
Making my new life

I was feeling as if I was locked in a place, I don't know where, it felt a little humid, besides something lonely, I also noticed some warmth, so I spent some time, I don't know how much time passed but when I felt that I was hitting some kind of wall, I reached a point that I felt a little tight and I started to push to try to break the walls that were oppressing me from my movement, After a few struggles I felt how the walls began to give way little by little, but in a specific point it felt looser than the others so I started to push until I felt a part of me break it, the rest came by instinct, I started to shake and break parts of what was imprisoning me, when I took out most of my body I moved some of my limbs towards my eyes as I was trying to remove whatever was preventing me from seeing. After a few minutes I managed to open my eyes and to my surprise I had a 180 degree view, but what I realized quickly is that my body is of some kind of lizard, it was quite small, I could not see much light so I could not see me in detail, after appreciating myself I realized that I was not alone, There were other lizards besides me, most if not all of them were the same, only of different sizes by just a few centimeters, then I felt that the earth above us was moving and all I could see was white after I got used to my sight by the increased light, when my sight cleared, I could see a kind of albino crocodile but its robustness looked bigger, also the scales looked brighter, but there was a problem, all the other baby crocodiles around me were the same as the big one, instead I only had the colors of a baby alligator, i have a dark green and yellowish base, with lines or some black parts and some black and white parts, with lines or some black parts and the belly completely clear white, showing my kinship to them, also noticed a brightness similar to what they had throughout the body, although the strange thing was their bellies as these were more gray and less bright or was it so by the land that I do not know, but this boils down to one word "I STAND OUT".

Worst case scenario they get me in and eat me, best case he just recognizes me as his offspring and takes care of me until a few months and then I make a life for myself, but given my appearance I doubt someone wouldn't want to hunt me or at least have me in their private collection of rare animals, I was engrossed in my thought when I felt myself being grabbed only to seconds later realize I was in the mouth of what I assume is my mother, although she didn't leave without grabbing almost all of us, out of curiosity I peeked over the edge of the jaw and a few stragglers had started walking/running/crawling towards where "mom" was taking us, after a few minutes we reached the water, as we submerged everyone scattered into what was a pond or lake, for my tiny size even an inflatable kiddie pool was a lake, but I realized something, all the hatchlings swam away from "mama" until they were spread out all over the lake and more than one I lost sight of, only a few stayed close or where "mama" could see us, I feel I was born in the lot where they hardly appreciate their life or are very reckless or have no survival instincts at all, swimming was as natural as breathing, but I decided to focus on surviving, so the first thing to do is to be close to "mama", second to look for all kinds of insects to eat or whatever I could fit in my mouth to eat and third but most important, to be unnoticed by any predator including "mama".

*4 months later*

It's been a while I think I'm now half a meter or close to half a meter, several of the young that were in the lake are twice my size and are gone, some few are still in the lake, including me, the problem is that I don't know what kind of animals and insects I've eaten so far, none of them look like the ones I know, others have similar shapes or colors but never a 100% equality, but I have not made me much trouble, I have eaten them and I have not felt bad, maybe it is because of the gastric juice that I have that no virus or natural poison of these insects has not affected me, I think, but the good thing is that with this size I have been able to eat the food that our parents bring, they are a kind of horse with rhinoceros colors with small deer horns, although they are not so big.

Now that we are bigger so they are mom and dad take turns to go somewhere and bring food, although only meat, I have seen that my brothers and sisters only eat the meat, some few of us eat everything, it seems that not everyone has my gastric juice power, well I have been gaining fat and my body is already somewhat robust and muscular, also e been prolonging more my waiting time under water for when I'm hunting so hold longer my breath than normal if that is posible.

From time to time some of us that are left in the lake try to take food from each other, sometimes they have tried to take mine and the only thing they have achieved is some bite marks on the snout or some good body blows, in the end they have had to trying harder to rob from me, but sometimes they use the technique that one distracts me and the others take the opportunity to steal from me, I hate to admit it but that strategy is effective.

I have seen from time to time some people peek or prowl around but they are scared away by mom and dad or a group of about 15 or 20 of us, I prefer not to get involved with them and just stay submerged and go unnoticed and my natural camouflage helps a lot, I have seen how they capture some of my brothers or sisters, I don't make a problem if they are hunters less competition for me, If they take them to a kind of zoo, they will be less competition, in any case I win, but my problem is that if they see me they will not hesitate to try to catch me, because from what I see I am the rarest specimen of this family and I do not want to live locked up all my life, it will be better to wait until I get at least 1 and a half meters to leave this lake.

