
Survival with 2 essences MarvelxDC

Loneliness is something that I got used to thanks to my parents, brothers, and sisters, always seen as someone unworthy. Unworthy of their love. Unworthy of their respect. Unworthy of living with them. But after an incident, my sense of loneliness disappeared, why? Because who gives a fuck about loneliness when you can become the strongest being in the universe?

DaoistKQnDFL · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 5

"Ladies and Gentlemen, behind me one of the biggest charity events in the human history is starting, the richest men and women from all over the world have all gotten here, without continuing the presence of a lot very famous journalists and actors and signers, the amount money that this charity is gonna raise is speculated to be around the millions..." Said a report on a helicopter flying above the building.

'Daaaaamn, this surely looks better than I expected, maybe my parents will be here, wouldn't be surprising, they need to keep the part after all.' I thought while showing my ticket at the entrance of the charity event.

I begin to look around, and I can easily recognize everyone.

"Hey dude," Said a voice from behind me.

I turn toward the voice and I notice one of the few friends that I met when I was a child, after growing we separated and became acquaintances instead of friends.

" Hey Harry, it has been quite a while, what's up?" I said while moving my hand for a handshake.

He grabs it and then continues to speak.

" Yeah, it has, I am surprised to see you here alone, usually you either don't come or you are with your parents, your family is gonna make a donation."

" Yeah regarding that, let's just say I got away from their grasp, I don't know if they are going to make one, but I sure am," I said while thinking about how my invention can change the world.

"Arthur, It's nice to see you." Said a voice coming from behind Harry.

" Mister Osborn-"

"Please just Norman, Mister Osborn was my father, and I feel one year older every time calls me mister."

" I am gonna remember that, it's nice to meet you here."

" It surely is, I hope to meet your father, we need to talk about... business."

I simply nodded, and we continued chatting for 3 minutes, after that, a speaker told us that the main event will soon begin and for everyone to take seats.

Everyone began taking seats, I chose a random one, but apparently, my "random" choice wasn't so random.

By calculating probabilities I was able to seat at the same table where Bruce Wayne, Oliver Queen, Tony Stark, Charles Xavier, and where Diana Prince were all seated.

" Well, the amount of money is this table could buy Africa," I said trying to crack a joke, which worked for Tony, Bruce faked his laugh, and the others didn't react.

"Tough audience apparently, I guess I should present myself first, my name is Arthur Leywind, I was part of the Leywind family," I said while forming a small smile on my face.

"Was?" Asked Diana with curiosity.

The others also were surprised but they had to keep their cool facade.

" Yeah, it has been 4 days from the moment I detached myself from my family, let's just say they were kind of... strict," I said, and I put all the displeasure I could in those words.

Before she could ask what I meant, someone appeared on the platform in front of the hall and began speaking.

" As most of you know, we are here to donate our time, money, and inventions to less lucky ones, for years..."

The speech came from an old man, with sunglasses, even though we are inside a building and its night, and with a pair of mustaches.

A the end of his speech, everyone felt better about themselves as if his speech had magic powers.

"Now, the main event will start, who will be the first to give a speech about what his donation will be?"

For some seconds no one raised their hands, then Tony Stark finally did.

His speech was mostly about how cool and rich he was, but his donation was still pretty big.

Now that it was started, the others felt less anxious, and the event continued without any setback.

" We have time for one last speech who will it be?"

Seeing that no one was raising their hands I rose my hand.

" Oh, a young one, come come." The man said with a small laugh.

I slowly walk to the platform, trying to gain as much attention as possible, I even noticed the presence of my parents, and they were surprised when they saw me, wearing a Gucci tuxedo.

I got on top of the platform and took out my creation from my pocket and I put it on the table where the mic is positioned.

" Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, you might yourself, who I am, I am Arthur Leyiwnd, previous youngest son of the Leywind family, I am here to present you with something that will revolutionize how humans heal," I said with a smile on my face.

And with that same smile, I take out one of the knives that were on the table I was sitting on and I slit my wrist.

A lot of the present people either scream or began to dash toward me to stop me.

Before they got near I raised a hand and stopped them.

I open the lid of the lotion, and a blue cream could be seen, I take a small quantity and put it on m wound, 5 seconds later the wound disappeared and no scar was present.

" What I present you is something that I like to call panacea, a medicine able to heal all outer injuries in mere seconds, slash scars, burn scars, bruises, everything can be healed, I can mass produce these medicine, and in less than 2 days this will put on the market at the price of 1 dollar for a bottle."

I put the bottle back in my pocket, and while everyone was looking at me with surprise I got back to my seat with a smug smile on my face.

" Well that sure was a rollercoaster of emotions, I think it's now time for the after-party to start don't you think?"

After those words came out of her mouth classic music began to play, and the questions arrived.