
Surviving as Sabito in [Demon Slayer]

I have just reread demon slayer and was sad we never got to see Sabito at his full potential so i have decide to give him that chance with my own twist of course. This will be an SI version of Sabito with some minor differences to make the story flow better. ...................... This is my first timing writing any fantasy style book. I am going to be using this book as a way to improve my writing, because i have some projects in the future that i would like to work on and my writing needs to improve for that to happen . The updates may be slow becomes i am currently a college student, but i will try my best keeping this book going at a good pace. If you have any suggestions for how i could improve this story please leave them in the comments and enjoy the ride.

Andrew_Edwards_0644 · Anime & Comics
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Who am I

Pov change Makomo

Ive been in this orphanage ever since I could remember. I've seen many children come and go from the orphanage throughout the years. They always lie and say they will come back to see me, but they never do and that makes me sad. So, Ive learned not to get too attached to anyone because they will leave me, all i have is the matron. Ive asked the matron why doesn't a mommy and daddy come and take me away but she always says soon but that soon still hasn't come. But a couple of weeks ago a kid a little older than me showed up at the front door of the orphanage he had thick fuzzy hair that jutted out weirdly It was the color of freshly ripped peaches and his skin was pale little to pale that's when I noticed the bloody bandages wrapped around him from head to toe. He looked like a corpse. I have never seen someone so injured. I thought he was dead. And he smelled awful like he hasn't showered in day's but it was also a familiar.


I was so scarred I screamed at the top of my lungs and soon after I heard the matron sprinting down the hall. She came out of the shelter so fast nearly knocking me over. She immediately gripped me in a tight hug and asked me what was wrong, I looked at the bloody corpse in front of me and pointed. The look on her face quickly shifted from worry to horror. It was one ill never forget she scooped him up so fast and brought him inside. She brought him to one of the empty beds and began changing him out of his bloody bandages and watched over him day and night for a week straight and when she would get tired, she would ask me to take over, then one day when I walked to start my shift he was awake and moving around. I was so so shocked I ran out of the room and called for the matron at the top of my lungs as she quickly hurried to the room. When I told her he was awake, she looked shocked, like she didn't expect him to wake up any time soon


A couple more weeks went by and I quickly realized he wasn't like the other kids I had seen come through this orphanage before he was different I didn't have the right word before but he felt like me just different I would watch him as he moved around the orphanage. I could tell he was stronger and faster than anyone I had seen before. The matron often compliments me on how agile and sneaky I am but compared to him im nothing that special. Eventually, I worked up the courage to talk to him over the past few weeks. When I entered the sleeping quarters, I saw him once again staring off into space like he usually did everyone in a while. When I made my way to his bed, I quickly said in a shy tone.

" hi my names makomo what's yours,"


Pov change

A shy voice suddenly woke me out of my trance to my left as I proceed the words she just said. I couldn't help but feeling as if I had heard that name before as I sat there looking at her. It finally clicked. I knew I had seen her before. It was like a memory from my past life had been unlocked, but wait, if that's true, then who am i.

I opened up my mouth to speak despite the still prescent pain of my injuries

And in a slightly gravely child's voice, I said,

" can you repeat what u just said?"

She turned her head, looking at me as if I had just said something weird. Then she repeated her self

" hi my names Makomo what's yours"

" do you want to be my frie."

Before she could even finish her statement, I cut her off and ran to the only mirror in the house. As I stopped in front of the mirror, I quickly took in my appearance while screaming in my head.

'no, please no, god what did I do to deserve this?'

As I took in my thick peach colored hair, my cat-like eyes that were dilated to a needles point. I don't know how long i stood there just staring at my face hoping praying that all of this was a bad dream and at any moment i would wake up. I waited until i couldn't anymore I slowly brought my hand to the top of mouth and unraveled the bandages around my head and as the bandages dropped to the floor, there it was a large mostly healed scar on the right side of my face going from the top of my ear to the side of my mouth I stood in silence for what felt like hours just staring at my appearance. The only thought occupying my mind for a while was why me god why.

" Im Sabito fucking sabito,"


Sorry for the late post my internet has been out for the past week but the updates will be more consistent form now on. Expect about 2 to 4 chapters a week