
Surviving as a Yakuza Bride

Astrid Jennings is an 18-year-old chemical engineering college freshman. After a chemical leak causes a fire in her college, Astrid wakes up in another time period. The Roaring Twenties in New York City! Not only that she wakes up to a situation where she is to be engaged to a handsome Yakuza boss? Astrid uses her chemical knowledge to her advantage during the prohibition era of alcohol to become lucrative. During this time she is thrown into a stride between the Italian Mafia mob and the Yakuza. Will she give into the Yakuza boss’s bad boy personality and become his wife or will she lead a rich life off of her chemistry knowledge?

SelaraChan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
54 Chs


My stomach rumbled as Haruto continued to drive down the empty grass filled road. In the distance the tall buildings of New York City could be seen. I watched in awe the world around me. Compared to how NYC looks in the 21st century it was quite calm in the 1920's. NYC seemed to be more suburban than urban. I chuckled as I imagined the look on Haruto's face if he were to see modern NYC. That reminds me.

"Haruto how come your family could speak perfect English despite being Japanese?"

Haruto chuckled before saying.

"My father came to the States a few decades ago with my mother. He had originally struggled to keep my mother under a roof with his simple carpenter job. He then came in contact with several Yakuza groups here in NYC which have acted as Japanese immigrant support groups. Needing the money my father agreed to their requests. Suddenly he realized that they were actually Yakuza. My father then got in too deep to escape. When my mother and father tried to escape the Yakuza leader broke my mother's legs. That's why you haven't been able to see her yet. She is trying to prepare herself to meet you officially."

I nodded as I heard the anger in Haruto's voice. It sounds like the Yakuza life is quite tough indeed.

"I'm sorry to ask this Haruto, but why do you have a tattoo on your back of a dragon?"

Haruto burst into laughter as we drove closer and closer to downtown NYC.

"As Yakuza, once we reach the age of maturity we must undergo the process of having our family crest engraved onto our bodies. The simple "tattoo" that you are referring to is like a sword to a samurai. To us Yakuza it is our pride and soul. As my future wife you will have a ritual to get a matching tattoo like mine on your back before our wedding night. I can't wait to see it."

I blushed and sighed. Keep dreaming dude. I don't plan on marrying you. It's not that I hate Haruto it's just that after seeing the way my father treated my mother I refuse to be in a relationship. Who knows how long his sweet words will last? What will he do when he gets sick of me? Make me commit seppuku? I need to carve my own path in this new life of mine. I've never had the opportunity to do so in my previous life.

I opened the window of the automobile. Compared to a modern car old fashioned cars are uncomfortable as hell. They shake with every movement. I'm on the edge of vomiting last night's rice balls. I smiled as I saw the water sparked under the shining sun. I can't wait to be in a lab again. I closed my eyes to envision the scene. The only place I've ever felt at home was indeed in a lab surrounded by my beakers and periodic tables. The familiar scent of a sterilized lab filled my nose. I chuckled.

Suddenly the smell of fuel filled my nose. I opened my eyes only to look into the barrel of a rifle. Since when did a car come up next to us? I quickly ducked and pushed Haruto's head down as a bullet crashed into our car. Haruto cursed in Japanese as he stepped on the accelerator. The black automobile next to us tries to encircle us as we sped ahead. I started hyperventilating as I remembered my grandmother's lifeless corpse after she was shot. If I had not opened my eyes a second earlier I would have been dead for the second time. I bit my lip. I was finally given the opportunity to live again. No fucking way am I going to throw this opportunity away.

"Astrid I need you to listen to me right now. It seems like our pursuers are part of the Russelo Mafia as they specialize in road killings such as these. In order for us to get out of this I'm going to need you to take over the wheel while I try to shoot- what the hell are you doing at a time like this?"

"Shut up Haruto and drive. I'm not some damsel in distress that needs you to save her. You will be the one listening to me. I need you to quickly circle the car around so that we can face the car chasing us. At that second I will open the door and throw some sulfur dust that I have with me in my briefcase. Oh by the way do you have a lighter?"

Haruto gritted his teeth as he answered.

"It's in my right hand pocket."

I nodded. Thank God this fucker smokes. I opened my briefcase as I took out my small pouch of sulfur powder. Thank God I'd requested Reo to get me some. I cried out as bullets rained on us from the back shattering the glass. Haruto and I stayed ducked as the automobile came to my side again. The driver and shooter both wore black fedoras and shades along with black masks and black gloves. I smiled. You fuckers came at the right moment. The shooter placed his finger on the safety once more as Haruto twisted the automobile sharply to the side increasing the distance between the two cars.

"Dumbass! Get me closer to their car!"

"Are you crazy Astrid? I am not going to let them kill you!"

I pulled Haruto's shirt collar and menacingly said.

"Stop being a pussy and get fucking closer to the car before I personally shoot a bullet through your forehead."

Haruto glared at me before sighing and turning the wheel to get closer to the enemy car. I sighed. It takes about 5 seconds for a bullet at this distance to hit me. If I time this right I can quickly throw the sulfur powder on their car and ignite it quickly with Haruto's lighter. Sulfur powder is known to ignite immediately when lit in the midst of oxygen.

I reached over and took the small light from Haruto's pocket. He kept glaring at me as we got very close to the enemy automobile. When we were merely inches apart, I tore open the sulfur powder bag with my teeth and threw it in the air to cover the enemy. They coughed as it landed in their faces and car.

"Haruto back away now!"

Haruto twisted the wheel early to the left as I opened the lighter and created a flame. I then blew on it as the flame mixed with the sulfur powder and air. A second later the enemy car blew up in flames. The enemy's screams filling the empty street. Haruto accelerated ahead as I turned back to see the flaming automobile which continued to crackle and pop. I exhaled in relief as I sat back in my chair. A couple minutes later Haruto stopped in the middle of the street.

"Hey Haruto why did we st-"

He then leaned in and kissed me on the lips silencing me. I pushed him away before he wrapped his arms around me.


"Shut up! Do yo know how scared I was of losing you right now? You may not like me but I treasure you so much. If I lose you I don't know what I would do."

This was the first time that I had seen Haruto tremble. His body shook as he hugged me. I sighed as I embraced him and patted his back.

"I'm sorry Haruto."

Haruto pulled away as he held my hands. His blue eyes serious as he said.

"Promise me that you won't do something as dangerous as that ever again."

I can't promise him that as I'm not sure what other dangers I might face. But this man was literally shaking in front of me. His confident bravado gone only leaving a scared child. I sighed. I'll just reassure him for now.

"Okay I promise."

Haruto exhaled in relief before he started the automobile up once more and started driving. We entered the city in silence for the rest of the trip. I held my beating heart. This was the first time that someone had genuinely cared about me. I wasn't used to this feeling as I've always been forced to depend on myself. For some reason it doesn't feel that bad to have someone care about you.

I smiled.

How weird.


Thank you so much for reading my luvs❤️Stay safe😷😍