
Survive the last days

931 years of the Invergar calendar. The city fell into a dark slumber, above the night sky huge zeppelins swam slowly like giant whales Cyclops-like lights were cast from them, moving across the sleeping city to observe. Lorenzo stood at the corner of the street, puffing away with a cigarette in his mouth. The tobacco was laced with wakeful herbs which even in the dead of night kept him incredibly lucid and even said to be a little excited.With this faint excitement, the cane gently tapped the ground, striking lightly according to the rhythm of the impression.He was waiting for someone, and as a general rule he liked to spend his waiting time thinking about just about anything, as long as his brain wasn't idle.Lifting his head, he looked at the dim streetlight as his thoughts gradually drifted away. According to the parallel universe concept, under the huge scale, all the incredible things will happen, or under this concept, these are destined to happen......

Liammmmm · Sci-fi
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24 Chs

Chapter 5: Dear Winchester

Eve felt herself caught in the rhythm of the man, and with the iron cabinet on top of the iron frame, he tried the pulley, and it went smoothly.

"What are you going to do?

"Get out of here."

Tearing off the white coat hanging in the corner, Lorenzo used it to secure the two together.

"We can't just run out, the fire will set your clothes on fire, the temperature will melt your eyes, and then in one panicked breath, the air will rush into your respiratory tract and then your lungs. Think about it, detective, it's like eating hot coals."

Lorenzo described the death, and then moved the assembled iron car to the wall.

"So we needed this thing, like a skateboard, to go all the way out, and I remember the route, it was a straight line."

Lorenzo waved his hand as he gestured inside the grim iron cabinet.

"Ladies first."

Iguan was confused.

"You want me to get in here with you?"

She began to pray that her family would not find out about the day.

Sharing a room with a male stranger..... It's a morgue, but it's enough to drive her dad crazy, let alone a big... An iron cabinet.

"We need a certain amount of inertia to get out, otherwise we'll end up halfway through the fire, like two oven pigs, you know what I mean?"

Lorenzo was more concerned about his own life than Igwan thought.


A steam pipe explosion, followed by a fire, spread through the morgue. No one appeared to be hurt, but it also worried Place.

But in the middle of all this he's looking for where Yi Guan is, and since just now this new guy has been missing, obviously passionate about cases and stuff, but now he's not there.

Place thought that this was the real Eki, who had been pretending before, but then another thought arose in his mind... Maybe she's at the center of it?

Like in the morgue.

The poor boy!

Place panicked for a moment, but just then the steel chariot burst out of the burning passage, Lorenzo rushed out before he could stop, and the fiery chariot with the Eguan inside crashed into the wall.

Fortunately, in thick clothing, Lorenzo only had a lot of Han, but he did not have time to slow down, and his eyes swept back and forth in the crowd, as if looking for something.

In order to cover up Wall's body at the hospital arson, to know that this is the focus of Suyalan hall care of the place, obviously the other party is very persistent about the matter, then he can not put the fire to go, he wants to make sure that no one can leave alive.

That person is in a corner somewhere, quietly waiting for the fire to go out.

What are you going to do now?

Lorenzo puts his hand in his pocket, which has a gap that allows it to reach directly under his clothes, and it looks like he's putting his hand in the pocket, but in fact his hand is on the trigger.

Now that the fire has survivors, what do you do?

The grey and blue eyes reflected everyone's look, Lorenzo examined everyone, they have not learned acting, there will always be a flaw.

So what do you do? Just walk away or kill me?

No one would have thought that the death of a sailor would be related to a sudden hospital fire, after all, the difference in value between the two was so great.

Place had a hard time getting Iguan out of the iron cabinet. The girl looked discomfated, but her face was excited, as if she did not realize that she would soon be on fire with Lorenzo.

She finally felt the joy of being in the business of her dreams, a feeling that was desperately real.

Pulling back the hair that blocked the view, not caring about the image, she wiped her face with the cuff, and then struggled to stand up.

It's chaos. This is a hospital, and even though the fire isn't showing signs of spreading, it's enough to scare people.

Lorenzo kept an eye on it all.

The crowd will move slowly, see how the fire will move away, and of course there will be some who just like to watch and stay where they are.

A doctor?

There were not many white coats in the crowd, most of them passed by and glanced back to their posts, and some other nurses were trying to cooperate with the water and control the fire.

A patient?

Mostly family members, but only onlookers, marveled and prayed.

Lorenzo shook his head vigorously.

No, I'm not thinking right.

That person needs a safe place, where he can blend in with the crowd and leave, and where he can watch for survivors. He used a lot of oil to start the fire, and neither the patient nor the doctor could have brought in that VAT without being noticed.

The puzzle broke into countless pieces, and Lorenzo picked them up and filled them in.

The broken mirror was pieced together little by little to reveal its final appearance.

