
Survive the last days

931 years of the Invergar calendar. The city fell into a dark slumber, above the night sky huge zeppelins swam slowly like giant whales Cyclops-like lights were cast from them, moving across the sleeping city to observe. Lorenzo stood at the corner of the street, puffing away with a cigarette in his mouth. The tobacco was laced with wakeful herbs which even in the dead of night kept him incredibly lucid and even said to be a little excited.With this faint excitement, the cane gently tapped the ground, striking lightly according to the rhythm of the impression.He was waiting for someone, and as a general rule he liked to spend his waiting time thinking about just about anything, as long as his brain wasn't idle.Lifting his head, he looked at the dim streetlight as his thoughts gradually drifted away. According to the parallel universe concept, under the huge scale, all the incredible things will happen, or under this concept, these are destined to happen......

Liammmmm · Sci-fi
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24 Chs

Chapter: 11 The Wind in the Crowd

Old Turin, suburban, Phoenix Territory.

As a highly decorated protectorate during the Glorious War, this territory near Old Turin was given to the Phoenix family by the Queen at that time, and over the generations it has become a grand and hidden castle.

For ease of travel, there is a track directly to the heart of the old Turin, on which runs the armed train modified by the mechanical institute, which is the express train of the Phoenix family, which can be reached in half an hour despite the distance between the two.

The man stood on the edge of the balcony and sighed slightly as he looked at the end of the horizon.

He was a standard Invig, grey-haired, very neatly trimmed, with a classical but now somewhat outdated sheriff's beard, and must have been a man who had attracted thousands of women in his youth, but time had not let him go, and his once handsome face was covered with wrinkles.

At first, the Phoenix family only acquired this land for their old age, and the Duke was not only old and his health was deteriorating because of the war injuries, but in order to stay in the center of power in Inlvig, he wanted to find a pure land, so he chose this place.

Here is really good, and the old Turin that cloudy day is different, here can enjoy the rare sunshine, there is no exhaust gas because of burning charcoal, the air is fresh, compared with the old Turin, here is simply the pure land in the fairy tale.

But over the years, with the expansion of old Turin, men have been able to see the towering steam tower as far as the eye can see from their balconies.

This is not a good thing, and maybe in a few decades, that damn dark cloud will be over this land.

Men like the sun, the longer they stay in old Turin, the so-called sunbathing is extremely precious, and because of his age, he also wants his offspring to bathe in the sun.

After all, it seemed to the Duke of Phoenix that the longer one stayed in Old Dunling, the more wet and rotten one would become, and eventually mingled with the grey city.

"How sad..."

The current Duke Ephra Phoenix, the current owner of the Phoenix family, uttered a feeble exclamation. "And Eve? Is she honest at last?"

"Mademoiselle is still in her room. Maybe this has hit her really hard."

The butler answered the Duke's question in due course.

"On the contrary, I feel that the bigger the blow, the better, the better, the good college, not to be a detective, if this can make her give up the best."

Apparently, the father was strongly opposed to Iki's dream of being a detective.

"Perhaps the lady is just longing for you, and wants to follow your path?"

The butler did not seem to expect the duke's response to be so strong, for many years of love for Yi Guan, let him subconsciously say good things for Yi Guan.

"My way? You mean become a soldier? The Glorious War is over, and too many of the Phoenix family have died for this war."

Evra's eyes were downcast and his face serious.

"Wars, soldiers, detectives... Everything to do with weapons is not good, she should be a princess of Phoenix, find someone who loves her and marry for the rest of her life, I have even saved up the money to buy her an island as a dowry, she can sleep with her children by the sea at sunset, without the roar of steam engines, deadly diseases, and smoky air, It'll be like heaven."

Although strongly opposed to her daughter's dream, the doting sentiment was clear in her words.

"This is the path of Iguan's life, not to mingle with the triviality of old Turin." Several Evra viciously said.

"Why do you think we in Phoenix are known as a family of immortal birds? It was only during the Shining War that we survived. He who lives is glorified, and he who dies is dead and nothing."

The glorious war swept away the lives of too many people, Evra's brothers and sisters father and grandfather, exhausted all the skeletons of the Phoenix family to pile up today's not dead bird family, and every time I think of all this Evra will be difficult to contain anger.

