
Surviving In A Wasteland: I Can Evolve Endlessly

# WASTELAND A war in 2030 left almost every city on Earth as piles of ruins. The air was severely polluted while water sources were on the brink of completely drying out. The sky was covered by yellow sand, and sunlight could hardly penetrate through it to reach the ground. Humans who survived the war encountered deadly threats as they struggled to live in such harsh living conditions. When faced with such a cruel reality, Zhou Yuan activated the Unlimited Evolution System. The main function of this system was to allow everything to evolve infinitely. For example, the system could enable an ordinary stalk of paddy to grow non-stop under very harsh conditions, thus producing mass amounts of food. The system could also enable an ordinary freshwater fish to evolve into a purifying freshwater fish that could purify the water it lived in. The system could even enable non-living things to frenziedly evolve and have unexpected results. Step by step, with the help of such a powerful system, Zhou Yuan built a new kingdom solely belonging to him amidst the ruins.

Loaded Dice · Urban
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40 Chs

A Decent Opponent

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Zhang He, who was shocked, returned to his room.

He did not know what it was.

However, he didn't sense any evil intent from that 'thing'.

So, he went back to his room to rest.

In his opinion.

Zhou Yuan was definitely ten thousand times more powerful than him.

Since even Zhou Yuan had not said anything, there was no need for him to meddle in this matter.

After consoling himself, Zhang He lay down comfortably.

His partner, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately burrowed into his arms.

As the person who was second in position after their leader, he stood above the thousand people in the base.

Naturally, he did not lack women.

With a soft fragrance in his arms, Zhang He fell asleep peacefully.

After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly woke up from his sleep.

Only then did he realize that the sky was already starting to brighten.

At this moment, a voice reached his ears.

"Elder, this is the place!"

"Look at this corn. How can it grow like this?"

"Look at the size of the potato!"



What an ancient way of calling someone!

Was there anyone in the base who was called that?


Zhang He instantly sobered up.

He could tell that the owner of the voice was Ma Haobo.

For Ma Haobo to address someone as an elder...

Oh no!!

At that thought, Zhang He immediately rushed out of the room.

He ordered his men to gather the underlings and rushed to the library.

Originally, he would need two minutes to run from his room to the library.

Now, it was only ten seconds!

"Mr. Zhou, Mr. Zhou?"

"It seems like someone from their side is here!"


Zhou Yuan's voice came from the roof.

"I'm here. Come up."

Zhang He was stunned for a moment before he understood.

He took two steps back and spat on his hand.

Then, he rushed forward, kicked his legs, and grabbed the protruding part of the wall with both hands.

After which, he exerted his strength several times and arrived at the roof.

Zhou Yuan was currently sitting on the roof, looking at a group of people 'touring' the fields in the distance.

Zhang He looked into the distance for two seconds and said worriedly,

"Mr. Zhou, it seems like another group of people has arrived."

"One of them is called elder."

"I don't know if it's a name or a title."

"Anyway, that Ma Haobo was very respectful to that person!"

Before they could even send away the wolves, a group of tigers and leopards came.

It was truly difficult to survive on the wasteland!

Zhou Yuan had a faint smile on his face and did not say anything.

At the same time.

The young elder in the field seemed to have sensed something and looked directly at Zhou Yuan on the roof.

Seeing this, Ma Haobo immediately said,

"Elder, that is the owner of this base."

"I, I'm ashamed, I'm not his match."

The young man opened his mouth and said in an indifferent tone,


Ma Haobo didn't dare to say anything.

He could only silently accept the evaluation.

The teenager then walked toward the library.

After a while, they arrived at the library.

Zhou Yuan and Zhang He were still standing on the roof, looking down from above.

Their posture made Shi Lin and the others furious.

Shi Lin gave a signal with his eyes, and a team member behind him immediately walked out.

It was the man whose legs were especially long and had an extra joint.

He slightly bent his leg and exerted force.

His legs pushed him into the air like springs.

