
Survive the disaster

Solar storms paralyzed global power communications, caused climate abnormalities, and caused frequent natural disasters. High temperatures, thunderstorms, hail, acid rain, floods, typhoons, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, dust, extreme cold, meteorites... The polar glaciers are melting rapidly, resurgent ancient germs are raging around the world, sea levels are rising, and countless city countries have become oceans. Fortunately, Qiao Xi had a storage space filled with supplies.

DaoistzypD36 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Chapter 29

Gradually, there are more people who have escaped from the city near the reservoir, and there are always some people who are particularly cautious and sensitive.

As the fire continued to burn in the city, there were more and more people at the reservoir, making it noisy, and some people were quarreling over positions.

The family of three who deliberately chose a remote place managed to hide in peace.

Qiao Yuanshan and Xi Jingyun were resting in the RV. Qiao Xi was lying on a folding chair outside the car. There was an ice fan on the left and a small folding coffee table on the right with drinks, marinated food and fruits on it. Those who didn't know it thought they were camping. .

The RV could sleep three people, but she was worried about the fire in the city and couldn't sleep at all. It was more practical to stay outside.

Qiao Xi closed his eyes to rest, then suddenly opened his eyes.

A skinny yellow tabby cat was sneaking closer, staring directly at the braised beef on the coffee table.

Seeing Qiao Xi looking over, it immediately arched its back toward Qiao Xi, neither getting closer nor retreating. It purred like a warning.

Small body, big courage.

Qiao Xi couldn't help but laugh, picked up the largest piece of braised beef, and shook it around in a playful manner.

The green cat eyes swayed back and forth.

Qiao Xi couldn't help laughing, where did this silly cat come from? Domestic cat or stray cat? It looks like a stray cat.

Life is difficult for people, not to mention pets. More and more pets are being abandoned. If you are lucky, you can survive as a stray. If you are unlucky, they can only become a pile of meat and end up in people's stomachs.

A thick piece of braised beef flew towards me, and the spotted cat took it in his mouth, squeaking, squeaking, finishing it in a few seconds, and continued to stare at Qiao Xi.

Qiao Xi raised his eyebrows slightly, seeing that its movements were not very neat. This little thing seemed to be injured. No wonder it was so skinny and skinny.

Cats cannot eat food that is too salty. She pretended to dig into the bag next to her and took out a cat can and pet bowl from the space. I picked up a lot of them at the port, thinking I wouldn't use them anymore.

Pour the can into the pet bowl and put it on the ground. Qiao Xi continued to lie back on the chair.

The spotted cat hesitated, looking at Qiao Xi, while limping slowly closer. After arriving at the pet bowl, he couldn't help it any longer and buried his head in eating, stuffing the whole cat's head into it.

Looking at the tabby cat that was engrossed in eating, the extremely whimsical idea hovering in the depths of Qiao Xi's mind broke out uncontrollably. She wanted to test whether her blood had any special effects.

The Bodhi Bracelet uses blood as a medium to integrate into her body. She relies on the Bodhi Bracelet to strengthen her body, so will her blood indirectly strengthen her body?

If you can, you can improve your parents' physical condition and increase their probability of survival in the end of the world.

She also has a more greedy idea. Her parents are genetically similar to hers. If she drinks her blood, will she be recognized by the space and be able to enter the space?

The two hours in the underground garage waiting for the thunderstorm to pass were like a year, for fear of being burned. Although there is an 80% certainty that he can protect his parents, there is still a 20% chance that he cannot.

What if, she was left alone in this world, how terrible it would be.

If her parents can enter the space, she will no longer have to worry about anything.

Theoretically speaking, it is at best ineffective and not toxic.

It is said that animals are keen and seek good fortune and avoid misfortune. If her blood is poisonous, she has been bitten by mosquitoes for so many years, and she is particularly attracted to mosquitoes. When exploring deep mountains and old forests, if the protection is not in place, you will be covered with bags. She has never seen a mosquito poisoned to death by her. Even if it bites her, it still runs so fast that she can't even catch it with her hands.

One time while diving, my calf was scratched by a rock and bled a lot. No fish in the bloody water turned upside down, and the small piece of coral was fine.

However, when it comes to parents, it is inevitable to look forward and backward. Therefore, she wanted to test it on animals first. If conditions did not allow it, she would even want to find genetic monkeys for testing.

