdant forests and tranquil streams. Without a word, the man poured a serving of tea, his motions fluid and purposeful, as if choreographed by some unseen force.

"Drink," he instructed, his voice a melodic cadence that resonated with the very essence of nature itself.

And so, I drank, allowing the warm liquid to envelop my senses, transporting me to a realm where time itself seemed to stand still. The taste was ethereal, a symphony of flavors that danced upon my palate with an elegance unmatched by mortal creations.


Then, as if awakening from a dream, the man spoke, his voice a gentle breeze that stirred the silence of the cosmos.

"Well... as you may already know, you're dead, and this place is my domain," he began, his words carrying a weight that transcended mortal understanding. "And since you know anime and manga, then you already know how this is gonna turn out, so I'll get straight to the point, and ask what kind of abilities you want. Also, the number of abilities you get is 2."

His words hung in the air, pregnant with possibility and promise, yet shrouded in a veil of uncertainty. And so, with a heart heavy with curiosity and trepidation, I dared to voice my desires.

"Err, aren't you too straightforward? But well... the abilities I want are, hmm, basically 2 systems. One is for RTS like World of Warcraft, and the other is for sandbox like Minecraft."

The man's gaze remained unwavering, his expression inscrutable as he pondered my request. Yet, with a nod of affirmation, he spoke once more, his voice a soothing balm amidst the uncertainty that gripped my soul.


"I see, that can be arranged. Just a heads up, but those systems will be adjusted according to what you know and the world you're going to. Also, I am reincarnating you in a new body, and if you want to contact me, just make a statue of me with a simple small shrine-like design. Also, info on that world will automatically be transferred to your head so you know what's what, the languages there are, and other things, etc. And you'll also be fluent and be able to speak them, of course. You will still be a human, but you will live longer depending on you or what you do. In short, the body you will receive will be special, and as a bonus, I'll make it so you have a good battle sense."

His words reverberated within the recesses of my mind, imprinting upon my soul a sense of purpose and destiny yet to be realized. And so, with gratitude in my heart, I offered my humble thanks, a gesture of appreciation amidst the vast expanse of eternity.

"T-Thank you so much... I don't know how to repay you!"


"Hmmm, give me an offering once in a while then, like Mushroom Soup or Baked/Fried Potatoes, and I'll be content with that," he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of amusement.

"Yes! I'll do just that!"

"Good, but do that only when you are able to and have settled down properly."


With our exchange concluded, a purple portal materialized before me, a gateway to a realm of boundless possibilities and untold adventures. And so, with newfound resolve and a sense of purpose burning within my soul, I stepped forth into the unknown, guided by the wisdom of Shin, the enigmatic guardian of realms unseen.

"Ah! Now that I think about it, what's his name?" I mused aloud, my voice lost amidst the swirling currents of the cosmos.

"My name is Shin, child. Now go and live your life to the fullest without dying so young now!"

With those parting words echoing in my ears, I embraced the darkness that enveloped me, surrendering to the embrace of destiny as I embarked upon a journey that would forever alter the course of my existence.


Hey folks! Author here, with some awesome news. I've stumbled upon this killer idea for a novel, and I'm diving in headfirst. Now, I'm still finding my feet in this writing game, so I'm counting on you for feedback and tips.

I'm crazy passionate about this concept, and I've got a feeling it's going to hook you and keep you flipping those pages. My aim? To make this story jump off the page and grab you by the imagination.

So, whether you've got some pointers or just want to cheer me on, I'm all ears. Your thoughts and insights are pure gold as I navigate this writing journey.

Thanks for tuning in, and I hope you'll stick around for the ride. If you're into it, awesome! If not, hey, maybe it's just not your cup of tea. Either way, let's see where this adventure takes us!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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