
Survive the disaster

Solar storms paralyzed global power communications, caused climate abnormalities, and caused frequent natural disasters. High temperatures, thunderstorms, hail, acid rain, floods, typhoons, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, dust, extreme cold, meteorites... The polar glaciers are melting rapidly, resurgent ancient germs are raging around the world, sea levels are rising, and countless city countries have become oceans. Fortunately, Qiao Xi had a storage space filled with supplies.

DaoistzypD36 · Sci-fi
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40 Chs

Chapter 27

Some owners felt that Mrs. Xu was being alarmist: "It will take two or three years for the whole country to recover, but our Beijing city will definitely be the first place to return to normal. Maybe we can return to normal in two or three months. Besides, this is 20X1, and today's government is not The government of the old society, how could the government allow the situation to reach such a state of chaos?"

Mrs. Xu spoke loudly: "Of course the government is different, but at that time only a few provinces were affected by the disaster, but now it is a disaster for the whole country and the whole world. Even if Beijing and the city return to normal, it is the nature of the country's more than one billion people to seek good fortune and avoid disaster. Do you think they won't come to Beijing? With such a big stall, the government will inevitably fail to do what it wants. Instead of placing all our hopes on the government, why don't we make more preparations and turn the ugly into the ugly? It's nice to be robbed. You can make money again if you lose your life, but you really have nothing if you lose your life. Is it possible that everyone still thinks that the life of the whole family is not worth the money? Besides, in today's economic situation, there is no point in worrying about housing prices. ?"

Speaking of this, many people are shaken. Between money and safety, they will definitely choose safety. The richer they are, the more they cherish their lives. As Mrs. Xu said, if the money is gone, you can make it again, but what's the use of having so much money if your life is gone. The current situation is really scary. Renovating the wall will make you feel more at ease when sleeping at night.

However, there are more than 100 households in the community, and it is impossible for all of them to be sensible people.

"It's not that I'm reluctant to part with the money, but I feel that it's not enough. We have to trust the government." The speaker was He Meiying, who came to Qiao's house not long ago to cause trouble. She just couldn't part with the money. Fifty thousand yuan can buy a car in the supermarket. The food is enough to last for a year. Smashing it on the wall is just a waste of money.

Mrs. Xu glanced at her, deciding whether to smile or not: "Let Lao Wang decide whether it's enough or not. Lao Wang won't be short of these few dollars."

He Meiying's face twitched.

Liang Jiajun, who came with her, tugged at her clothes. What a mouthful. Go back and tell your sister, and then ask your sister to tell her brother-in-law. If your brother-in-law is willing to pay, it won't be their turn to pay for it anyway. She feels so bad. He rolled his eyes, and suddenly a plan came into his mind. Maybe he could spend the money. Regardless of whether their family could pay for it or not, the wall would have to be built. They would benefit from it, and they couldn't be driven out.

Not to mention, there are many families who want to go with Liang Jiajun. If you want to do it, go ahead. Anyway, if I don't pay, what can you do to me? Failure to pay property fees does not mean that we have not been able to do anything to them.

No matter where you go, there are always people who love to take advantage of you.

Someone else asked: "Will the property management company agree to making the fence like that?"

The fence outside their community is made of real materials and is famous in the industry for its fine workmanship. It is a business card of the developer. The property company is a subsidiary of the developer and may not agree to destroy the business card.

Mrs. Xu said calmly: "The community belongs to all the owners, not the properties. The properties exist to serve the owners, not to manage them. If they don't agree, we will change to another property that agrees. We pay tens of thousands of properties every month Fees support service personnel, not ancestors."

Many people nodded in agreement: "Compared with appearance and safety, safety is definitely more important. If the property management company doesn't take our safety seriously, what's the use of keeping such a property."

After the preliminary decision is made, it is a show of hands to vote.

There are a total of 168 households in Jinlan Villa. 142 households were present today. 116 households agreed to modify the fence, 18 households opposed and 8 households abstained. It can be implemented if more than two-thirds of the owners agree.

Mrs. Xu took out 200,000 yuan in cash to set an example: "To spend money on peace, I will pay 200,000 yuan. If you have any leftover, don't give it back. It will be needed for repairs in the future."