If it's okay, sneak it into the food and give it to your parents. Blood transfusions by close relatives may cause rejection, and the parents will not agree, so this is the only method.

Disgusting or not, it's not worth mentioning in the face of safety.

After licking the bowl clean, the tabby cat scoffed at Joe.

She felt that it was not a thank you, but another one, and decided to satisfy it. She is the one who can seduce her. If she is injured and wandering outside, it is better to follow her. No, please look elsewhere.

Qiao Xi stood up and opened another canned cat, slowly approaching. The tabby cat dragged its injured leg slowly back, waiting for Qiao Xi to pour the can into the pet bowl and return to the recliner, then it walked over.

Soon the can was finished again, and the tabby cat scoffed at Qiao again.

Qiao Xi looked at its bulging belly. He didn't satisfy it this time. It was not good to be hungry for too long and to eat too full at one time.

After barking a few times and getting no response, the tabby cat limped back to the bushes and disappeared.

Qiao Xi doesn't chase after him. Those who are willing will come. If you don't want, don't force it. After all, if you are doing an experiment, you must be willing to do it. If you are willing to follow yourself, you will ensure its safety, food and clothing within your capabilities. It's actually quite good to have such a little guy at home, it makes it more lively. Three adults, sometimes it can be a bit boring.

After the sun came up, Qiao Xi packed up his things and entered the RV. Before getting in the car, he moved the pet bowl under the car and poured some cat food into it.

Three hours later, I went down to take a look. There were signs of movement in the cat's food, but only a quarter was missing. I don't know if it was a tabby cat? If it is him, is this cat food not to his liking?

After thinking about it, she added two more pet bowls, filling one bowl with the canned food from before, and another bowl with another type of cat food.

Qiao Yuanshan looked at it curiously: "What are you doing?"

Qiao Xi: "Fishing cats."

Qiao Yuanshan: "???"

Qiao Xi got into the car: "Let's see if we can trick him into going home and raising a cat to make it more lively."

If the family can afford a cat, Qiao Yuanshan and Xi Jingyun will naturally not object. They live one day at a time, and do whatever makes them happy.

The second time I went down to take a look, I found that the cat food hadn't been touched much, but the canned cat had finished eating it and was quite edible. This time, Qiao Xi did not put any more cat food, but two other cans to see which one the cat liked. It can be seen that it likes to eat a lot of beef.

After dark at night, both Qiao Yuanshan and Xi Jingyun got out of the car to stretch their hands and feet.

Qiao Xi took the pet bowl out from the bottom of the car and filled it with beef slices cooked in plain water.

Seeing her daughter's childish behavior, Xi Jingyun couldn't help but laugh. The child has been very tense recently and rarely plays. "We are here, will it not dare to come over?"

"Given its foodie nature, I don't think it's possible. Let's wait and see. Otherwise, it means it has no connection with our family."

At around eight o'clock, the foodie cat came limping back, and Qiao Xi found that its pace was even slower and more difficult than in the early morning.

Seeing two more people, it hesitated slightly, but under the temptation of the delicious food, it still staggered to the pet bowl and ate with its head down.

"This cat is injured." Xi Jingyun frowned, "It looks a bit serious."

Qiao Xi nodded: "Otherwise, we would have run away long ago."

Qiao Yuanshan was curious: "What kind of cat is this?"

Qiao Xi didn't know either. She never paid attention to this area and knew only a handful of cats.

Xi Jingyun looked at it carefully: "It's a hybrid cat, it looks a bit like a tabby cat, but the tabby cat is a little darker, and the pattern seems to be strips and patches, like a little leopard."

While the family was discussing, the tabby cat finished eating and ran away without another word. It stood there for a while and then suddenly lay down on the grass, exposing the wound on its hind leg. It looked like it was left behind after being bitten by some animal, in a semi-healed state, with blood scabs stuck on the hair.

"Does it want us to treat its wounds? It's so spiritual?" Qiao Xi was a little surprised.

"Animals like cats are still alive." Xi Jingyun looked at the wound, "It's inflamed. In such a hot day, if it festers and becomes pus, the consequences will be serious. See if you can carry it into the car, and I'll give it some treatment. . I can't find a pet hospital right now, so I'll just make do with it."

Qiao Xi put on rubber gloves and approached, not because he felt dirty, but because he was afraid of being bitten. Although there is rabies vaccine, she does not want to take it because it is said to be very painful.

