
Survive the Division

Sometimes to keep a balance with those seeking to abuse the powers you've granted them you need to MAKE their counter that's more effective than them. Some changes will be made within this all like certain factions not being on someone else's side or just completely killed off. Rainbow 6, Ghost Recon, and Splinter Cell will be in this book along with their foes.

BiazarKaiser · Video Games
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8 Chs

Hunter.EXE Starting...

My life used to be pretty damn shitty growing up as an abandoned child in Washington DC, the darker side of that place was and still is a cluster fuck. However, I never once expected that I'd get involved with rescuing Vice-President Thomas Eliezer Mendez during a hostage situation at a restaurant I was stealing from. They made good food for rich pricks. Heh I still remember the moment during that whole ordeal that I fucking jumped on a table with a cleaver and dug into a gunmans throat before hiding behind his body as I barely held it up while his friends tried killing me. Oooh boy never get shot at with a light machine gun as a kid its so fucking loud and makes your arms numb while holding a shield. Just that distracted the gunmen long enough for the cops and national guard to pick the rest off as those guys were just jealous a kid killed one of them. As I clearly did a better job at killing someone than them.

Like I mean if a five year old street rat can kill you when you're armed to the teeth then you're not that great at your job. Those guys were from some group called BTSU, must of been mercs honestly that received military training yet they got done in by a street rat.

After that I was rewarded by Mendez.. Just not in a way I'd ever expect as he adopted me due to him not having children yet. Which later led to me discovering my talents in mechanical fields, and becoming a member of Seal Team Six at nineteen as I went in at seventeen under special permission, then a Ghost at twenty-one, and finally mechanical engineer for the Division, and Hunter programs at twenty-three. However, during my time as a Ghost while in the southern part of India on a mission I met a rather… vocal and clingy Bengal Tiger cub who wouldn't let me be as her mother had just died as she was birthed and I was the warmest thing covered in the mothers scent as I was checking the dying animal over. I never want a Human child if just feeding a Tiger cub was that much work! Like fuck just eat what I give you! Said Tiger cub was also why I ended up eventually out of the Ghost program and sent back stateside.

However, I can't honestly be mad at the little one,,, she's grown on me and by now everyone knows my big baby Alexia. Dad keeps making horrid tiger puns because he is as he put it, "Grandpa of the year all year around and it is my duty to make Grandad Jokes. Although my granddaughter is a Bengal Tiger, I'll still love her like family." and he certainly does so with a passion as he's literally taken my tiger fishing. Never thought I'd see the day a Tiger wore a fishing hat saying "Bitches love fishes" and using a specialized fishing pole. I blame dad for the fact I have that moment as my phone's lockscreen and wallpaper. Like come on how could I not save such a sight for all eternity?! When I helped get ISAC up as Alexia is essentially always with me ISAC recognized Tiger as a language that he must know.

The language expert tried so hard to get that removed and got shot in the ass for it by ISAC taking over a turret before the AI held the console hostage with turrets and drones. ISAC quickly learned to love the big baby like everyone else given that when Tiger was added Alexia realized we could now talk and with ISAC translating she got very excited. Just talking down the AI to not hold a console hostage was a chore as we had to first get the language fucker to NOT delete Tiger which took four fucking days! Stubborn fucking asshole couldn't let it go until ISAC threatened to leak all their secret porn be known. ISAC clearly learned how to use his adaptive coding to make threats, I'm innocent for there's no proof I coded that function in.

Today however I was in dads office with Calvin McManus, the director of the Hunter program and the sad little boy working with the BTSU's CEO Natalya Sokolova. A woman I had the displeasure of once meeting. Alexia was with me as she practically is glued to me almost every hour of the day, much to Calvin's displeasure as the big cub was giving him a stink eye with her special ISAC collar glowing softly around her neck. Coughing lightly, dad began to explain why the two of us were here while Calvin tried and failed to scare Alexia and get her to leave.

"Dakota, Alexia I called you both here because Calvin needs a capable leader for his Hunters and with your experience you're a fit for such a role. You have no qualms with killing anyone for treason or attempted treason, hunting down ex-friends, or silencing threats. You would work for Calvin, but you'd answer to me directly as my own in with the Hunters."

Calvin didn't seem to exactly like that from his facial expressions but he handed me an ISAC watch with a black glow to it. Slipping it on the watch turned on and once I was in a Hunter I drew my concealed pistol and aimed at Calvin McManus while responding in a neutral tone.

"Dangers to the state don't get to live, after all that's rule one of the Hunters since I would know as I worked on some of their stuff. Thus Calvin McManus for the crimes of working with the terrorist group which held the Vice-President hostage once before and selling US Citizens to them, specifically children, to be trained as soldiers after making them forget their past lives. You are hereby dismissed from life."

"What Proof do you ha- BANG"

Calvin didn't get to finish his excuses before a gunshot sounded out and his gray matter and blood painted the wall behind him. His corpse fell to the ground as the door opened with Secret Service coming in to see the now deceased Secretary of Homeland Security dead on the ground with me standing there showing dad all the information on his dealings using ISAC's holographic projection function. With some brief orders the deceased Calivn was removed and disposed of while I became the sole appointed Hunter Command.

With that I began working on and reworking some things about the Hunter program along with building new machines. Until November 24th,2015 the day of Black Friday when a new epidemic rapidly spread in New York as Ground Zero.