
Surviving Being ISEKAIED Into A New World Monthly And Becoming OP

{ THIS STORY WAS WRITTEN BY ME AND THE CO-AUTHOR - He is a teacher who was interested in helping me write this story from chapter 3 to 10} Monotone a guy who is bony, weak, considered ugly and is working as a janitor at a school living his life without the ability to reach his dreams of being an architect lives a boring life until one day a contract that he signs without reading will cause him to be isekaid to a new planet every two months. Read to see what happens.

hollow_diamond · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

The settling in

He goes to check his contacts to see if he even met a person named Hail. " The hell, why do I have so many contacts starting with A and B. Maybe they were those people who used me as errand boys" Mono rolled his eyes at the fact that he hadn't deleted all the people who used him. His fingers scrolled a never ending loop of contacts until " Aha! Found it Hail Railcart, now I have to ask him, where am I?!". He pressed the call button however the shakes of the Earth crumbled his basements leading to him landing on the cushion grass to witness a site he never expected, a MONSTER....

The height of the burj khalifa times a hundred, The Claws that were as sharp as knives and the legs were similar to the tyrannosaurus rex but proportional to the size of this creature. Eyes that were cat but most of this monster's skin were eyes except the back.Its tail was of unknown length being scaly and having suction cups that seemed almost odd growled shaking nothing but Mono's fight or flight responses as the ringing sound of the phone continued to chime.

"Hello this Hail speaking" said Hail in a calm yet chipper voice. " Hail where am I you said I would be traveling to a foreign country not into a death game," cried Mono as he ran for his life without stopping whatsoever and his legs had blisters.

" Before that you seem to be running from something so just press the button that says hidden on your chest" Hail mentions this as Mono just needed it. " Now he reads minds" Mono's brain was confused and his body was almost reaching his limit so he pressed the button. " Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa….."He suddenly yeeted to the farthest part of the land. He soars in the skies like a cannonball and falls safely on grass with only five fractures and not pure death of his head getting crushed from the sheer pressure.

" Ok now, CAN YOU TELL ME WHERE AM I ?!!" Mono screamed but the outside couldn't be heard.

" Let me explain your basically going to be here for two months seeing if you can survive in this place with barely nothing like a refugee but your safety suit will only be activated today for testing and then in emergency situations so you do your best to give the person's experience in these new places. You won't die and that's a guarantee" Hail explains to mono.

Mono goes outside as a laser as thick as a tree bark hits Mono with an entire force of a truck that generally isekai people but instead just cannon balled mono into an unknown boat as he now gets two more fractures but the boat which is made of wood but was surprisingly undamaged.

" You're not from here are you, kid" says a man in a southern accent rowing the boat as the wind gently blows mono's hair away from his eyes giving a more clear look at the man. The man had a plaid shirt with overalls that were patched up with different patterned cloth patches. The man had a straw that concealed his copper mixed with gold hair that matched his eyes. His tan skin shined in the sun.

" Uhh…. No I'm from the island outside this place I have traveled here for something that I can't seem to remember" Mono spewed nonsense as he was terrified if the truth that he was some guy from another world he will be put to death, he was not exactly sure but better to be safe in these situations.

Mono searches his pockets to no avail as he suddenly remembers the fact that his phone fell down into the abyss of the river down there as he leans in to see in the waters. A fish with a slithering tongue flies into direct contact however before it could do anything it was zapped by a highlighter yellow laser burning it to crisp. Mono yonks himself back and looks at the man with what just happened not being processed in his mind.

" Don't think of jumping in there for the thing that cannonballed at you as that decision will lead to your bones not resurfacing up for your family to bury" warned the man. " Thank you so much for saving me I'm eternally grateful would you like me to repay you in some way" mono stated with sincerity as his mind thought " His lasers are cool and a little scary however the important thing is that he saved me if it was anyone back home they would have shoved me into the stream saying ' Hey look the trash is being taken out by the water' as those kids pushed me in the water. Remembering that is giving me goosebumps".