Fortunately, the little guy could tell the difference between good and bad, and his body stiffened when he was caught, but he did not retaliate for kindness.

Qiao Xi clicked his tongue: "Quite smart."

The smart kitten was a little dishonest when it got in the car. The debridement process was a bit painful, so Qiao Xi had to use brute force to control it. It screamed so miserably, it was like killing a cat.

After treating the wound and wrapping it with gauze, Xi Jingyun breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It hurts my ears to scream."

Qiao Yuanshan couldn't agree more. His voice was a bit shrill, and some of the tones sounded like a baby crying, which was particularly worrying.

The freed tabby cat curled up in the corner of the booth, wanting to lick the wound, and licked the gauze. The unfamiliar taste made it a little confused.

It was so cute. The more he looked at it, the more interesting it became. He tentatively took out a cat strip and said, "Replenish your physical strength."

The spotted cat looked at Qiao Xi, and instead of alienating him because of being forced down and tortured, he got closer and actually finished a cat strip with Qiao Xi's hand.

Qiao Xi said to his parents: "I think it's a bit easy to deceive. I won't be deceived into having a cat strip in the future."

Qiao Yuanshan laughed happily: "It can't be because it is sure that you are a good person, so it is not afraid of you."

Qiao Xixin said that I am not a good person and I have ulterior motives.

I don't know whether it was due to weakness, greed for the air conditioner in the car, or thinking about the next delicious meal, but the tabby cat didn't leave. Even if Qiao Xi opened the car door when he got out of the car, he had no intention of leaving. He lay quietly on the booth and clapped his hands, occasionally ringing the bell ball next to him.

The night passed smoothly, and in the second half of the night, no more cars were seen escaping into the city. Qiao Xi guessed that the fire might be under control. If it gets completely out of control, you should be able to see the sky dyed red in the suburbs.

The RV was a big target, and there were a lot of people in the suburbs of Beijing during the day. It was not convenient to pick up the RV and change it, so the family simply waited for another day. I was not idle in the car either, washing and chopping vegetables, it was not a waste of time.

Qiao Xi kept taking things away and putting them away, making the spotted cat look at him for a moment, his two green eyes widening. If he could speak human words, he would probably say: Look, the two-legged beast is doing tricks.

It was busy until it got dark, and there was nothing unusual in the night sky. No one had come to the reservoir for a long time, and the people who came before kept leaving. Qiao Xi and the others also decided to leave and return to the city, along with the spotted cat.

Throughout the day, the car door opened and closed several times, but it didn't run out. Rounding out the situation, Qiao Xi acquiesced that it was willing to go with them. After all, high-quality meal tickets are rare.

On the way back to the city, he met a patrolling policeman. Qiao Xi stopped the car and went up to inquire about the fire situation. He learned that the fire had been completely extinguished. The worst-hit area was Dongcheng District, where Chaowang Street is located, and it had not affected other urban areas.

The family felt relieved and sped home.

Jinlan Villa was safe and sound, with no fire or thunderstorm. Speaking of which, he wandered outside for two days and two nights in vain, but Qiao Xi had no regrets and sailed the boat carefully.

After returning home, Qiao Xi turned on the power switch and then turned on the air conditioner. In order to prevent accidents caused by thunderstorms when they were not at home, they would turn off the power before leaving.

Being in a familiar environment, Qiao Yuanshan and Xi Jingyun were completely relaxed, and waves of fear surged up. Such big hail, such big fire, it's really going to be the end of the world.

They believed in what their daughter said was the end of the world, but lacked intuitive understanding.

Until now, apart from power outages and internet outages, Beijing and the city have been calm. Their home is not short of electricity or water. Except for the lack of Internet, life is almost the same as before, so much so that they have the illusion that the end of the world will be just like this.

It wasn't until this fire and thunderstorm that they finally faced the horror of the end of the world. In addition to power outages and network outages, in addition to high temperatures, it can also chop down street trees more than ten meters high, rain hailstones of more than ten centimeters from the sky, and ignite seas of fire that stretch for kilometers.

After coming back from outside, his body was covered in hot sweat. Qiao Xi suggested: "Mom and dad, take a bath and have a good rest."

Xi Jingyun waved her hand: "I've been sitting in the car and resting for the past two days. It's only eight o'clock. Let's cook. Do more while you can and prepare."

