
Surviving In A Wasteland: I Can Evolve Endlessly

# WASTELAND A war in 2030 left almost every city on Earth as piles of ruins. The air was severely polluted while water sources were on the brink of completely drying out. The sky was covered by yellow sand, and sunlight could hardly penetrate through it to reach the ground. Humans who survived the war encountered deadly threats as they struggled to live in such harsh living conditions. When faced with such a cruel reality, Zhou Yuan activated the Unlimited Evolution System. The main function of this system was to allow everything to evolve infinitely. For example, the system could enable an ordinary stalk of paddy to grow non-stop under very harsh conditions, thus producing mass amounts of food. The system could also enable an ordinary freshwater fish to evolve into a purifying freshwater fish that could purify the water it lived in. The system could even enable non-living things to frenziedly evolve and have unexpected results. Step by step, with the help of such a powerful system, Zhou Yuan built a new kingdom solely belonging to him amidst the ruins.

Loaded Dice · Urban
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40 Chs

Are You a God

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Zhang He found a large black bucket.

The tag was still there, with the words 'water transport bucket' and 'capacity 8 cubic meters' written on it.

Zhou Yuan asked Zhang He and the rest to pour the small buckets of lake water into the large one.

Fu Mengyu laughed.

"You're still playing tricks when a great disaster is imminent."

"Zhou Yuan, I'm talking to you!"

"Do you think that you can treat it as if nothing happened after you hit me?"

"I'm telling you, I'm not that b*tch who won the butcher's favor with her body."

"My allies combined are much stronger than that butcher!"

"You must give me an explanation today!"

Hearing this, Zhou Yuan said in disdain,

"What's the difference between you and Tian Jinghan?"

"She relies on her body, you rely on farming."

"What's the difference in essence?"

"All of us are just relying on others."

Fu Mengyu's defense was broken with one sentence.

Fu Mengyu realized that she could not keep her cool in front of Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan's tone was contemptuous and his expression was always calm.

Every time she saw it, she couldn't help but get angry.

Seeing Zhou Yuan was like seeing the most rebellious student in the class.

It really made her extremely angry.

"Let's see how long you can keep this up."

"I'll tear your mouth apart later and see if you can still talk to me like this."

Fu Mengyu turned around and was about to ask the bosses to send people to subdue Zhou Yuan.

However, at this moment, she heard Zhou Yuan say,

"I should thank you..."

"If it wasn't for you, the camp wouldn't be so full today."

"Since everyone's here, I'll make an announcement."

"From today onwards, I'll start trading drinking water here."

"In the future, if you have anything of use or not, you can bring it over to exchange for clean drinking water."

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard this.

What did that mean?

Was this person scared silly?

There were so many people cornering him, and yet he was telling them that he wanted to sell drinking water?

Where was the drinking water? Hopefully not the one in the big black bucket...

The lake water was poured in front of them, they all knew that the water inside was polluted.

Wouldn't he want to deceive people behind their backs?

Fu Mengyu was stunned for a moment. After understanding what Zhou Yuan meant, she burst into laughter.

She clutched her stomach and almost had a stroke.

"Zhou Yuan, have you been scared silly by our stance?"

"Selling water? You're selling a bucket of polluted water from the lake?"

"You were angry when I said you were stupid. Now it seems that..."

"You're not stupid. You're really foolish!!!"

"Can you be any more foolish?"

"Even those water shops know how to filter and purify the lake water at night before selling it to others."

"Meanwhile, you are trying to sell it after pouring the lake water in front of everyone."

"Do you think everyone is an idiot?"

"You're really a joke!!!"

Fu Mengyu's words gained everyone's approval.

Seeing Zhou Yuan's serious expression, everyone burst into laughter.

After the apocalypse, this was probably the happiest time the surviving humans had laughed.

The bosses also shook their heads.

The fear and caution they had for Zhou Yuan had been greatly reduced.

It didn't matter how powerful or terrifying a person was.

As long as one did something that others thought was stupid, the pressure that this person had on others would be greatly reduced.

Zhou Yuan was like this.

Even if the bosses from before joined forces, the normal civilians would still be able to escape.

However, now, almost everyone was afraid of Zhou Yuan.

After all, Zhou Yuan's display of his individual strength was too shocking.

That was why they were so afraid.

Even with so many of them working together, they were still afraid that Zhou Yuan would fight to the death and kill some of them.

After all, no one could guarantee who Zhou Yuan would target.

Everyone could become that unlucky person.

However, when Zhou Yuan tried to sell the contaminated water in the lake as drinking water in front of everyone...

Their fear and pressure instantly weakened a lot.

One of the bosses directly sneered,

"Zhou Yuan, are you crazy?"

"When the butcher wanted to scrape off some oil, he took out real jerky."

"It's just that his selling price was very expensive,"

"Now, you're trying to sell something and could only come up with such a stupid idea?"

"Do you think we're all idiots?"

"Or, do you want to force a deal?"

"Then you'll have to ask the bosses here!"

"I'll give you a piece of advice. You're an outsider. It will not do you good for being too arrogant!"

Another one said,

"Zhou Yuan, you can make the seed sprout overnight."

"Don't tell me you can turn the contaminated water in the lake into clean drinking water?"

"If that's the case, I'll just kneel at your feet."

"Because if you can do it, you're almost no different from a God!"

"When that time comes, I will definitely kneel in front of you and repent!"

"So, Zhou Yuan, are you a God? Hahaha!"

The boss couldn't help but laugh after he finished speaking.

Even Zhang He and the others beside Zhou Yuan shook their heads helplessly.

The newly established organization's trust in Zhou Yuan had cracked.

They were still wondering what Zhou Yuan would do.

In the end, he decided to sell a bucket of contaminated water as drinking water?

What was he doing?

They're already cornered!

Zhang He's face was filled with confusion.

He could not understand what Zhou Yuan was up to.

At this moment, Fu Mengyu waved her hand and said,

"Alright! Don't waste your breath on him!"

"I think he's so scared that he has mental problems."

"Zhou Yuan, I'll ask you one last time."

"Are you willing to hand over the seeds and the technique to induce the growth of the seed?"

"If you're willing, then hurry up and hand them over. It'll save us the trouble of fighting and making things difficult for everyone."

"If you're not willing, just say so. Let's see who's the real deal!"

"If I don't teach you a lesson today, you really won't know your place!"

Zhou Yuan slowly stood up from the single-seater sofa after he was done enjoying the clown's performance.

This action instantly shocked everyone.

They had all thought that Zhou Yuan was going to attack them.

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief when they saw that Zhou Yuan had only walked to the side of the bucket.

As he walked toward the large water bucket, Zhou Yuan thought to himself,

"System, evolve the water in the bucket."


[Evolution complete. The contaminated lake water has been converted into clean drinking water.]

As the big black bucket was not transparent, the water transformation process could not be seen.

However, Zhou Yuan naturally trusted the system.

He walked to the bucket with a glass cup in his left hand, which he found in the library's display cabinet.

His right hand pulled out a hollow metal tube from somewhere.

Zhou Yuan then inserted the metal pipe into the bucket.

The clear water immediately flowed out.

Zhou Yuan filled his cup.

He drank it in one go in front of everyone.

This scene once again attracted the ridicule of Fu Mengyu and the others.

Meanwhile, Zhang He could clearly see the water in Zhou Yuan's cup.

He was stunned!