
Surviving as a Villain to the End

In a world where the shadows whisper ancient secrets and dark magic is both coveted and feared, Luo Feng stands as a towering figure of terror. Known for his mastery of forbidden spells and his penchant for instilling fear, Luo Feng’s reign of darkness comes crashing down when his most trusted ally, consumed by jealousy and ambition, betrays him. Poisoned and drained of his powers through a treacherous ritual, Luo Feng faces imminent death.Yet fate has other plans. Awakening in the frail body of Chen Wei, a sickly boy from a wealthy family, Luo Feng discovers that a cursed tome he once believed useless has orchestrated his reincarnation. Bound to his waist, the tome pulses with dark energy and houses a malevolent spirit that merges with him, keeping him alive while occasionally seeping into his mind, influencing his thoughts with sinister whispers. Determined to survive and reclaim his former glory, Luo Feng embraces his new identity with grim determination. The cursed tome reveals hidden spells and enhances his physical and magical abilities, setting him on a path of ruthless vengeance against those who dared to betray him. With each dark incantation and twisted maneuver, Luo Feng navigates a treacherous landscape of deceit and danger. As he unravels the mysteries of the tome and confronts formidable adversaries, Luo Feng’s journey becomes a chilling testament to the lengths one will go to survive as a villain to the very end. Amidst the shadows of betrayal and the echoes of his former self, Luo Feng must confront the darker truths of his own existence and decide if survival alone is enough to satisfy his insatiable thirst for power.

devilreeny · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter four.

He opened his eyes and was greeted by an unfamiliar environment.

This time, he didn't feel weak or sickly. He lifted his head and looked around.

He found himself in a place that looked like the underworld. The air was thick with shadows, and the cries and whispers of tormented souls echoed around him. The landscape was eerie, with twisted, barren trees and a blood-red sky. Dark energy swirled around his feet as he stood up, feeling a strange, newfound strength coursing through his body.

As he took in his surroundings, a chill ran down his spine. Suddenly, from the depths of the shadows, he heard a voice call his old name, "Luo Feng." The sound was like a whisper and a scream all at once, sending shivers through him.

He turned towards the source of the voice, his heart pounding. A shadowy figure emerged from the darkness, its form indistinct but menacing. The dark spirit that had once entered his body now stood before him, its presence radiating power and malice.

"Luo Feng," the spirit repeated, its tone dripping with dark promise. "Welcome to your new beginning."

The shadowy figure moved closer, its form still indistinct but radiating a palpable sense of power.

"Luo Feng," it intoned again, "I have given you another chance of life"

Luo Feng's eyes narrowed as he listened intently, trying to make sense of the spirit's words.

"You can gain power with the tome," the spirit continued, its voice a sinister whisper that seemed to fill the entire realm. "The tome holds secrets and strength beyond your imagination. But there's more you need to understand."

The spirit paused, its gaze piercing through the darkness. "You find yourself in the body of a weak boy because he indirectly sold himself to me. Chen Wei sought peace, an end to his suffering, and in that desperate moment, his soul called out to me. I brought you into him, merging your fates."

Luo Feng felt a mix of emotions—anger, confusion, and a strange sense of destiny. "Why me?" he asked, his voice echoing in the eerie landscape.

"Because you, Luo Feng, have the will to wield the tome's power and reshape your destiny," the spirit replied. "Chen Wei's desire for peace and your thirst for vengeance are now intertwined. Use this chance wisely. Embrace the power of the tome, and you will rise again."

The spirit's words resonated with him, filling him with a renewed sense of purpose. He looked down at his hands, feeling the energy of the underworld coursing through him. The path ahead was dark and uncertain, but one thing was clear: he would not let this second chance slip away.

"And beware," the spirit added ominously, "the curse that binds us. You carry my essence within you now. It will grant you strength, but it will also demand a price."

With that cryptic warning, the shadowy figure began to fade, its presence diminishing until only a faint echo remained in Luo Feng's mind. The curse had taken root, intertwining their fates irrevocably.

Alone in the dim light of the underworld, Luo Feng clenched his fists, steeling himself for the challenges ahead. He had been granted a rare opportunity—a chance to reclaim his power and settle the score. As he gazed at the tome, now glowing with a strange purple aura, he knew that his journey had only just begun.


Chen Wei woke abruptly, gasping for breath, his body drenched in sweat that trickled down his face and soaked his clothes. He lay still for a moment, trying to regain his bearings, feeling the weight of exhaustion in his limbs.

Looking around, he took in his surroundings once more. He was back in his own room, lying on a comfortable bed. Relief washed over him briefly, but a lingering sense of unease persisted. His chest felt tight, as if something was pressing down on him, a strange force that he couldn't quite shake off.

Gulping, he wondered if his body had truly returned to normal after the strange experience in that otherworldly place. Yet, despite the familiar setting, he couldn't shake the feeling of being held down by unseen bonds.

With effort, Chen Wei pushed himself upright, testing his strength. His body felt different—rejuvenated, as if some unseen power had healed him. But as he scanned the room, panic gripped him when he realized the tome was nowhere in sight. The tome that had brought him to this strange and perilous journey was gone.

Frantically, he searched around his bedside table, under the bedcovers, and even in the corners of the room, but it was nowhere to be found. Fear gnawed at him. Had it all been a dream? Or worse, had someone taken it?

His mind raced with questions as he tried to make sense of what had happened. The memory of the dark spirit's words echoed in his mind, reminding him of the power and danger the tome possessed. Without it, he felt vulnerable, lost, and unsure of what to do next.

Feeling a presence approaching, Chen Wei quickly composed himself, sinking back onto the bed and feigning weakness as if he were still recovering from illness. He listened intently as footsteps approached, the anticipation building.

The door creaked open slowly, and to his dismay, he saw the familiar figure of the woman who had tormented him earlier. She entered the room with a tray of food in her hands, her expression a mix of cold indifference and smug satisfaction.

Setting the tray down on the table, she pulled a chair closer and sat down, her eyes fixed on Chen Wei. "Looking for something?" she asked in a raspy voice that hinted at mockery.

Chen Wei hesitated, his throat dry as he spoke hoarsely, "Where is it?"

The woman chuckled darkly, a sound that sent a shiver down his spine. "Oh, you mean the book?" She leaned forward, her tone mocking. "I'm afraid I can't give it back to you."

Anger flared within Chen Wei, his fists clenched in frustration. "That book is mine! Give it back!" he demanded, his voice stronger despite the fear and anger bubbling beneath the surface.

The woman's smirk widened, enjoying his discomfort. "You don't understand, do you?" she taunted. "That book belongs to me now. And you..." She leaned back in the chair, crossing her arms with an air of superiority. "You are just a weak, pathetic boy."

Chen Wei's jaw tensed as he fought the urge to lash out. He felt powerless without the tome, knowing it held the key to his newfound strength and perhaps even answers to his mysterious transformation. But for now, he was at the mercy of this woman who seemed to revel in his suffering.

Frustration and helplessness washed over him in waves as he realized he was trapped, not just physically but in a battle for control over his own fate. He needed a plan, a way to reclaim what was rightfully his. But for now, all he could do was endure and bide his time, hoping for another opportunity to seize back the tome and with it, his destiny.

"What is in that book, anyway?" the woman suddenly asked, breaking the tense silence. Chen Wei remained silent, refusing to dignify her question with a response.

The woman shrugged indifferently. "Suit yourself," she muttered, rising from her chair. She walked towards the door, leaving the tray of food untouched on the table beside him. As she exited the room, her presence lingered like a shadow, a constant reminder of his captivity and the daunting challenges that lay ahead.