Qiao Yuanshan agreed that this disaster had aggravated their anxiety. Any accident might make them homeless. After leaving this villa, they might not have such a private place where they could cook cooked food with confidence.

Qiao Xi opened his mouth, thought about it and swallowed it back. He was so busy that he had no time to think about it: "Then let's make some vegetarian dishes today."

No one objects, cooking meat or something is always a bit uncomfortable.

Compared with the heavy mood of Qiao's family, the calico cat was nervous when he first arrived. Even though his hind legs were injured, it didn't stop him from running back and forth at home, like checking whether the new environment was safe.

Qiao Xi placed a plush carpet, a basin of cat litter, and two pet bowls in the corner, one for cat food and one for water. Go back to the streets and see if there are any pet products sold. At least get an automatic feeding machine and water fountain.

After arranging the little guests, Qiao Xi went to the basement to get busy.

Having washed and cut a lot of vegetables before, Qiao Yuanshan could just stir-fry them.

Xi Jingyun still remembered the milk tea scene, and asked Qiao Xi for the recipe of the restaurant's milk tea. After looking at it, she chose a relatively simple hand-made lemon tea. She practiced the simple ones first and then moved on to the more difficult ones later.

Qiao Xi put frozen steamed buns, steamed buns, flower rolls, and shaomai pizza into large and small steamers. She received a lot of this kind of frozen food at the port. It can be steamed in about ten minutes. Often when one side is put in, the other side is ready and needs to be taken out.

In the meantime, she also spared half an hour to fill the plastic storage box with water and then put it into the refrigerated container. It has a built-in refrigerator that can be used as a large refrigerator and can freeze more than a dozen tons of water in one night.

After a few hours, there were more than a dozen buckets of vegetables, pasta and lemon tea on the shelves in space No. 1, enough to last more than half a year.

They were busy until after twelve o'clock, and then the satisfied family went to take a shower and go to bed.

When Qiao Xi returned to the bedroom on the second floor, she didn't take a shower. She dug out a medical book and studied how to draw blood for herself, and finally decided to draw blood from a relatively thick ankle vein.

After a while, she put down the book. Her brain said she had learned it, but she didn't know if her hands had learned it. If you take it, you'll probably get a few shots in vain. If it doesn't work, just give yourself a stab.

Bai received three injections, and just when Qiao Xi decided to give up after the fourth injection failed, these four injections were successful. Taking advantage of the convenience of blood collection needles, she drew 200 ml of blood at a time. The minimum specification for donating blood was a little less the first time.

After pressing the blood collection point for a while, she ate a few pieces of donkey hide gelatin cake and a bowl of tomato beef noodles full of ingredients, feeling that her blood was full again.

The next step was to feed the cat. Qiao Xi squeezed the cat strip into the pet bowl and dropped a drop of blood into it, which was less than half a milliliter. Immediately, I took the pet bowl and went out, and met a calico cat wandering in the corridor. It stopped immediately when it smelled the fragrance of food.

Qiao Xi took the pet bowl back to his room, and the spotted cat followed closely behind him. Returning to the bedroom, she closed the door. It would sleep in the same room as her tonight so she could observe it more easily.

The tabby cat jumped into the bowl and ate it, licking it all in three or two licks. It also licked the bottom of the bowl without finishing it, raised its head and meowed at Qiao Xi.

Qiao Xi opened another one and said while feeding it: "You can't eat this one after you finish it. You have eaten a lot today, and you will eat it tomorrow."

After eating, the tabby cat meowed again to beg, but failed and had to give up and wander around the room instead. The room is large. In addition to the bedroom, it also has a living room, a cloakroom and a bathroom. Except for the cloakroom door, which is closed, the other doors are open.

Qiao Xi arranged a cat nest, water bowl, cat litter box, and took out a bunch of small toys, and went to take a bath. By the way, this cat is dirty and won't jump on my bed. Forget it, if it jumps, I'll change it, for the sake of its hard work as a guinea pig.

When I came out of the bath, I saw the spotted cat lying on the lazy sofa biting a doll. When I saw Qiao Xi, I glanced at him briefly and continued to bite him.

Qiao Xi ignored it, turned off the main chandelier, lit only a small table lamp, and smiled at the spotted cat: "I'm going to bed, you should go to bed early, it's best not to suddenly climb into my bed, I have a stress reaction I'm not responsible for kicking you out subconsciously." After saying that, he closed his eyes and started to sleep.