" It's ok, I was just helping you out " the man says as he rows the boat letting the wind whistle. Awkward silence takes over the conversation causing it to almost fall over like the last leaf of a dying tree before winter." Is it ok if I ask you a favor ?" Mono breaks the silence. " Yeah sure, what do you want ?" asked the man. " Is it ok if I can stay at your place temporarily till I remember what I'm looking for?'' Mono requests as he slightly trembles fearing if this kind stranger says no he would have to be running from monsters like he saw before or end up as someone's dinner. " Of course, I was just about to take you there since you have so many injuries that I don't really think you can actually travel" he said as he gestured to his house with left hand as he rowed the boat with the other hand.

His home was a wooden cottage with a patio that was next to a humongous barn next to a chicken coop and a horse shed. Cows, goats and sheep grazing looked like dots but there were so many dots that it was uncountable. He stopped and held his out which Mono grabbed to get out of the boat as he walked to the man's home Mono asked " What is your name Mister". " My Name is King" the man said.

While these two were walking Mono banged his head in an invisible barrier as he fell backwards and his shoes slipped of his leg launching like a cracker and hitting his face before going into space as he screams " My favorite and only shoes nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!".

As he came to his senses and propped himself up Mono noticed in the corner of his eye a variety of missiles ready to launch at any second so he asked" Hey king, why do you need missiles to protect your home when you already have a barrier?". " For about sometime, this part of the country had been in war with non laser kind" King had his nose and forehead scratching his head because he thought " Wont kids traveling around here be knowing about this thing who knows everyone is different" as he disables the barrier and lets mono into his home before reinstating the barrier.

" Your home looks really nice" Mono said as he glimpsed into a random man's home in another world. The home smelled like cinnamon, the sofas and chairs looked really comfortable and hues of red shaded the house. All bound into a wooden wall but Mono noticed three things weird about the place: " There is this weird device spewing cold air at my face which does not look like an aircon. Second, the wood feels more like a concrete wall is there and they just stuck wood to make it homely. Lastly, is someone following me? ". The last thought of someone following him lingered as his back tensed up and King pulled a chair up for him to sit. A stiffness ran in Mono's veins as he said " Thank you".

Mono and King sit at the dining table that was pistachio green with lacy tableware. " What would you like to drink? What's your name again?" asked the man as he got up and sauntered his way to the kitchen to prepare for a small meal and drink.

Meanwhile as we look slightly far away we can see a guy with a familiar blonde wait, now it's white hair that's just reflecting light causing fires. The maroon eyes that turned cherry hail while looking at the scene of Mono in King's house made him smile whispering to himself " Mono, thank you for making them more accepting of tourism or refugees staying while helping them. Maybe who knows this is just a sample. I'll just do my homework now". Hail leaves the premises with spy cameras with engravings the size of an atom saying Hail Railcart Electronics. As hail leaves the place he was standing on has pools of blood with the dead carcusses of fishes with slithering tongues turning into ashes.

As we return back to Mono he asks " Do you have green tea ?". " I've never heard of green tea, we have cinnamon rolls though, would you like to have some ?" King suggests as he holds a plate of cinnamon rolls. Mono just wanted whatever because he said " Yes, I would love that". King proceeded to place a mountain of cinnamon rolls as Mono's eyes and mouth started watering. Without a second of thinking Mono stuffed his mouth as if that action was done by a robot if it had emotions. As Mono was stuffing his face Mono asked " Twe wuaer you shed bewfore could you twell me mwore ( The war you said about before, could you tell me more about it".

" First you eat while I get you the first aid kit to patch up your wounds, while doing that I will take you now excuse me I need to use the restroom" King says this while he tiptoes as if his bladder will explode. " Those cinnamon rolls taste amazing ... now what do I do though after all I can be a freeloader of king's kindness ….." Mono ponders as his gaze is set on the outside window.

An unfamiliar soft voice is heard as the door unlocks open " Honey, I'm home". Mono immediately turns his head to see a petite yet semi muscular woman wearing plaid pants a long dress with an apron on top with strawberry blonde hair in pigtails.