Several owners' representatives and the owners with good relationships had already discussed it beforehand and each took out cash. This one had 180,000 yuan, and that one had 160,000 yuan, both of which were more than 50,000 yuan.

Qiao Xi took out 100,000 yuan from his backpack and handed it over: "If you have more, there is no need to return it, keep it for later use."

Some residents came prepared and stepped forward to pay. Those who didn't bring any money said they would go home to get it. Some residents really didn't have much cash, so they asked who had more cash and exchanged some jewelry for some.

It is really not as convenient and safe to go out to exchange things or find someone to exchange cash in the community, where you can see the people without looking up, the discounted price will not be too outrageous, and there is no need to worry about being deceived.

There are several cash-rich households in the community, such as the one that sells solar energy equipment. The government gave them a compensation when they expropriated the property, which is not a small amount of money. With so much cash, their family could never use it up, so they were willing to exchange it for gold and jewelry. If society returns to normal, it will definitely make a lot of money; if it cannot return to normal, gold and jewelry will definitely be more valuable than cash.

In one night, Mrs. Xu raised more than 8 million in cash. Anti-climbing spikes are not expensive. People looking for work on the street can recruit workers for 200 a day, so this money is enough to arm the wall.

All those who voted in favor paid, and half of the remaining 20 or so households who opposed or abstained also paid. People want face and trees want bark. If they don't pay each other, they will be embarrassed to walk around the community. The remaining half are those who don't care about face. They keep saying that I don't agree with why I have to pay. It's good that they don't ask you to compensate for the loss of house prices.

The owners' committee headed by Mrs. Xu has nothing to do with them. These households are a thorn in the side. They didn't pay property fees before. Now, unlike in the past, they can cut off water and electricity, and they can't resort to law. Nowadays, many people do not pay property fees, and many residential properties have become useless.

If you don't pay, don't pay. It's not a small amount of money, but it's impossible for them to take advantage of it so easily. The list is posted on the bulletin board, and it is clear at a glance which company has paid and which has not. If you get a small advantage and your reputation is ruined, you will suffer a big loss sooner or later.

The project was not cumbersome. There happened to be an owner in the community who was doing the project. The workers, materials and equipment were prepared the next day, and they started working avoiding the hottest period at noon, and continued the work at night. When workers are in the community, the patrol team to maintain public security will not come to control them.

Within seven days, two rows of anti-climbing spikes more than ten centimeters long were added to the top of the fence. A batch of spare spikes were also reserved in an empty room of the community clubhouse for future replacement.

During these seven days, Qiao Xi's family was also very busy, cooking in the morning, shooting in the afternoon, and continuing to cook in the evening.

I am really busy, but looking at the growing amount of cooked food in the space and my parents' gradually improving shooting skills, I feel really down-to-earth.

On August 7, exactly one month after the solar storm occurred, people also ushered in policies that made them practical.

Restaurants in public places that were previously open to people to escape the heat would charge a cost price. From now on, all restaurants will be free. And canteens in schools and other public institutions will be reopened to the public free of charge.

At the same time, public services such as hospitals and buses were announced to be free to ensure everyone's most basic living needs.

Qiao Xi thought of the massive demonstration in front of the bank that day, and guessed that it might have something to do with it. There are really some people who cannot survive. It's not that they don't work hard, it's that the results of their hard work have been wiped out overnight.

Announced together with these policies, the night ban was also lifted, encouraging merchants to resume operations at night, while opening venues to allow individuals to set up stalls.

Public security problems can be solved by strengthening patrols, and recruiting a group of patrol officers to create more jobs in disguise. But the stagnant economy and the huge unemployed population will sooner or later cause serious social problems if no way is found to alleviate it.

After they could move around freely in the evening, Qiao Xi and the others' time to go to the club was no longer limited to the afternoon, but more often in the evening.

It was less than ten o'clock when I left the shooting club that day. Qiao Xi suggested going to the night market for a stroll: "It's been a long time since I went shopping. Let me calculate, today is August 15th."

She was stunned for a moment: "It's only been more than a month, but I feel like a year has passed."

Xi Jingyun sighed helplessly: "What happened in this month is comparable to the past year."