In the dimness, the cat's eyes on the lazy sofa reflected a faint light, and Qiao Xi's breathing was slow on the bed.

One person and one cat each settled in a corner, quietly until dawn.

When he woke up and saw the tabby cat playing with the curtains, Qiao Xi was still smiling and in good spirits even though the curtains worth tens of thousands were hooked.

Just say how could her blood be poisonous? It has a nourishing effect. After all, she is a super invincible lucky person who has merged with space.

Qiao Xi suppressed the raised corners of his mouth, but to be on the safe side, why not try it on a cat for seven days? Half a month? A month?

Time waits for no one, so make a compromise and give it half a month, and then secretly add it to your parents' diet after half a month. As for the side effects taking half a month or even longer to show up, it's not that we didn't take it into consideration, otherwise why would we hesitate until now? But the situation is not up to anyone and can only be ignored.

Qiao Yuanshan and his wife have woken up, the older one is the younger one.

When the two woke up, they went to the kitchen to wash rice and wash grains. A row of large and small rice cookers and electric casseroles were placed on the countertop. The rice cookers cooked white rice and the electric casseroles cooked various grain porridges. After finishing my work, I go to wash up, and then go to the gym in the basement. When I come back from exercising, my rice and porridge are ready.

Qiao Xi also woke up, came down to put the porridge and rice into the space, and the family started to have breakfast.

Xi Jingyun looked at the living room: "I didn't see it when I woke up in the morning. I thought it had gone somewhere."

Qiao Xi said without changing his expression: "He ran into my room."

Xi Jingyun: "This little guy likes to run around and won't stop even when he's injured. He needs to be taught some rules. At least don't touch the fence in the yard. It's electrified."

Qiao Xi nodded: "I have to teach you, parents. After eating, I will go out to see if the car is still there, and then look at the restaurant and the house in Sunshine Garden."

"It's probably gone. Most of Dongcheng District is gone." Qiao Yuanshan felt uncomfortable. That was the family business that the couple had worked hard for most of their lives.

Qiao Xi: "Then I have to take a look and have an idea. I also want to find out if there are any pet clinics and pet stores that are open and buy some pet supplies."

Xi Jingyun glanced at the spotted cat: "If the pet clinic is open, come back and take the cat over to have a look. I'm not a veterinarian after all, and I haven't been a veterinarian for so many years. My hand has already been born, and the wound treatment must not be as good as a professional."

Qiao Xi said yes.

After breakfast, Qiao Xi drove out and met a group of people wearing sackcloth and wearing mourning, carrying a corpse and blocking the gate in mourning. He laughed angrily when he understood what was going on.

It turned out that five thieves took advantage of the chaos and tried to break into the community in the middle of the night before yesterday. Fortunately, they were discovered by the security guard patrolling with a dog. The thief who was climbing on the ladder and carefully climbed over the anti-climbing spikes panicked and fell on the anti-climbing spikes. He was seriously injured and was sent to the hospital but could not be rescued.

If the family refused to enter the house, the family would carry the body and block the main entrance to make a fuss, demanding two million in compensation.

The property was in a big commotion, especially the security guards who chased away the thieves. They were depressed and afraid that they would be held responsible.

A security guard said apologetically to Qiao Xi: "The front door is blocked, so I can only ask you to use the back door."

Qiao Xi saw that the property manager, Mrs. Xu and several other members of the owners' committee were there, as well as the police and many owners who came after hearing the noise, so he reversed the car. If he couldn't solve the problem for a while, he would come back to ask for follow-up questions.

For compensation, do you want the Ming coins from Tiandi Bank?

Qiao Xi left through the back door and headed eastward. He found that many shops along the street had broken doors and windows. This was not a disaster area. It was most likely man-made. There would be no shortage of people taking advantage of the chaos to do evil.

A cordon was set up around the disaster area, and no unrelated vehicles were allowed to enter. Inside were rescue military police and volunteers who were busy under the scorching sun.

Qiao Xi drove around the perimeter and roughly determined the scope of the disaster. She confirmed that the car, the restaurant, and the Sunshine Garden suite were all destroyed by the fire. She couldn't help but feel a little melancholy. She had lived in the Sunshine Garden suite for ten years. Full of family memories.

