
Surviving as a princess

I was hit by a car and now I'm reincarnated as a princess. The thing is this empire has more than 20 princess and prince, how am I supposed to survive?

Thalassa_Luna_Moon · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 23

We sat down in a room after we were escorted out. A Qi beside me, the Duke and the Princess in front of us.

"I didn't mean to. I didn't know wh-" I tried explaining getting cut by the Duke, "I knew that will happen, it isn't common to have one of the main member of house Moon as a guardian or vessel but it has happened before. And if you were able to resist it would be more interesting."

"Since usually you will rename your Guardian and Vessel, What do you want to do?" she continued asking me.

A Qi interrupted, "We rename our Guardian and Vessel?"

"Yes, you would give them a new name and they will hold the surname of Yue and your chosen surname." the Princess replied

"What do you mean by chosen surname?" I asked.

"Hmphh" the Princess stifling her laughter, "Only the Head of the House actually is called Yue, the others are given surnames, it can be chosen by the bearer or their mother or father surname. If they are married or are engaged they can take their fiance or spouse surname. Like mines is Yue-Wang. Following my fiancé, the Crown Prince."

"Then do I change the name completely?" I asked

"Usually you do." The duke replied

"Then can I give my guardian and vessel their names?" A Qi asked.

Hearing this the Duke signalled for the two knights that has been chosen by A Qi. The bowed and chorused, "At your command Master."

"I, Princess Qi grants a new name to my Guardian and Vessel today. The name I chose is Zhu Li with the surname Yue-Ai, to my Vessel and Heng Huo Yue-Ai, to my Guardian."

"We accept the name Master."

As they walked to flank each side of A Qi, I asked, "Do I need to?"

"It is your choice." The Duke replied.

"Then, Duke Yue Rong Qing and Princess Yue Ying Shuang receive my command."

They bowed down, "We are here to receive the command."

"I, Princess Xuan grants the Duke of House Moon to continue using the surname Yue. I also grant a name to the Duke as a blessing, Nuwa. As for the Princess, I grant you a new surname Yue-Hai. And the name, Jian. This will complete the Duke name as Yue Rong Qing Nuwa and the Princess name as Yue-Hai Ying Shuang Jian."

"As you command!" they replied.

"But Teacher I'm still going to call you Teacher." I said, hearing this she laughed. From that day I have received the surname Yue-Hai while A Qi received the surname Yue-Ai.