Qiao Yuanshan added: "You can catch up in three years, go and see it, visit once or twice, just relax."

Driving on the road, you can see that many public places and private houses are installing security windows. Businessmen traveling from north to south brought bad news about thunderstorms in southern cities, which stimulated a group of people. Many people regretted their hesitation and missed opportunities, so they could only wait in line.

The stainless steel industry, which had been neglected before, is ushering in spring. Factories have resumed work and a large number of workers have returned to work, but demand still exceeds supply.

If you don't have money to install serious security windows or don't want to wait in line, then install wooden boards and foam boards, which will always look safer than bare glass. The people who are happiest at the moment are the residents of the old community. The old communities have all installed anti-theft windows in the early years. It's not like the new community has to keep the facade beautiful. Even the balcony is not allowed to be included, let alone the installation of anti-theft windows. Now I can only be so anxious that I can't sleep.

The temperature is too high during the day, so people can travel freely at night, and people gradually begin to live day and night. The city has regained some vitality. On the road near the night market, there are obviously more vehicles, but they are not cars, but battery-powered bicycles.

Domestic oil relies on imports, and now it cannot be imported, which has led to rising oil prices. The price of 92-octane gasoline has exceeded 20 yuan. I am unemployed and at home, so I can't afford to fill up with gas.

There are not many electric cars, all public charging stations are out of order, and only a few people have power generation equipment in their homes. At present, there are already people who make a living by selling electricity. In rural areas in the suburbs, there are still villagers who make a living by selling well water, which is quite keeping pace with the times.

The most popular items on the road are bicycles, which require no oil or electricity, only strength. The shared bicycles on the streets have long been carved up.

Occasionally, you will see young people standing on skateboards passing by, sweating tirelessly in the night of more than 30 degrees.

There were also shouts from people playing cards and chess on the street, and a group of people watched with gusto.

Humans are the most adaptable animals. After the initial panic, they gradually adapted to this new world of power outages and network outages.

The parking problem that has plagued the city for many years has disappeared, and you can park anywhere you want. After getting off the car, Qiao Xi held his father's arm in one arm and his mother in the other, looking left and right as he walked forward.

Before the power outage, this was the night market street, which was famous for its liveliness. It is still as charming now as it was back then, but there is really a lack of entertainment.

The premise for homeboys and homegirls is that they can live at home only if they have the Internet. If there is no electricity or Internet, no one can stay at home. During the day, the sun forced me to hide indoors. At night, the temperature was slightly lower, so I was not allowed to come out for a breath of air.

The electricity at the night market is provided by generators provided by the government. Therefore, although the shops along the street are not air-conditioned, they are brightly lit, but almost no one is interested. The busiest ones are the shops selling food and drink.

There was a long queue in front of the milk tea shop. Qiao Xi took a quick look and saw that the queue was twisting and turning. There must be more than a hundred people there, and there was definitely no one invited by the store.

Qiao Xi, who wanted to drink but didn't want to queue up, suddenly remembered: "There are a lot of milk tea ingredients in it." Her buffet restaurant features unlimited durian, mangosteen and other expensive fruits, as well as free milk tea. Customers can use their imagination to mix their own. You can specify the style and let the waiter make it.

"Then make some later." Xi Jingyun usually doesn't let her daughter drink it because the sugar content is too high, but things are different now. We don't know what it will be like in the future, so if you want to drink it, just make some and leave it alone.

Qiao Xi smiled and nodded.

Watermelon and cantaloupe, sold in pieces, have become a hot commodity.

The tricycle selling Liangpi was surrounded by water.

The barbecue stall was packed with people, and many people chose to take away the food and eat on the go.

The busiest stall is undoubtedly the stall selling vegetables, chicken, duck, fish and shrimp. Even though the price is several times more expensive than the supermarket market, it is still crowded. Who said there is no purchase limit? As long as you have money, you can get it.

Anyway, anyone who sells food has to queue up. Qiao Xi chose a slightly less long queue and bought three bowls of ice powder, which cost thirty-five yuan for one bowl and three bowls for one hundred yuan.

Qiao Yuanshan looked at the ingredients on it, which were just some red beans, raisins, and watermelon. The most they sold for before was ten yuan: "The price is quite high."