Shaking her head, she continued to drive to the shooting club. The iron door was wide open, and the anti-theft lock on it was violently cut off and thrown into the corner.

How should I put it, no surprise. Jinlan Villa, which is ten kilometers away from the disaster area, has been attacked by thieves, let alone this place which is only three or four kilometers away.

The chaos that lasted for more than a month had some people ready to take action. This disaster unleashed the ferocious beasts in the hearts of those people.

Qiao Xi went inside and took a look. It was a mess. He didn't know whether these people were just looking for money or came for guns.

There is no money, the valuable things inside have been taken away by the boss long ago, and the remaining things are either worthless or fixed on the wall and cannot be taken away. There is no gun either. The boss of the real gun has long since taken it away, while the fake | real | gun is in space.

Overall, the loss is not big.

She took out her mobile phone and took a video to inform her boss. After taking the video, she tidied up the place, locked the door and left.

There were no pet shops or clinics on the way here, so Qiao Xi took another route home and finally found an open pet supply store.

The shop owner was a young girl. She heard that many people were taking advantage of the chaos to rob her shop. She was worried about her shop, so she took her father to have a look. She never expected to meet a big customer.

There were things in the store that Qiao Xi could use if he didn't have a cat, so Qiao Xi bought them all, including cat scratching posts, feeding machines, drinking fountains, deworming pills, hair removal creams, cat teasing sticks... Buy more of what is commonly used, and less of what is rarely used. She bought some and filled a whole car. She bought several sets of cat climbing frames to let her climb as much as she could.

The beaming father and daughter helped load everything into the car.

The shopkeeper wiped the hot sweat from his forehead: "Pet clinics? All the ones I know are closed. There is no way to open the door without electricity. Sorry, I don't know a pet doctor."

Qiao Xi planned to try his luck again, and if he got the best chance, he would have to give up if he didn't get it. Her mother's sword is still young, so she can still treat the wound well. The rest depends on the tabby cat's own perseverance and luck. Little guy, please do your best and get well soon.

After returning to Jinlan Villa with a full load, the people blocking the gate and making trouble had disappeared, so she asked the security guard about the situation.

The property management side is not willing to lose money. Two million is a joke, even two hundred thousand is not willing to be paid.

Mrs. Xu is not willing to pay compensation. If she loses one today, she will have a second and a third tomorrow. Porcelain has become a business for a long time, so this gap cannot be opened.

The owner and the property owner have reached an agreement that they will never settle down and condone extortion. Anyway, now that the power is cut off and the Internet is cut off, he will not be put online, and he is not afraid of things getting serious and affecting his reputation. If you want compensation, go to court and sue them, and wait until the court makes a decision.

How can those people who caused trouble be willing? The court is currently busy handling criminal cases, and civil cases have to be pushed to the back. This will have to wait until some time. What's more, they consulted their neighbors who studied law. Regarding their family's situation, if they go to court, the most they can get is some humanitarian compensation.

The little plan failed, and the family was so angry that they yelled and wanted to beat someone. Fortunately, the police didn't get along. Recently, the government has become more and more tough, and they directly detained and took away the troublemaking family members.

Hearing that Qiao Xi felt very comfortable, it was finally not 'whoever dies is justified and who makes trouble is justified', she opened the door and got out of the car and opened the trunk: "I bought something for the cat and brought some dog food for the dogs."

On the way back, she specially collected some things and made room for ten bags of dog food. If you put them in the space, they are also used as decorations. If you can take them out openly now, take some out. The dogs raised by the property management are good housekeepers.

The security guard said thank you while moving down the dog food: "Then I'd like to thank you for Dahuang and the others." When they were almost finished moving, they realized that this house didn't seem to have pets, "Do you have a cat?"

Qiao Xi smiled and said: "Keep one to pass the time."

When I got home, I found someone there. They were two community workers who went door-to-door to educate people on precautions against fire and thunderstorms and distributed a leaflet. Thousands of instructions must be remembered and followed.

This disaster was divided into 30% natural disaster and 70% man-made disaster. I have told you countless times not to use batteries in your home and to turn off the power in time during thunder and lightning, but some people just don't believe in evil.

Otherwise, it was just a thunderstorm, which would have caused such serious consequences. One-tenth of the urban area was reduced to scorched earth, with the death toll reaching 100,000 and more than 300,000 injured. The casualties were mainly concentrated in the summer resorts that were not moved in time. Large areas of corpses were burned and melted into balls. The situation at the scene was so tragic that many rescuers and policemen were trembling.

