
Survive the mana season, please! part 2

"Something's wrong father Stefan!"

Most of the townsmen were cowering in fear inside the chapel as the lights in the sky turned brighter and brighter. Stefan was in a tough spot as Helena's warnings turned out to be true and people started to look at him with distrust in their eyes. He couldn't believe how stupid he had been, It wasn't for nothing that arch priestess were the highest ranked among the third class in the sacred empire. Although he too was considered a third class adventurer, paladins were really common while arch priestess were among the rarest classes.

"Don't worry child, everything will be fine. Let's pray for the gods' protection, they wouldn't abandon us in this time of need. Everyone remain silent and close your eyes in silent prayer while I go pray in my chambers. This must be a test of our faith the gods sent to us, but fear not, as soon as I finish my prayers everything will go back to normal."