Qiao Xi pointed out: "Things are rare and expensive, and other things are much cheaper. Look at the blackboard. The original price of a mobile phone is 6,999, and the current price is 2,999. This mobile phone was actually sold at this price before."

Xi Jingyun shook his head: "Who would spend 3,000 yuan to buy a mobile phone now."

"Mom, I want to buy it, I want to buy it, my friends all have it, and I want it too. I'm going to junior high school, how can I not have a mobile phone. I don't care, there will always be a call in the future. When the call comes, it won't be at this price. Now It's only 2,999, which saves 4,000 yuan."

Xi Jingyun: "..."

Next, they witnessed a famous scene where a naughty child told his mother to buy a mobile phone and I would kick you if you don't agree. In the end, they succeeded.

The cheerful naughty kid pulled the sad-faced mother in. Five minutes later, the relieved mother came out with her indignant son. Because the shopkeeper wouldn't sell it, the naughty kid was still crying inside.

Qiao Yuanshan smiled: "The owner of this shop is quite good."

"Let's go in and take a look." Qiao Xi took his parents into the mobile phone store, not to buy mobile phones, but to buy resources. The blackboard at the door said that mobile hard drives for movies and TV variety shows were for sale. She had downloaded popular movies and TV shows from five years ago, but not those from the past five years. It was an unexpected surprise. She came to the right place this time.

"Three years of variety shows, five years of TV series, ten years of movies, everything is available. Anti-war movies, costume dramas, comedies, youth idol dramas, whatever you want is available. I have a computer here, so I can inspect the goods on site. If I go back and find that the goods are not what I ordered, Look for me, my store is here, you can't run away. But as we agreed, it doesn't matter if you share it with your friends. You can't set up a stall to compete with me. Even if you want to compete, don't do it at this night market, right? We have to talk about some basics. polite."

Resources can be copied infinitely. The good thing is that there is no capital for the transaction. The bad thing is that others can also do this transaction, and you can only make one profit after another.

Qiao Xi was amused by him and asked about the price.

"Copying is one price, bringing a hard drive is another price. Bringing a hard drive is 50% off." Hard drives are expensive, but profits are also high.

Qiao Xi asked for the hard drive, all the resources, and picked three tablet computers with the best performance in the store.

The shop owner was elated. After confirming again and again, and getting an accurate reply, he carefully quoted the price: "Twenty-three thousand."

Qiao Xi took out the money from his backpack, counted twenty-three thousand and handed it over.

The shopkeeper who was already ready to bargain said: "..." Wow, when you meet a fat sheep, you will hit him, it's the God of Wealth.

After counting the money, the cheerful shopkeeper took out the bag and put everything in it. He took out a hard drive from the corner and put it in. He looked at Qiao Xi meaningfully and said, "This is a gift."

Qiao Xi: "..." It seems that I guessed the content of the gift. Thank you so much, Hard Disk Man.

The family of three, who had received an unexpected surprise, walked out contentedly. Suddenly, a violent explosion sounded, followed by screams, followed by another explosion.

Qiao Xi's face changed slightly, and he couldn't help but think of the fire in country T that burned down half the city. He quickly went out to check, and saw a huge hole blasted out on more than ten floors of a high-rise building not far away, with flames and thick smoke constantly coming out. .

The owner of the house suffered from neurasthenia and could only sleep in a quiet environment. He was also relatively heat-resistant, so he went to a summer resort with his family during the day and returned to his own home to sleep at night. He disassembled the battery of the electric car and used it as a storage battery, and turned on the ice fan to cool down.

The first explosion was caused by the battery, and the second explosion was caused by the gas tank in the kitchen. The fire added to the fire, and the entire house exploded into a sea of ​​​​fire in an instant. Two neighbors who shared a wall were also affected. The walls collapsed and the flames ignited everything.

At the night market, many residents of the neighborhood where the incident occurred saw that their neighborhood was on fire, especially the residents who lived in that building. They were so anxious that they jumped three feet high and ran back, shouting at the top of their lungs as they ran: "Scream!" Fire truck, call the fire truck!"