"Go tell Suaran Hall. I'll give them a month to find a way to get rid of her idea of being a detective."


Now the old Dunling has entered the autumn, the cold winter is on the way.

The yellow leaves covered the pavement, paved in the sunshine into a golden road.

This is hard to see in the old Dunling scenery, Yi Guan see this mood is rare good up, wearing a lace edge pale yellow dress, like a child kicking leaves, making them dance with the wind.

She was the ruby of the Phoenix, the brightest red feather on the wing of the immortal bird, illuminating the dark light of old Turin.

But now the princess is not very happy, although the gold accumulation of leaves is beautiful, but this happiness is also short-lived, touched his empty neck, the heart is still difficult to say irritability.

The missing necklace is important, at least to Izoki. It had belonged to her mother, a gift from the Duke of Evra when he married her, and was worn by the Duke himself on the day Eve came of age after her mother's death.

Fortunately, Evra does not approve of Igan becoming a detective, and the two have been cold to each other for some time, so Evra has not seen what is missing on Eve's neck.

Phoenix Manor is really big, so big that two people who live here day and night can go almost a month without seeing each other.

The brain has become a mess, Yi Guan thought for a long time and finally speculated that it was lost in the lower city, but lost there basically can not find back, perhaps the necklace has been disassembled and assembled into a new jewelry on a counter in the outer city.

Thoughts sad to the extreme, but at this time the clattering bell, not far from the line of sight a series of cars slowly stopped on the small platform outside the gate of the manor, the guards gathered nearby, guard.

This is Phoenix's special express train, which is dedicated to transporting things related to Phoenix's home, the maids usually carry it out to buy ingredients, and some guests from far away will also come on it, but the carriage will be much more gorgeous than this.

It was one of the important links between Phoenix Territory and Old Dunling, and it carried daily supplies as well as those who were up to no good, so the guards were nervous every time the train arrived.

Under the steam, the daily necessities and food materials for the next month were transported out of the platform, and under the interception of the guards, the staff could only look at this legendary territory from a distance, envy here and here the beauty of the heart at the same time.

The crowd was bustling, and the empty manor was suddenly crowded, and everyone was busy, after all, behind the magnificence of Phoenix is the hard work of nearly 100 ordinary people, who also need to eat.

Yiguan watched from a distance, but I did not know when a man had come to his side, holding a folded ladder, wearing a dark green garden suit, and holding a large pair of scissors between his waist.

He hung his head down, his body covered with leaves and branches, and sweat soaked the corners of his clothes. It was such a common man that Igseki did not even pay attention to it until the familiar voice sounded.

"You know, I did an experiment where you could get in and out of most of old Turin with a ladder."

The gardener suddenly stood beside Yi Guan, took off his sultry hat and said to himself.

"I've managed to get into Suaran Hall with a ladder, City Hall, the cinema, and of course now the Phoenix Manor, and they all think I'm here to fix things."

With a pale face beneath his short pale blond hair, he looked at Igoshi and smiled.

"This is what I learned at the Royal College of Art, that people tend to ignore people who are used to it, like leaving the window open and the glass falls on the floor, and your subconscious will think that the wind blew it over, and your subconscious will explain these 'anomalies'.

This is the principle, those who are accustomed to life will become 'wind', I only need to carry the ladder and the scissors you will think that I am a gardener, no need for any explanation, your brain will explain my appearance, as long as I dress properly, the scene is appropriate, there will be no mistake."

The sweat stains are randomly pointed with water, and the leaves and branches on the body are rolled out at will on the ground.

The girl's face gradually became frightened, but then, as if aware of something, she managed to compose herself, then lifted her pale yellow dress and, in the bewilderment of the gardener's face, removed the pistol from the tight ribbon around her thigh.

"Have you guessed this?"

She's a Phoenix princess, but that doesn't mean she's a cute vase. This is the Phoenix Estate, her property, and as soon as Igan fires a shot, eight axes will rush out and chop the damn gardener to pieces.

"Honestly, in my not-yet-long career as a detective, I've seen money hidden under a long dress, but I've never seen a pistol hidden." You've given me some new ideas for my career."

Too late to review the beauty of the skirt, the gardener wisely raised his hands.

"So you've met him now, Mr. Lorenzo Holmers."

Looking into those gray and blue eyes, Eseki felt that his precarious detective career was about to turn around.