
Surviving as a Hidden Scp in the Foundation

A world-renowned researcher and scientist Isaac in the modern world was a well-respected person in the world, for discovering cures to previously deadly diseases and helping humanity to a whole new level of technology, But despite this Isaac was an empathetic person ignoring everyone and being a person who would do anything to accomplish his goals leading to many evil deeds resulting into his death, by the revenge of a family member of one of his test subjects. As he died due to his sins in the living resulting in neutral he was punished to reincarnate in one of the many worlds of the Scp Universe as an Scp with a system forcing him to join the Scp Foundation without being caught or else he would die, Will he be able to ascend to the top of the Foundation without getting caught or be experimented on as a new scp while trying find out in this story.

LazySatanixDevil · Others
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12 Chs

Chapter 3 Reborn

[Congratulations for The User in Accepting the God of ??? and ???'s Perks]

[The Contract has been Formalized both parties are now obligated to follow each other's tasks base on the power given by the White Room Council]

The Perks are as follows

* System with only functions of status, relationships, missions, and logs

*Innate Ability of Power Copying [Restricted to SCPs with high enough relationship value only] 30% copy strength (Possible to Strengthen)

*Save and Load[Restricted Useable only once a Month](Possible to Strengthen)

Main Mission for the User from ???

[ Achieve Peak O5 Status in the Foundation without being classified as an Scp and reach the Scp Classification of Apollyon in Power ]

[Message Incoming from God of ??? and ??? for the User do you accept the Message Y/N]

As Isaac saw these prompts of the system and remembering Victor's words of being respectful to his Contractor as not to face consequences of offending a significantly stronger than himself, Isaac, despite being an empathetic person due to past trauma, like his hobbies about anime, Isaac felt an innate sense of enjoyment on getting stronger, similar to a battle junkie, but not as much.

So when he saw the Contractor's prompt for a message through the system, he then quickly calmed himself down, which was somewhat of a habit he had as a scientist most often than not obsessed with his work, leaving him not to be presentable to the essential people in the world such as Ceo's, presidents, and other high-status people who reached out to him after all his achievements, And due to his messy look like a neet when he met does high-status people he was often scolded by his colleagues about his appearance as he then gained the habit of fixing himself up quickly when meeting someone important afterwards. As Isaac quickly fixed himself up

[User Accepts the incoming message starting the message now.]

As Isaac saw those word prompt from the system, from the system window, he then saw a figure he couldn't make light of as he couldn't distinguish it due to the immense Dark and Light rays covering the constitution, which couldn't be identified as either a male or a female figure as the figure said in a mechanic like a voice through the system.

[Isaac Pendragon, my Contractee, you may be wondering why I choose you to enter the White Room with my power, but as of now, you are still far too weak to comprehend and learn it as well as the lack of time the room of contracts allow a soul and a higher-being to talk before the soul get destroyed by the presence alone, So, for now, I wish you to know that you have a greater purpose in the future if you successfully survive the S-rank difficulty world you are about to be sent to, and if you do achieve it, despite it breaking some rules, I will grant any wish that you desire within my powers.]

[So for the time being, I wish your survival and growth for the future, Isaac, as I expect great things from you //*-+/#%]

And as Isaac heard the unintelligible last words of the Higher Being who seemed to have high expectations for him, as well as a weird sense of familiarity between them, he then felt that as the message ended, the power of the perks that he was told be to given to him, suddenly appeared in his subconscious as in that time, his soul became stronger if it even made sense to Isaac.

So after Isaac calmed down after the message from his Higher-Being contractor, he then took a look at the system prompt he received after he felt the perks were now successfully fused with his soul or whatever body he had right now in the afterlife, which ever since he met Victor was still a mystery.

[System successfully integrated to the User's soul as well as User's extraordinary Power and unique System Function Save and Load]

[After 5minutes of the User can process and fully assimilate the perks received, the host will then be sent to the world the Contractor has tasked the soul.]

[Timer Start 1...2...3]

As Isaac saw this prompt in the game-like window in front of his eyes, he was immediately amazed at how good the perks he got were, although it was not as op close as anime skills he saw before. The system he had didn't seem to have any talent, item, shop giving abilities like most systems; he still didn't mind it. He found just the value of seeing your strength and relationship status as a good ability in most circumstances. When he saw the restriction of his downgraded version of a copy skill, he remembered a community forum that he had once encountered on the internet.

Unlike Animes and Games, which Isaac liked, Isaac didn't know too much of the world of Scp since he mostly only watched a few videos of it; he only knew at least the main parts of the SCP world and its various universes.

And also, the existence of extremely dangerous entities that seemed to be able to destroy at their own will exist in thousands of amount, and Isaac knew that since in his original world the Scp Foundation keeps getting improved and added on, the little knowledge he had would sometimes be either retconned or insufficient.

