
Surviving as a Villain to the End

In a world where the shadows whisper ancient secrets and dark magic is both coveted and feared, Luo Feng stands as a towering figure of terror. Known for his mastery of forbidden spells and his penchant for instilling fear, Luo Feng’s reign of darkness comes crashing down when his most trusted ally, consumed by jealousy and ambition, betrays him. Poisoned and drained of his powers through a treacherous ritual, Luo Feng faces imminent death.Yet fate has other plans. Awakening in the frail body of Chen Wei, a sickly boy from a wealthy family, Luo Feng discovers that a cursed tome he once believed useless has orchestrated his reincarnation. Bound to his waist, the tome pulses with dark energy and houses a malevolent spirit that merges with him, keeping him alive while occasionally seeping into his mind, influencing his thoughts with sinister whispers. Determined to survive and reclaim his former glory, Luo Feng embraces his new identity with grim determination. The cursed tome reveals hidden spells and enhances his physical and magical abilities, setting him on a path of ruthless vengeance against those who dared to betray him. With each dark incantation and twisted maneuver, Luo Feng navigates a treacherous landscape of deceit and danger. As he unravels the mysteries of the tome and confronts formidable adversaries, Luo Feng’s journey becomes a chilling testament to the lengths one will go to survive as a villain to the very end. Amidst the shadows of betrayal and the echoes of his former self, Luo Feng must confront the darker truths of his own existence and decide if survival alone is enough to satisfy his insatiable thirst for power.

devilreeny · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter six

After the nasty woman had discovered that he could walk, she had kept a close eye on him constantly. Despite her vigilance, Luo Feng had at least been able to indulge in the long baths he craved, which provided some relief from the sticky, uncomfortable feeling that plagued him.

He had also discovered that his little sister and his so-called mother, whom he had never seen before, had traveled to the next city to shop for goods to sell at higher prices. This left him more time to focus on his plans, even though the woman's surveillance was a constant annoyance.

The happiness he initially felt at obtaining the tome had since dissipated. Although it had opened, he couldn't read a single word written in it. The tome remained in its enlarged form, radiating dark energy as always, mocking his inability to decipher its secrets.

Luo Feng sat in the living area, casting frequent glances at the woman in the kitchen while trying to extract some meaning from the book. He had been eating more to try and gain weight, forcing the woman to work harder to feed him. He didn't even know her name, and yet she was a constant thorn in his side.

Sighing, he leaned back. He had tried sleeping with the book beside him many times, hoping to summon the shadowy spirit again, but to no avail. How was he supposed to rise to power again if he couldn't even read a few sentences in the tome? There had to be something he was missing.

"Pain," he whispered, recalling the sad memories of Chen Wei that had flashed through his mind when he first met the shadowy figure. Was pain the key?

Suddenly, he stood up, clutching the book. Taking one last look at the woman in the kitchen, he went back upstairs to his large room. He knew she wouldn't dare poison him; the changes in the color of his tongue upon death would make it easily detectable by a doctor. She wouldn't get away with it.

Sitting on a chair with the book lying in front of him, he placed his hands on its surface. He focused on one thing: pain. He whispered to himself, "Painful thoughts, painful thoughts," trying to overwhelm himself with the emotion, hoping this time it would work.

As he delved deeper into his memories, the room around him began to darken. The air grew thick, and a familiar, oppressive energy surrounded him. The tome started to glow faintly, its dark energy pulsating in rhythm with his thoughts. Suddenly, a vortex of shadowy tendrils erupted from the book, enveloping him and transporting him into the dark underworld once more.

The underworld was a realm of perpetual twilight, with dark, jagged landscapes and eerie, whispering winds. The cries and murmurs of lost souls echoed in the distance. The air was thick with an unsettling presence, making it hard to breathe. Luo Feng stood on a rocky outcrop, taking in the desolate scenery.

Before him, the shadowy figure materialized, its form indistinct yet imposing. The figure's presence radiated power and menace.

"You have returned," the figure said, its voice echoing like a chorus of whispers.

Luo Feng nodded, mustering his courage. "I need to understand the language of the tome. How can I use it?"

The figure regarded him silently for a moment before speaking. "The language of the tome is not one that can be understood through mere sight. It requires a bond, a connection formed through pain and sacrifice. You must be willing to endure and embrace the darkness within you."

Luo Feng's eyes narrowed. "How do I form this bond?"

"You have already begun," the figure replied. "The pain you feel, the suffering you endure, it binds you to the tome. To unlock its secrets, you must embrace these emotions fully. Only then will the words reveal themselves to you."

Luo Feng took a deep breath, absorbing the figure's words. "And how can I summon the book? Can I make it invisible or vanish?"

A faint smile appeared on the shadowy figure's face. "You possess the power to summon the tome at will, to make it vanish and reappear. This ability lies within you, unlocked by your connection to the dark magic. Simply focus your will, and the tome will respond."

The figure extended its hand, and a necklace with a red pendant appeared, glowing faintly with dark energy. "This pendant will allow us to communicate. Through it, I can guide you and offer assistance when needed."

Luo Feng took the necklace, feeling its cold weight in his hand. As he put it on, he felt a surge of energy coursing through him, linking him more closely to the dark power of the underworld.

"Thank you," he said, his voice filled with determination.

"Remember," the figure warned, "this power comes at a cost. You must be prepared to pay it if you wish to achieve your goals."

Luo Feng nodded, his resolve hardening. "I will do whatever it takes."

With that, the world began to fade, and Luo Feng found himself back in his room. The oppressive energy dissipated, leaving him with a renewed sense of purpose. He glanced at the tome on the table, now feeling a strange connection to it. He had the power to control it, to unlock its secrets.

Determined to succeed, he sat down, ready to embrace the pain and darkness within him. The journey ahead would be difficult, but Luo Feng was no stranger to suffering. He would rise again, stronger and more powerful than before.