
Find the objective

It has been about 3 hours since the search, Mary's team has found no sign of the young alpha, they have only seen normal armored lizards and animals in the area. The arachne was in the tree line where it was best hidden so as not to scare the animals or draw unwanted attention, it found a clearing on one of the banks up to where the swamp was and it looked like good territory for an armed lizard, so it started looking to see if this area already had one, at first it saw no sign of one, but a view under one of the trees she saw claw marks next to a tree, she looked around and saw no signs of an armored lizard, so a little more confident but not letting her guard down she went down to the ground to inspect the marks, after looking at them for a while she discovered that the marks were smaller than normal armored lizards and also thicker, Where the hind legs should be the claws were longer but not by much and they had membranes between the toes, also the fact that the body marked on the ground was more stylized, she thought this was quite rare, she took out some of her web and measured the mark as far as she could see, which gave her between 2 to 3.5 meters, she could not know precisely since the mark on the body was not exact, but if it was an armed lizard it was a very rare one, for sure the goal of her new mistress and being the only one to find it, maybe she would be rewarded more than the others.

She climbed the tree again so as not to tempt fate, when she reached the top she marked it with a few spider webs woven so that only she would recognize the place and began to return the way she came. After a few hours she arrived at the meeting point, within minutes the other slaves and Mary herself arrived but Mary didn't look particularly happy and the human was missing a few fingers on his right hand.

Slifer Mary: *visibly annoyed* if anyone found anything say so now.

Most were silent, implying that at least no one was lucky, the orc only spoke in elvish language than the human, the harpy and the arachne, but the kitsune and mary understood completely, as soon as he finished speaking mary shot an arrow in his leg and the orc crouched down in pain while some electric magic is seen coming out of the arrow causing more pain.

Mary: *looks even more annoyed and angry and walks over to the fallen orc and pulls out one of her daggers and puts it to his neck and speaks in a cold manner* I specifically said search, find and mark, I never said kill some useless armored lizard.

After saying that he slits the orc's throat and it started to die choking on its blood, the arachne was nervous but it's better to give him the information

Arachne: *trying to ignore the orc's sounds* I believe I have found the territory of the armored lizard we are looking for and its resting place, I marked it with a spider web so it won't attract attention and only I can recognize it.

Mary looked slightly happier about this good news.

Slifer Mary: *neutral tone* very good, were you able to see the target.

Arachne: no mistress, I couldn't see it but apparently it was out hunting and so as not to tempt my luck I decided to bring you the information I discovered, *swallows saliva* apparently this armored lizard is smaller than the others of its age, but somehow it is more stylized, its claws are too small to catch anything with them, it should be between 2 to 3.5 meters long, its hind legs apparently have something between the toes with slightly longer claws, I couldn't discover more since I could only see the traces it left behind.

Mary was processing the information drawing so many conclusions and possible answers with the newly acquired information, and having clearer ideas, she made a decision.

Slifer mary: okey we will rest and move early tomorrow morning, look for armor that protects and does not limit your movement, prioritize your vital points or more vulnerable or more fragile, we will have a fight based on exhaustion, we do not know how it will attack so be attentive, let's go to the inn.

They went to an inn to rest, Mary paid for separate rooms for each of them, so they have their own peace, Mary is checking their weapons, sharpening what needed to be sharpened, reinforcing what was loose and repairing what could break. Mary heard someone knocking on her door.

Mary: Come in.

What she saw entering intrigued her, she saw the kitzune pass by and close the door, to mary this gave her two possible answers to this action.

Mary: Is something wrong?

kitzune: yes, I'd like to know what we're up against, from what I've noticed it's an armed alpha lizard, the way you reacted to the arachne's information I'm sure he's the target, I just wanted to confirm my suspicions, other than the obvious I've had certain *speaks in a curious tone* experiences with 2 alphas *she returns to her neutral tone* and one of them is the reason I ended up in that store.

Slifer mary: *a little doubtful* hum, curious to say the least, it is not normal to see your species in that store, they are a rarity, you were quite expensive but it was a fair price, are you interested in commenting on your experiences?

kitzune: *sighs in a tired and somewhat tedious way* Well there is not much to highlight they are like us only in the body of animals more powerful than the dragons of celestial scales when they reach adulthood, but it depends on how young or old they are and the species, one of the alphas that I treated forced my people to a treaty of passage through their territory safely without attacking in exchange for not doing anything in their territory or surroundings and some food and in rare cases a sacrifice, The second alpha only treated me as an object, he used me and when I was no longer useful to him he sold me as the tool I was, nothing that had not been heard before, just that we changed species and that was it.

Mary was not impressed in the least, she has also had her share of alphas, some more friendly or neutral than others, but all of them had a huge advantage compared to her or others of her species, some she had to kill because they were a nuisance and thought they were the next rulers, needless to say that they did not last long alive because of that overconfidence.

Mary: interesting to say the least, go get some rest, we will need a lot of energy early tomorrow morning.

kitzune: *looks around and his gaze goes over mary's body* I was thinking about resting with someone watching my back, don't you think so.

Mary thought about it for a while and just nodded.