Because of this unprecedented disaster, the atmosphere in the entire Beijing city has undergone tremendous changes.

Faced with the bloody death toll, panic suddenly intensified.

Originally, after the free canteen came out, the craze for stocking up gradually subsided, but now it is even better than before, and the queues at the supermarket entrance are getting longer and longer.

This is reflected in the fact that the owners of Jinlan Villa tried their best to find ways to install protective nets. The owners who had a wait-and-see attitude at the beginning took action one after another. This thing can really save lives.

Along with the public panic, the crime rate has also increased, and the public security in Beijing has deteriorated sharply.

And disaster followed.

The second thunderstorm in Beijing occurred in the afternoon of the 20th in the eastern suburbs, with only heavy rain.

The third thunderstorm in Beijing occurred on the night of the 26th in the north of the city, with hail.

The fourth thunderstorm in Beijing occurred on the afternoon of the 31st, near the shooting club, with hail. The Qiao family was inside at that time and there was no danger.

On September 1, the government promulgated new policies.

In view of the frequent thunderstorms and high temperatures, and considering the safety of people's travels, the government issued shopping certificates, which clearly stated the materials that each person can purchase each month, from the amount of food to the number of daily necessities to fuel quotas.

In the future, you will have to use your shopping certificate to purchase at supermarkets, and you can purchase up to one month's worth at a time. People with the same household registration can buy on their behalf, avoiding frequent queues to buy.

"Actually, this is to limit the quantity. In the past, although there was a limit, there was no limit on the number of times. People with good patience can buy two or three times a day." Qiao Yuanshan looked at the newly issued shopping certificate with complicated eyes, "This is a step back to It was before the 1980s. At that time, you had to buy food books and various tickets. Money alone was useless. "

Qiao Xi said: "We are not going backwards. One flush can buy a month's worth of food. Most people are happy to see this happen. Queuing in line is too tiring."

Indeed, apart from scalpers, most people are happy to hear about this policy.

Students are also happy to hear that the start of school has been postponed.


"It is now 10 o'clock in the capital, and I will give you today's weather forecast. Today's maximum temperature is 50 degrees Celsius, and the hot and sunny weather continues. Citizens and friends are asked to pay attention to heatstroke and fire prevention, and avoid outdoor work..." The words are true. Yuan's voice came from the radio.

The restoration of the hydropower grid is far away, and it is said that the thermal power plant that was about to be repaired was destroyed by a thunderstorm. Fortunately, the city radio station was restored on September 9. People finally have a channel to understand current events, and they are no longer blind.

You can receive two channels. One channel tells the time on time, broadcasts the weather, and repeatedly broadcasts government policy news. It is the official window to the outside world. Another channel is responsible for entertainment, playing readings, music, cross talk, movies, and TV series 24 hours a day to enrich everyone's spiritual life and relieve panic and anxiety.

"It used to be 40 degrees forever," Qiao Yuanshan, who handles bread crabs, complained, "now it's 50 degrees forever."

Qiao Xi just checked the thermometer in the yard. The thermometer hanging outside showed 55.6℃.

Recently, many homes have suffered from air conditioner malfunctions. The outdoor air conditioner unit of one house in the community exploded, scaring her so much that she was afraid of another monstrous fire. Fortunately, the fire truck arrived in time. There was an artificial lake in the community that could divert water. With the help of the lake water, the fire was finally extinguished in time. Except for their own home, no neighbors were affected.

After the accident, many homes in the community replaced high-temperature air conditioners. Some cautious people even install two sets of air conditioners and use them alternately.

Qiao Xi felt that it made sense. At first, she only thought about replacing it if it broke, but she didn't expect that it could still be like this. She quickly arranged it for her own family.

When installing the air conditioner, she sealed a big red envelope and a box of canned luncheon meat, and successfully learned how to install the air conditioner from the air conditioner master.

In order to minimize the occurrence of malfunctions, mainly explosions, she also placed ice cubes next to the outdoor unit and replaced them regularly to keep it cool.

The weather forecast ends and the radio station continues to play the expert interview halfway through.

