
Chapter 2 Deeper Understanding And The War

The angel warden came up with a trolley full of foods. When she opened the door, she was surprised seeing him regain consciousness.

"Thanks good you wake up from your long sleep."

"Thanks, miss warden." Jo smiled kindly.

The warden just smiled and brought her trolley back. The prison became silent once again. He immediately ate it and told Julia to eat as well. Every foods were very delicious. He began to doubt that he actually a prisoner. He got the treatment of a five star hotel, except the room.

After they finished the meal, he asked about how he could survive from her assault.

"When this slave sucked almost all Master blood..."

"Stop, tell me what happened after I lost my consciousness." Jo cut the intro. He had read it by himself inside his own soul space.

Julia started to explain the story. When Jo slumped at the floor, as his new slave, Julia without any choice started to take care of him. Julia used her magic to heal his wound and kept his condition under control.

Not long after, the warden came. She obviously surprised by what she saw. The most wanted angel criminal took care of human. But she let it be.

When warden visit him but he still unconscious, Warden immediately examined his health. She just found out that he got very low energy. His energy barely able to keep his puny life. And finally he got proper treatment.

To ensure his nutrition, Julia used mouth to mouth feeding to feed him.

"So like that! I understand. Thanks Julia." He said his gratitude.

"You are welcome, Master." Julia nodded.

Jo laying on the floor and rested his head on her thigh.

After a brief silence, Jo asked, "Can you explain about this world?"

Julia slightly taken a back, but still told him.

"This world name is Myriad Race Realm, created by God of Creation. Many races reside in this world. Angel, elf, human, ent, warbeast, and demon are the major race. Oh, human had demoted to minor race after the war of race ended. Dark Elf now take human place."

"The major races are forbidden to be forced as slave, but the minor race can. Although slave seems like very horrible, but the reality is much better than what Master think. The slave meal and right not to be abused are guaranteed by the God self. Of course, they lost their freedom."

Jo needed several times to understand completely.

"Then, am I a slave?" Jo asked.

"No, Master. If Master get a slave collar then Master considered as slave." Julia explained.

After getting several information, finally Jo understood that he actually be saved by Ela. How? Ela put him in prison to make sure that no one put slave collar on his neck. Of course it was just his deduction.

Next day, the warden came again. As her routine, the meals and the empty plates were swapped with new dish.

"Miss Warden, let's eat together!" Jo said.

"Ara, you has Miss Julia to accompany your meal. But you still not satisfied and invite me." The warden replied teasingly.

Jo smiled and then shook his head.

"No. One women is enough. I don't even know that I can treat her evenly. Having two women will surely make painful headaches." Jo replied with weak smile.

That was Jo experience. His parents, his father married again. So, he had two wives. When his wives treatment or his love not equal, the wives always created problems. And basically it was just small enough, but they made it big enough. Finally they broke up.

Warden seems understood his feelings. When she wanted to comfort him, she and Jo heard bell rang out. The warden expression instantly frozen.

"You two, go! This place will be a battlefield. Hide in wherever you can!" The warden said hastily. She immediately exited and she let the jail door opened.

Jo forgot to ask the current date again.

"After we eat, we will escape from this city." he said.

On other side, the angel army had already done their preparation. They looked under clouds and saw numerous skeletons on the land.

"The undead start their invasion."

Beautiful yet sorrowful voice could be heard. Right, she was Eleanor De Gabriel.

Angel was the strongest race that given the God blessing. But when they confronted the undead, the Evil God creation, angels didn't hold any advantages at all. The undead just needed hell pools to reproduce and it was instant. But angel needed to mate and produce an offspring.

Hundreds or so skeleton dragons flew upward. Countless humanoid skeletons attached on it. The skeleton dragons hovering the angel city and attacked with their breath. The angel trembled but didn't cower. They readied their weapon to counter undead assault.


After getting assault fiercely, the barrier was cracked. The crack became more and more huge and finally broken completely.

"Angel! Defend our Homeland!" Ela shouted.

"Defend our Homeland!!" hundreds or so angels replied in unison.

Countless magic missiles shot toward hovering skeleton dragons. The fierce battle officially started.

Back to our protagonist, he tried to shift Julia into his soul space, and he succeed.

"Be patient, we will escape from this battlefield." when he said that, the barriers had already broken.

He without wasting time rushed to the exit. On the way along, he didn't find any weapons he could use. In the end he picked up a rusty crowbar.

"It's better than nothing." he shrugged his shoulders and continued his escape.

He walked aimlessly and saw colossal skeleton dragons landed with countless skeletons on its back. The angel army hardly made scratches on the skeleton dragon. Only one angel could deal good amount of damage.

Jo didn't care about angel, but Ela was different. At least she protected him from slavery.

-But what should I do to help her? -

As an outsider, Jo really didn't know anything about this world and power system.

-I hope holy Quran can be helpful now. -

He started to recite on part of holy Quran that could be used to ward evil, Magic assault or Devil temptation. He was not faithful Muslim, but he knew that nothing could be done if he didn't try.

He blew his breath to a stone on his hand. He put a stance and threw the stone to the skeleton dragon nearby.

-Don't disappoint me!-

The stone shot straight toward dragon skull and hit it.


Thanks for reading my novel.

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All in all, thank you very much.

Kat_Oncreators' thoughts
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