Patrols at night markets are already using walkie-talkies to call fire trucks. The walkie-talkies have built-in signal receivers and can be used without an Internet connection, but are limited to a range of a few kilometers.

After a while, the fire truck arrived quickly, but the weather was dry and the fire spread rapidly. The fire truck had limited water capacity, and the fire was growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Qiao Xi reminded the shop owner who was waving his fan to watch the excitement: "If I were you, I would immediately pack up the valuables in the store and leave as soon as possible."

The shop owner groaned and realized what she meant. He was both disbelieving and scared: "The fire won't reach this street, it's several hundred meters away."

Who knows, Qiao Xi is just accustomed to taking precautions before they happen, and the fire in M ​​City has left an indelible shadow on her. She is more afraid of fires than thunderstorms with limited scope. It is said that the wildfires in LW's country are still burning and have reached the national border. Fortunately, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians worked day and night to successfully set up fire isolation zones before the fires spread, and kept the overwhelming wildfires out of the country. Otherwise, Yun Province, which has a high forest coverage rate, cannot escape the disaster.

The patrol team at the night market was already trying to persuade the onlookers to leave quickly, but the effect was not very effective. Many people stared at the excitement as if they were watching a blockbuster movie. Some of them were disgusted and couldn't get enough. When they got closer, only a few people turned around and left.

Before the chaos started, Qiao Xi drove home with his parents. Jinlan Villa was more than ten kilometers away from here, so it was theoretically safe. The community is located on a high ground and is located on the outskirts of the city. If the fire here cannot be controlled, it will be visible and it will be too late to evacuate to the suburbs.

Tens of millions of people live in this city. Fires broke out every day on average before the solar storm. Not to mention now, you can hear fire trucks roaring past every day. If you evacuate at the first sight of a fire, you won't have to waste time.

She prayed silently in her heart that the fire was put out smoothly and that it would not get out of control, let alone burn to Jinlan Villa. The family villa has been fully renovated and only a little cooked food has been prepared. She doesn't want to move, not at all!

The streets on both sides receded rapidly, the street trees shook violently, and a strong wind suddenly blew outside.

Qiao Xi's expression suddenly changed. He glanced at the sky. The moonlight was very faint and he couldn't see if there were thunderclouds. She replayed each thunderstorm experience in her mind, first the wind, then the lightning, then the thunder, followed by lightning, hail, rain, and tornadoes.

In the half month since I returned to Beijing, there has never been such a strong wind.

It is no surprise that thunderstorms occurred in southern cities in China in early August and spread to Beijing.

She didn't dare to take chances and risk her family's lives on whether there would be a thunderstorm.

Qiao Xi said solemnly: "Mom and Dad, it's windy. I suspect it's a thunderstorm. You hold on to the armrests. I need to drive faster and find a place to hide."

The couple, who had been warned many times to be careful of changes in the weather, were stunned. They subconsciously looked up at the sky, but saw nothing.

Qiao Xi lowered the window and a strong wind blew in instantly, messing up everyone's hair. There were several patrol cars in front of her. She stretched her hand out the window and signaled the other party to stop. She stuck her head out and said quickly: "The wind is not right, it may be a thunderstorm. There is also a fire in a community on Chaowang Street. The fire may spread with the wind, so don't hide in a place downwind."

The people on the patrol team were stunned for a while. This car was made up of volunteers whose emergency response capabilities were not as good as those of the military police. In addition, they had zero experience in thunderstorms, so they really didn't think about thunderstorms for a while.

Qiao Xi was tortured and extremely sensitive. If it was just a heavy rain, it would just put out the fire. They are afraid that the fire will spread wildly with the blessing of strong winds, and disasters such as lightning, hail, and tornadoes will hinder fire fighting and block escape routes, repeating the tragedy of T country.

Putting down his words, regardless of whether the other party responded or not, Qiao Xi stepped on the accelerator and rushed to the intersection dozens of meters ahead, turning right and speeding against the wind.

In fact, the direction of thunderstorm winds is not very fixed. Sometimes it is a vortex wind, so she can only try to stay away from the fire area. You can't run on the road endlessly. A car can't stop hail, let alone a tornado.

The fire superimposed the thunderstorm, and the anxious Qiao Xi cursed.