Lorenzo's hand clenched the trigger under his trench coat, and he had found the man, the man no one was destined to notice.

A janitor pushes a cart full of oil. He dumps the oil on the ground, then picks up a mop and sets it on fire when no one is near.

Yeah, no one would notice a janitor, let alone investigate his grime filled bucket.

Well, with an ID, it's easy to determine the location.

It was just around the corner in front of Lorenzo, where he could see it if he raised his head, and step back to plunge into the hall and mingle with the crowd.

"Please make way!"

Lorenzo, suppressing the excitement in his veins, moved toward the position, saw Lorenzo leave, and Iguan immediately shouted at Place.

"There is something wrong with this man, don't let him go!"

Then Place pulled out his pistol and bellowed.

"Sir, please cooperate!"

Although it was not clear what the problem was, it was clear that the strange feeling on Lorenzo's body made him suspicious, as if he had seen Lorenzo somewhere before.

A troublesome man!

Lorenzo muttered to himself, and the next moment he strode forward into the crowd, well aware of the marksability of the detectives, who had not dared to fire in the crowd.

As Lorenzo ran, the crowd began to stir, terrified of the strangely excited man who had emerged from the fire, and they couldn't help backing away to make a way for him.

The man still panicked, seeing Lorenzo quickly approaching a cleaning staff or could not help but the panic in his heart chose to back, as long as he stepped into the corner and began to run Lorenzo could not catch him, the hospital so large people and guards arrived, Lorenzo will not have any chance.

That's where Lorenzo Holmers' Code number seven comes in. Lorenzo has always felt that his book should be included in textbooks.

What if the suspect escapes? Shoot him in the leg before he's out of sight!

Under the windbreaker Winchester fiercely raised, Lorenzo's hand has been on the trigger, he is the tight string, ready to attack.

No one would have thought that the man would hide a shotgun under his windbreaker, the deafening roar made everyone's eardrums ache, dust flying rubble splashing, the running figure had not yet started a staggering fall.

This is the effective shooting distance of Winchester, the bullet directly shattered his calf, the large smear of blood directly appeared on the ground, he can not scream, can only continue to whimper on the ground.

Lorenzo was not going to let him get away so easily, gripping the trigger guard, Winchester spun gracefully in the air, the lever-action shotgun spewed its hot shell, and then loaded it with an intoxicating crisp.

I love this gun.

The shotgun's grip is short, so it's just long enough to hide under Lorenzo's trench coat a little deeper than anyone else in the world can imagine.

'Don't run away, my friend!

Lorenzo strode off, but just then a barrage of gunfire rang out.

The shot came from outside, and the janitor's point of view was in the hall, so the people in the hall could see him, and he wasn't working alone, and now that the mission failed, his partner decided to sacrifice him to hide it.

The bullet went through his skull, and he died in a stalemate as he crawled on the ground, blood flowing all over the ground.

And that wasn't the end of it; the more intense rain of bullets pinned Lorenzo down, preventing him from getting anywhere near the hall.

In fact, Lorenzo became more and more curious about what the Silverfish was carrying, and what strange things were inside that mysterious iron box.

Take a deep breath, presumably this is not a group of trained soldiers, it should be just a group of thugs who take money to work for people, then their IQ must not come to alternate fire, so this seamless barrage will always have a moment of interruption.

As Lorenzo thought, there was a gap in the firing of the bullets as the crowd wailed in the background.

It's a fatal mistake. One of the most important lessons of any army is to teach them to alternate fire, some of them fire, some of them switch, alternate fire, and create sustained suppression.

In this precious gap, the great detective leapt out.

Winchester thundered, and the aftertaste of black powder lingered on the tip of the nose, something more mesmerizing than hallucinogens.

The barrage of projectiles shattered a man's chest, causing a curtain of blood to splash up his back, and the figure was then thrown backwards.

I was expecting some kind of backlash, but nothing.

They're not changing bombs. They're evacuating.

It was Lorenzo's negligence that when the fire broke out, reinforcements from Suaran Hall were on their way, and at the speed of the rangers, they would be here in ten minutes, and they didn't want a fight, and by the time the rangers got there, they were out of their control.

Outside the hall came the sound of horses whining, then away in the rapid clatter of hooves.

Lorenzo slowed down, drove straight through the crowd, stepped over the body on the ground and chased him out, more gunfire greeted him, but only to frighten Lorenzo, not aim at all.

But now the crowd had done what they had to do, and Lorenzo couldn't catch up with them, he could only watch them gallop, Lorenzo was just a man, he couldn't catch up with these damn guys.

Just at this point, the loud whistle sounded, like the help of God, it was not far from Lorenzo's sight, and all the way above the signal lights turned red to make way for it.

The iron snake, puffing up white mist of steam, came roaring along the tracks below.