"The current high temperature has a lot to do with solar storms. The sun's internal activities are violent, so the energy it releases will definitely increase, which will cause the temperature of our blue star to rise. The rise in temperature causes the heated air on the surface to rise, forming a strong Thunderstorms occur when there is convective activity. As we all know, thunderstorms are a type of strong convective weather, and the reason why such large hailstones are formed is because a large amount of water vapor condenses into ice crystals in the high altitude... Now people. There are rumors about the end of the world, and everyone's panic is understandable. After all, this kind of abnormal weather is indeed rare in a century. But looking at the entire history of Blue Star's development, it can actually be said to be commonplace, in-"

The expert who was chatting was suddenly replaced by a serious female voice: "An emergency notice is inserted. All citizens, please pay attention. According to the observation of the weather station, a strong thundercloud group is approaching our city. It is expected that some streets (towns) in our city will be affected in the next two hours." There will be thunder and lightning, local thunderstorms, strong winds, heavy precipitation or hail. Please take the following precautions: stop open-air activities, outdoor high-altitude operations, and water operations, close doors and windows, properly place outdoor items on the balcony, and quickly enter..."

The biggest role of the radio is early warning. Since the radio was restored, the casualties and losses caused by thunderstorms have been significantly reduced, and people have more time to avoid danger. Today, fewer and fewer people do not listen to the advice.

"Is it morning now?" Xi Jingyun was stunned. Thunderstorms have always occurred in the afternoon and evening, never in the morning.

"There is no reason in this world." Qiao Xi put down the half-processed bread crab and immediately ran to the stairs, "Dad, you close the window, I will go to the roof."

In order to let in the sun and maximize power generation, the glass houses and protective nets on the terrace have skylights.

After closing the skylight, Qiao Xi put away all the solar panels on the terrace, and confiscated the water tank, outdoor unit and other equipment connected to the pipes. These are all in reserve, so it's not difficult to replace one if it breaks down. There aren't many solar power panels, so it's a pain to replace them.

While she was busy, she saw that the neighbors were also making noises. So far, only 70% of the houses in the community had installed anti-theft windows. The rest were queuing up, not because they didn't want to, but because the facts were in front of them. Whether it is government agencies, summer resorts, or private residences, they are all rushing to install protective nets. Even if all factories resume production and work overtime, demand will still exceed supply.

After the balcony was finished, Qiao Xi went to the balcony on the second floor to close the window, and then put away the folding solar panels covering the entire balcony, as well as the power bank and small fan connected together in the room. She had a lot of these little things, so she took advantage of the strong sun to charge them one by one and save them for later use. Fuel is precious. No matter how much we reserve, we can save a little bit. Anyway, they can use solar energy to generate electricity, and they will never use oil to generate electricity.

Qiao Xi is responsible for the most troublesome balcony, while Qiao Yuanshan and Xi Jingyun are responsible for the windows.

This is not the first time they have experienced this. Whenever there is a thunderstorm warning, they will experience it again when they are at home. If there is no thunderstorm, you must do this before going to the club in case a thunderstorm occurs while you are away from home.

Even the tabby cat has become perfect with practice. When Xi Jingyun finished his work, he jumped into her arms. He liked Xi Jingyun the most in the whole family.

Qiao Xi was a little envious. Fortunately, he fed it delicious food every day and occasionally mixed it with blood.

The half-month deadline came early. The tabby cat was alive and well, and the injury on its hind legs was completely healed. It was healing at a normal speed, so she didn't know if her blood was of any use. Then I thought about it, my own physique gradually improved over the years rather than overnight, so others would just need more time. Looking at the bright side, it's not that it's ineffective, but it's just that there's not enough time and quantity, so it doesn't lead to qualitative changes.

Even if she is deceiving herself, she is willing to deceive herself like this.

After completing all the protective work, Xi Jingyun took the spotted cat to the audio-visual room in the basement. That room had been soundproofed, so the thunder would be much smaller. Cats have particularly keen hearing and can't help but be frightened.

Qiao Xi returned to the basement, put the food on the countertop, the half-working roast duck oven and the large steamer filled with Eastern star spots into the space to prevent them from breaking over time, and then returned to the living room. If you stay in the basement, you will know nothing about what is going on outside, which is very dangerous. If a lightning strikes and catches fire, you will not be able to respond immediately.

Father and daughter sat quietly on the sofa in the living room, waiting for the thunderstorm to pass, hoping it was just a simple thunderstorm.