"The elder is here, and you dare to stand on such high ground?"

"You're looking for death!"

His long legs twisted in the air and kicked toward Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan's expression did not change as he remained still.

Beside him, Zhang He's eyes focused. His figure moved as he jumped into the air to fight with the long-legged man.

His hard nails were like the claws of a ferocious beast, instantly leaving bloody marks on the other party's leg.

The man with long legs screamed and fell to the ground.

Zhang He's body was also caught by gravity and he began to fall.

As soon as he reached the ground, a huge figure rushed at him again.

The person's goal was not to save the long-legged man but to face Zhang He head-on.

It was another member of Shi Lin's team. He was extremely fat and had a pig's nose.

Like a pig, he charged at Zhanghe recklessly.

Zhang He, who could not react in time, could only take the attack head-on.

At this moment, a figure descended from the sky.

He stretched out his hand and stopped the pig-headed man.

It was Zhou Yuan, who had just jumped down from the roof.

The pig-headed mutant's fierce charge was like a child's play in front of him.

He easily stopped the mutant, then with some force, instantly threw him to the side.

Seeing this, Shi Lin's eyes widened, and he was about to take action himself.

However, at this moment, the young elder's voice rang out, causing him to stop in his tracks.

"You are very strong, but you have not mutated or beastified."

"I'm very interested in this."

Zhou Yuan smiled and said,

"Aren't you the same?"

"They're afraid of you and they refer to you as an elder."

"This means that you should be very powerful!"

"Yet I don't see any signs of mutation or beastification on you."

The young elder shook his head slightly.

"I'm different from you. They're afraid of me for another reason."

"Oh? Why don't you show me?" Zhou Yuan appeared to be very relaxed and did not seem to be alarmed by the number of enemies.

The young man didn't answer, but asked,

"Those crops and that lake were all your doing?"

Zhou Yuan nodded.

The young man asked again,

"Are you willing to join our organization?"

"A person like you should be focusing on bigger things."

"Hiding in this remote corner is a waste of your abilities!"

Shi Lin and Ma Haobo were both shocked by his words.

They thought that once the elder came, he would kill Zhou Yuan without saying anything and take everything away.

However, they had never expected that the elder would actually want to rope in Zhou Yuan.

This...To be personally invited by an elder to join the organization, he must at least be a candidate for an elder.

It was almost like reaching the heavens in a single step!

One must know that the members of their organization made up one-third of the total number of new humans.

There were only two other organizations that could compete with theirs.

The elders in their organization were all powerful big shots and couldn't be seen normally.

Thinking of this, Shi Lin's forehead was full of sweat.

He didn't know if he had offended the elder when he ordered his subordinates to attack just now.

Facing the teenager's invitation, Zhou Yuan pondered for a second and said,

"I refuse."

The young elder asked,

"Don't you want to reconsider?"

Zhou Yuan shook his head.

"I've considered it."

The young man nodded.

"What a pity."

After that, there was a moment of silence.

The oppressive atmosphere made the mutants not even dare to breathe.

Zhang He also felt very uncomfortable.

It was as if there was an invisible pressure filling every inch of space in the vicinity, squeezing out all the air.

After a while.

For the first time, the teenager showed an obvious emotional fluctuation.

He sighed and said,

"Sigh, I didn't want to fight you."

"But you're too ungrateful."

"As for the crops and the fishes in the lake, I have to bring them back to the organization."

"So ..."


Just as he finished speaking.

The small stones and mud on the ground all floated up.

The young man's clothes fluttered in the wind.

He walked toward Zhou Yuan, step by step.

Shi Lin and Ma Haobo were stunned.

The elder had used all his strength right from the start. Was he treating Zhou Yuan as someone on the same level as him?

The two of them looked at Zhou Yuan in unison.

Zhou Yuan smiled faintly and said,

"Zhang He, step aside."

"Don't disturb my mood."

"I've finally met a worthy opponent."

After saying that, Zhou Yuan carried himself with confidence and enthusiasm as he took a step forward.