" Oh My, is that T-shirt a new fashion statement because I've never, never ever seen a person wear a torn dirty shirt with weirdly gray paints and one side shoe and that towel sticking to your legs looks decent" the supposed wife of King started rapping things about Mono's weird clothes.

The door busted open as King strides towards Mono exclaiming " I have returned with the first aid kit". " King, is this your new friend ?" asked the supposed wife as she cartwheeled her way into sitting on the couch. King responds with " Nah, he's just a random guy….".

" A random guy that landed on your boat from the sky to murder you. This is literally the thirty fifth guy!" she aggressively states while eating the cinnamon rolls on the table next to the sofa.

" Correction he is the thirty sixth guy and he's not a murderer he's an airhead" king corrects her as he goes towards Mono.

" Should we go to my room to patch up your wounds since my wife is sitting in the foyer? " King's requests as he leads the way to his room Mono follows closely behind. '' I am happy that she liked my style but I'm sad that the words she used are indirectly ugly dirty clothes. I don't even know what I'm saying anymore".

Mono and king open the door to King's room as the wooden door was kicked by king it flung open revealing a room with shimmering files and pillars of

gold with it was encapsulating a king size bed full of velvet blankets behind sheer curtains made of a misty fog. The chandelier that hung on top of his room looked like a rose flower made of diamonds. Gold wind chimes

were hung all over the room making a ting ting sound. The sofa next the bed box was covered in the blood of all his enemies and embellished with all the property

they have owned in their entire life,in summary a really fancy room full of red and gold fit for a king. King justed mono to go sit on one of his chairs as

Mono sat on the chair and he felt as if he was sitting on the clouds. King proceeded to open the first aid kit. In it king inserted his hands and started to take out

a variety of leaves as if a tree was inside the box then he proceeded to take to take a grinder to grind the leaves into paste and some applicators to apply that medicine

on Mono's body.

" Aaahh" Mono moaned in pain while the medicine was applied. " Now I'll answer the question you asked me earlier about the war" King stated as he took out his

ancient coffee stained paper to start talking about the war. "Long long time ago, about like two or three centuries ago there was a fight for this land that we are sitting on, which is the entire mountain region. The laser eye people who can shoot lasers from my eyes basically lived here before the people could not come here for trading and living here for business. So when they had arrived here they basically tried to force their way of life on us, they polluted the rivers causing droughts three hundred and five years ago that now only has been fixed and they started bringing invasive species of plants because it started to cause crops to be damaged as you which I will show you later tomorrow. Due to causing many damages we basically decided to ask them to get out of our land until you stay respectful and stop ruining the land they did not take lightly. So when we started to fight them back on their decisions they started to wage war and spread rumors to other lands by provoking some pathetic criminals into killing some of their innocent people it caused an uproar leading to most of our imported good being stopped and people not buying anything exported by us hence we have been fighting every way possible to get back to our glory day" King stated the story showing advertisements depicting people shooting lasers into the brain with slogans like ' They melt your brain with anything they do so stay away if you want a happy life too'.

" That's it!! '' Mono exclaims. Then he asks as he thinks how King explained it was way too simple. " You know my history class was more complex than this and thank you for that cause I at least understood the basics of it" Mono explains his previous statement.

"Is that a compliment ?" replied King. Kings pack all the medical tools and medicine. Mono's neck becomes a stretchy lamppost that contorts as he tries to get a good look at the first aid box. Mono's eyes widened, his mouth agape as he laid his site on a miniature farm which is a heaven for fairies or pixies if they exist with medicinal plants and a cabinet there for even more storage.

" You don't have atomic shrinking technology, Mono?" asks King wondering what brought that reaction from Mono about that medicine box. " No,no it just looks nice" says Mono, still playing by the lie that he is from a nearby island.

"I'll take you to our guest room" Kings states this while stomping towards the door and opening it for Mono to leave before he closes it again. Mono limps, leaning lamppost after a hurricane limping through the brightly lit hallway.