*3 years later*

It took me a long time to reach an acceptable size for an alligator, I say this because of the shape of my mouth, it is not pointed but U-shaped, I discovered it one day when I saw myself in the reflection of the water, but now I was the last one left and it was time to leave, I saw for the last time both my father and my mother, the strange thing is that they didn't throw me out or tried to eat me, which tells me that either they are not normal crocodiles or that I am literally no longer in "home" to say the least, I bowed to them trying to say thank you, since I can't do it any other way and I left, I looked back but they just went back to the water, seeing them submerge I decided to go on my way, first I need a territory with a fluidity of prey, it won't be easy.

I found a river after walking for a while, luckily the day was cloudy which didn't cause me many problems but I needed to cool my blood, I got into the water and started swimming upstream.

*5 hours later*

I arrived to a kind of swamp or lake, the truth I don't know it looks like a swamp but at the same time it's a lake with a plain, it's weird, I didn't see any crocodile near so I think it will be a good place for me, after sunbathing a little I submerged in the water to hunt whatever was near, I went to the part where the water is deeper, I waited to feel some vibration in the water and after about 1 hour I felt it.

First I looked out to see the prey, it was a kind of horse or cow, but I did not think much and I went back to submerge to be in position, I approached slowly until I was in position, I waited a few minutes and when I saw that his posture relaxed I launched the attack.

???: *with the animal's paw in its mouth* fu cwnn espapas.

The frightened animal began to jump but with a twist I pulled it into the water and the fight began, it began to shake and try to trample my face, which managed to give a few blows, but I kept taking it to deeper water until it could no longer stand to jump, I released it and attacked immediately to the head, which being in deep water facilitated the attack hitting the first attempt, now is to exhaust it and i drown it, using my weight began to sink it so that it drowned and died.

After about 3 hours of fighting and firming my grip he finally died, I confirmed it by releasing him and just floating on the surface, I took him to the shore fence where I can stand and shake him, also do the death lap to start swallowing and it doesn't taste so bad, delicious prize for my first successful hunt.

When I ate it completely, I went under a tree near the shore and lay down to rest, hopefully I can continue like this all my life, in peace, relaxed and without worries.

But normally to have a life like this it never lasts forever, something will always prevent it or an event will happen that always changes someone's life, either for better or for worse, nothing is inevitable and nothing is permanent, change always comes sooner or later, there is nothing to do but live with it.

I will go back to the water I have had too much sun and I need to cool down.

I started to swim and submerge myself in the water, until I felt the vibrations of the water, I looked up and saw another animal, it was no bigger than the deer horse, so it was time to eat.

I approached until I was in position and waited until the animal did not suspect anything and i jumped to the attack, for a moment I think I saw something human but there is no time for that, having caught the neck of the animal I threw it into the water and began to take it to deep water, the fight that is giving me is not as wild as the deer horse and this is fatter must be some farm animal, pity for them for neglecting it and luck for me.

After 1 hour of struggle the animal finally drowned and I started to take the corpse to the shore, when I took it to dry land, when I took it out of the water, I could see a scared boy and I think he peed on it, well I don't care, I can't kill it because it is far away and I won't get to it so I will just eat this animal.

I took a paw and did the death roll and ripped the paw off and so I ate the animal part by part, I crushed its bones to swallow them, I ate the entrails, I left no trace of the animal, only the blood of the place when I was eating it, I saw the boy again and he was just sitting on the ground, so I decided to scare him to go away, so I started walking towards him.

First he started to shake, the closer I got, he started to panic and looked everywhere in fear, he also started to cry, I don't know why he doesn't run, I am literally walking towards him and I am not moving fast, now he threw himself on the ground to cry, by this point the boy is just waiting for something to happen and I got tired of waiting, I turned around and gave him a hit whit my tail in the opposite direction of the water, so that should wake him up, I heard screams of pain, I think I overdid it with the force of the lash, well now he stopped and is running away, most likely to his house, I'm just going to rest now under the tree on the other side, swim and then walk and lay down to rest with the afternoon sun to digest the food.