And unfortunately for Isaac, he remembered that the vast majority of Scp's are malicious types, making it pretty hard for Isaac to get their power with his cheat since he seemed to have a sufficiently high relationship with them while not even thinking how he could increase the relationship values with them inanimate Scp's out there.

Hence, based on his Skill Isaac thought that he could only somewhat copy powers from weak or kind SCP's at first, as he knew that he couldn't possibly be able to increase his relationship with those evil beings without at least becoming a being that they couldn't kill. Since the SCP World didn't have any overarching plot, unlike animes and games, Isaac thought he couldn't use future plot knowledge type of advantage in his world.

As brilliant as he is, Isaac just shrugged off as he was determined to survive no matter and complete the main quest from the Higher-Being contracted with him said through the message he gave after he was told the perks he would receive and the main quest for his reincarnation. before he then felt the powers of the system, his Scp Power and the Save&Load

And so, after thinking of his plans and achieving his goals in the future after reincarnating, Isaac then prepared himself for the reincarnation. As Isaac took a look at the time, he then saw the timer was already over as. In a split second, he saw the circle in the middle of the room where he was standing at started to shine, and as this happened, Isaac felt his mind beginning to faint as he thought that he finally was reincarnated.


[August 25 2001]

[Location: Cornwall, England Hospital]

In an ordinary room at one of the many hospitals in a town in Cornwall, England, from an average couple, a boy was born with a unique silver hair tipped blue was born, and as the boy was just returned from the baby ward to his parent's room. In this room, some men seemingly from the military, which had state of the art weapons, came with a few scientists that had seemed to pay particular interest to the baby as they examined the newborn's body, seemingly investigating something about the boy and taking him away.

And when the two concerned parents of the newborn tried to get their child away from those military-looking men who were taking their child away, and scientist, one of the scientists as he was taking a look at the child along with some of the scientists and doctor's in the room who seemed to be in cahoots with this people, ordered the military men to eliminate the child's parents, and with seemingly no guilt whatsoever. They shot the parents of the uniquely haired newborn's parents having some of them take out the bodies as the scientist with some of the military men continued to look at the newborn child in the room with very specialised as they exited the Hospital stealthily with the help of the doctors and workers in the hospital.

[September 14, 2001]

[Location: ???]

And after a few days of the researchers who took away the child from the hospitals finished conducting their research on the side, they said.

Scientist1 "After specialised research, we had conducted on the newborn from the report CC-876 station we had confirmed that the newborn doesn't seem to pose any danger, and the newborn aside from his unique hair colour as well as unique genes that seemed to be a new evolution of the human gene, the newborn is nothing but an ordinary child. So it seemed that it was a false alarm from their station, and according to reports a few days afterwards, it seemed the anomaly detected around that was detected was just another Scp around the area, particularly "

Scientist2 "So what did the director say about what we should do about the newborn then, monitor him, or assign him an Scp identification?"

Scientist1 "No, According to the director, we will just send the child to an orphanage around the area he was born as aside from the parents who had been terminated, the newborn has no near relatives, and the relatives the database found, where people who had no contact with the newborn's parents whatsoever so not a viable adoption location."

As the first scientist said those words, one of the scientists listening in said while sighing after taking a look at the newborn near their location who was sleeping

Scientist3" What a pitiable child due to a false alarm of a new Scp, we took away his parents and just left him in an orphanage."

Scientist2 "Your the newbie assistant researcher here right just assigned a week ago, if you already feel wrong about the newborn here, you're not going to last, long this type of case happens a lot, due to many false reports, anomalous interference and such, there are many worst things that the foundation had done for the good of humanity.

"it's a good thing that we did this if in case the newborn was a newborn SCP with high power, it could have possible killed more humans in the future if we didn't check if it is dangerous; this is why the foundation aims in the recent decade to nip out possible newborn Scp's whenever possible as to avoid future troubles."

"So just a little bit of advice from your senior newbie. It would be best if you toughened up; in this line of work, you often have forgotten your morals, for the good of humankind newbie, so lighten up, since the newborn's a false report, the newborn would get support from the Foundation's help funds, at least I heard until the newborn reaches college. After a few procedures, the foundation would send away the kid a few days from now and giving amnesiacs to common people who may have seen the order."

As the third scientist heard those words, he just nodded, seemingly still not entirely convinced by his senior's words as he was then dragged away from the room by the other researchers as they seemed to have planned to go out, after a job's done leaving the room with only one guard seemingly guarding the newborn until further instructions.

And as they left the room, none of them expected that as they all were talking, someone was listening to them as this someone who listened to them was now looking at one of his perks which were Isaac Pendragon's reincarnation, the newborn with unique hair was looking at his status as he saw a new mission prompt which states.

[New Mission: Get in Contact with an Scp]

[Rewards: Stats boost +5 and System Skill Appraisal]


Author Note

If anyone knows the importance of the Mc's reincarnation location, it would be pretty obvious where the story is heading.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

LazySatanixDevilcreators' thoughts