
Survivalist's reincarnation

A story of a man who played life as a joke, a game, and won every time no matter the environment and laughed god's attention on his mortal life. Follow the journey of a man known and loved by the world over become someone who knocks on deaths door only to leave before he gets an answer, the mortal who courts death only to dance with life instead.

Absolar · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1:An old man's nostalgia

His name was Dexter, currently he was 107 years old, an extremely long life surely, but what could he have achieved through this life?

Too Damn Much!, That's what!!

Known by many names with unlimited renown and enough prestige to make even kings bow down to him his had surely been blissful...WRONG!

Yet that can be told another time as currently the oh so mighty Dexter was having a heart attack on his soon to be death bed, in the world's most renowned hospital.

Now what could he be thinking about, maybe all he's achieved and how he's grateful to God for his longevity up till now.

Don't be a fool.


"how could I, named the pioneer of death and king of the unconquerable die...SUCH A LAME ASS DEATH!!"

These were his last words which were recorded on his personal graveyard.

Though before we get carried away let's go over his life.

[Dexter, 21 years old]

A peaceful day with serene weather and a blissful silence.

Dexter was heading home, currently walking across the hard concrete path and taking in the tranquility around him, the gentle breeze, the occasional stray cats pur and the rustling of leaves. All was good.

However a sudden light broke out beneath his feet, crimson in colour and bright enough to rival the sun, along with it came a strong desire to stay put and let it envelop you...


I mean, a sudden demonic looking magic circle appears beneath your feet, so obviously you'd run for your life.right?


"Damn that one usually works...guess they ain't a gullible otaku this time, gonna have to get a bit aggressive"


After just barely getting out of the demonic circle, he realises that he's currently in the middle of the road...


However an oncoming truck just so happens to be directly charging at him, yet as it nears he decides to rely on a certain hedgehog's ability and prays it works.


He front flips onto the hood of the truck and using the momentum proceeds to roll on top of the truck and continues rolling forward, unfortunately his ability to mimic a certain hedgehog's ability ends there and he cannot stop the built up momentum, proceeding to roll off the truck, whilst not so gracefully landing face first into a hedge, fortunate for him that the truck swerved or he'd be a colourful painting on the road currently.

"Damn it all..."

As he cursed under his breath he gets up out of the hedg on the roadside, suddenly noticing a lack of people and that all the buildings are closed, when he suddenly notices a poster..."The fu-" *BOOM!!*

The poster read 'Please evacuate, Typhoon approaching'.

Before he could finish his curse directed to God a thunderous noise resounded, one that he saw in the not too far distance.