
Surviving as a Villain to the End

In a world where the shadows whisper ancient secrets and dark magic is both coveted and feared, Luo Feng stands as a towering figure of terror. Known for his mastery of forbidden spells and his penchant for instilling fear, Luo Feng’s reign of darkness comes crashing down when his most trusted ally, consumed by jealousy and ambition, betrays him. Poisoned and drained of his powers through a treacherous ritual, Luo Feng faces imminent death.Yet fate has other plans. Awakening in the frail body of Chen Wei, a sickly boy from a wealthy family, Luo Feng discovers that a cursed tome he once believed useless has orchestrated his reincarnation. Bound to his waist, the tome pulses with dark energy and houses a malevolent spirit that merges with him, keeping him alive while occasionally seeping into his mind, influencing his thoughts with sinister whispers. Determined to survive and reclaim his former glory, Luo Feng embraces his new identity with grim determination. The cursed tome reveals hidden spells and enhances his physical and magical abilities, setting him on a path of ruthless vengeance against those who dared to betray him. With each dark incantation and twisted maneuver, Luo Feng navigates a treacherous landscape of deceit and danger. As he unravels the mysteries of the tome and confronts formidable adversaries, Luo Feng’s journey becomes a chilling testament to the lengths one will go to survive as a villain to the very end. Amidst the shadows of betrayal and the echoes of his former self, Luo Feng must confront the darker truths of his own existence and decide if survival alone is enough to satisfy his insatiable thirst for power.

devilreeny · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter one

"What's happening?" Luo Feng asked in a husky voice, his head throbbing as he sat on a chair facing Zhang Hao, his trusted companion.

Zhang Hao feigned concern, masking his true intentions behind a facade of friendship. "What do you mean?"

"I... don't know why, but I'm feeling kind of dizzy," Luo Feng groaned, his hands clutching his throbbing head as he struggled to remain upright.

"It's probably the liquor," Zhang Hao suggested smoothly, pretending to be oblivious to Luo Feng's deteriorating condition.

Luo Feng nodded weakly, attempting to stand. "I think you're right. I should go home and rest."

"No, no," Zhang Hao said quickly, moving closer to support Luo Feng. "It's not safe for you to go alone in this state. Why don't you relax at my place for a while? I'll arrange for a carriage to take you home later."

Luo Feng, oblivious to Zhang Hao's ulterior motives, acquiesced. "Alright," he murmured, leaning heavily on his friend as they made their way towards Zhang Hao's residence.

Throughout the journey, Luo Feng's senses blurred further.

He marveled at how a few sips of what Zhang Hao claimed to be strong liquor could incapacitate him so swiftly.

Unbeknownst to him, Zhang Hao had spiked his drink far beyond what Luo Feng anticipated.

As they reached Zhang Hao's home, Luo Feng stumbled into a guest bedroom, his vision swimming and his consciousness slipping away.

He collapsed onto the bed, muttering unintelligible words as sleep overtook him.Zhang Hao stood over him, a wicked smirk curling his lips.

He watched Luo Feng's feeble form with satisfaction, knowing that his plan was unfolding exactly as he intended.


Luo Feng's eyelids fluttered open, heavy with the weight of impending doom. His head pounded in sync with the pulsating rhythm of the ritual chants echoing through the dimly lit chamber.

Blinking away the haze of dizziness, he became acutely aware of his predicament—the rough ropes cutting into his wrists and ankles, binding him to the cold stone throne.

The air was thick with the scent of incense, its tendrils swirling around him like malevolent spirits.

Shadows danced ominously against the walls, cast by the flickering torches that lined the chamber.

The solemn faces of robed figures moved with purpose, their movements synchronized in an intricate dance of power and betrayal.

Luo Feng's breath hitched as he strained against his bonds, muscles burning with effort.

The ropes held fast, gnawing at his skin with each futile struggle. His gaze darted around the chamber, searching desperately for any means of escape, but all he saw were ancient symbols etched into the stone floor and the looming figure of Zhang Hao by the altar.

Zhang Hao's eyes met Luo Feng's with a cold intensity that sent a shiver down his spine.

There was no remorse, only a hunger for power that had festered in the shadows of their friendship.

Luo Feng gritted his teeth, his jaw clenched against the pain radiating from his chest—a relentless ache that mirrored the draining of his magic essence.

A surge of panic rose within him as he felt his very essence being drawn out, tendrils of energy slipping away like wisps of smoke into the heart of the ritual.

Every heartbeat echoed louder in his ears, a grim reminder of his dwindling strength and impending demise.

With a grunt of defiance, Luo Feng summoned every ounce of willpower left in him, channeling it into a desperate attempt to break free.

His muscles strained against the ropes, tendons standing out in stark relief beneath his sweat-soaked skin.

But the bindings held firm, mocking his feeble resistance.The pain intensified, spreading like wildfire through his veins. It was more than physical agony—it was the anguish of betrayal, the bitter taste of regret, and the haunting realization of his own vulnerability.

He had trusted Zhang Hao, believed in their shared ambitions, only to be ensnared in a web of deceit spun with malice.As the ritual neared its crescendo, Luo Feng's vision blurred at the edges, darkness encroaching upon his sight.

Yet, amidst the torment, a spark of defiance flickered within him. He would not go quietly into the night.

With a primal roar that echoed through the chamber, he renewed his struggle, each movement a testament to his refusal to surrender.But it was futile.

The last vestiges of his magic slipped away, leaving him hollow and spent. His body slumped against the throne, breath ragged and heart heavy with defeat.

Zhang Hao's smirk deepened, a cruel twist of triumph that seared into Luo Feng's soul.Darkness descended, swallowing him whole as consciousness ebbed away.

In the final moments before oblivion claimed him, Luo Feng's thoughts turned to vengeance—a vow etched in the depths of his being, a promise that even in defeat, he would rise again.


Chen Wei lay in his bed, his body frail and weak from the illness that had taken hold of him. He stared out the window, the soft light of evening casting a gentle glow in the room.

His thoughts drifted between the pain that gripped him and the warmth of his family's presence.

His younger sister burst through the door with excitement, clutching something close to her chest.

"Chen Wei! Chen Wei! Look what I made!"He turned his head slowly, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips

."Hey, Mei... What have you got there?"She beamed as she approached his bedside, holding out a handmade card adorned with colorful drawings and glitter.

"It's for you!" she exclaimed, her eyes shining with pride. "I made it myself. Look, it's got all your favorite things on it!"

His heart swelled with affection as he studied the card, his fingers tracing the intricate details.

"Wow, Mei," he murmured, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "You're so talented. Thank you."

Her face lit up even brighter. "I knew you'd like it! And guess what? Mom says your favorite doctor is coming to visit again tomorrow!"

He managed a weak chuckle, touched by her boundless enthusiasm. "That's great news, Mei. Thank you for telling me."

As she chattered excitedly about her day, showing him other little trinkets she had collected, he couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness deep within.

He loved his family dearly, but the constant pain and exhaustion wore him down. He longed for peace, even if it meant leaving them behind.I wish I could be stronger for you, Mei, he thought quietly as she left the room.

But this pain... It's becoming too much to bear. I'll miss you all dearly, but maybe it's time to find peace.

He closed his eyes, his thoughts turning upwards in a silent plea to the heavens."Please," he whispered softly, "grant me the strength to endure, or the peace to let go."