
Survival of the Fittest

The Republic of Herculean Misava lives by the saying, “Survival of the Fittest.” The island is isolated from civilization and lives by laws and values that would cause a riot in our modern-day world. Everyone has only ever known a certain way of living and everyone lives by it without question. Galaxy, Stone, Major, Icterine, Falcon and 6, try to navigate this harsh world as they try to understand why it is the way it is. “ Secrets fill every society in the world. Our world is no different. The Misava people live on an island far away from civilization. Our leaders believe it is safer so we can protect the world we've created and so no one can change the values we have. Our world is different from yours in many ways. We live by our genetic material and what it tells us. Our society believes everything is written in there and it reveals information that is vital to our status. The process of determining this is hidden in the few geneticists available in our world, and they are a rarity that holds this secret. Another important factor is the number 12. The number 12 is used and evident in every society. There are a few rules but nothing too protecting from harm since the motto of the state is, "Survival of the Fittest." The Misava people live by these laws and hold them dearly. Welcome! The jobs of the republic give you your rank as follows: (1 is the lowest and twelve is the highest) 1) Dancer 2) Cleaner 3) Waiter 4) Teacher 5) Police Officer 6) Athlete 7) Doctor 8) Singer 9) Writer 10) Veterinarian 11) Astronaut 12) Leader 12 jobs. In the 84th 12th year, 1008 years to be exact have passed since the Misava people have existed. It is the twelfth month, December, the last day of the month which will bring us to the 84th 12th year, 1009 years since the Republic of Herculean Misava was created. The country has 12 days in a week and they are called by the numbers representing them.”

micahbotha · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

Funeral of the Unfit

A few days pass with people being treated in hospital and unharmed students going to school. Finally, the funerals are set to be held on the 11th day. Funerals’ can never be held on the 12th day.

Quade leaves school along with all Galaxy’s friends as they make their way to the public hospital available on the island of Herculean Misava. There is a private hospital but you don’t have the right to it unless you have a rank. Quade wonders whether Galaxy’s parents can afford the hospital fees, even, with the discount.

Quade enters the hospital and finds many people crying. He continues walking so he doesn’t have to watch the pain. They enter a room and shift the curtain so they can enter the room.

“Hey Galaxy,”Quade and Galaxy’s friends’ say happily. “Hey,”she responds and Legacy looks up from beside her. Legacy sprained her ankle and is watching the interaction quietly.

“How’s everything going?”Quade asks sweetly. “Everything is fine,”Galaxy says reassuringly even though she isn’t so sure, “I am guessing you guys came to pay your fees for the injuries you had.” They all nod but Falcon, Icterine, 6 and Major shake their heads.

“The government has to pay forty-six thousand, seven hundred and fifty clepsydras for just my siblings,”Stone says and laughs a little, “Clover was free but if she wasn’t then it would’ve been expensive. She was injured pretty badly.” Everyone nods and smiles sadly as they think of the little girl.

Nicolette and Navy sigh deeply at the thought of money. “Our parents don’t make a lot of money. They make a thousand five hundred clepsydras. We have to pay sixty-five thousand clepsydras for a bullet wound,”Nicolette says in frustration as she looks at the healing wound.

Galaxy sighs and nods in understanding, “We have to pay fifty-nine thousand, two hundred and fifty clepsydras.” “Thank goodness for discounts,”Legacy mutters quietly.

Quade looks at the worry in their eyes. “Our parents only make two thousand five hundred clepsydras ,”Galaxy says with a sigh as she looks at Legacy. “Atleast it’s every month,”Legacy says honestly and everyone looks in her direction causing her to shrink deeper into her hospital bed.

“We have to attend the funerals’ today,”Quade says as he tries to change the topic, “I know all your friends are coming.” They all nod but bid her goodbye as their parents come to pay the fees.

Clepsydra is our currency, like any other in the world. We don’t know of any since we never learn about anything outside our little island. We don’t, even, know if there is anything outside our island.

Quade watches as the doctors put Galaxy into a wheelchair. Legacy gets out of bed with crutches on each side as her parents arrive to pay the fees.

Galaxy smiles brightly because she can, finally, leave the hospital. Quade pushes the wheelchair she is sitting in until they are outside and a car comes into view. Galaxy sighs as the memories come back to her. Quade helps her out of the wheelchair and places her into the car. A man folds the wheelchair and then they take off to the funerals.

“Is there anything I need to know?” Galaxy asks as she looks at him sincerely. “No pups died. They were just injured. Only squirrels died,”Quade says with a heavy heart, “about 0.01%.” “A hundred and forty-four people,”Galaxy says with a distant look and tears in her eyes. Quade sighs and nods. His heart is still loyal to the country he has to run even if it doesn’t have the best of rules.

Galaxy and Quade arrive at the school grounds to have the funeral. “Oh,”Quade says and stops Galaxy from rolling her chair, “they will announce the verdict later today.” Galaxy nods and continues rolling her chair with him beside her.

Aldrich, Galaxy and Quade are sitting along with the rest of the families. The pictures of all the fallen are on the stage infront of them. A few weeks have passed before this ceremony could be held since Galaxy wasn’t healed so she wouldn’t have been able to attend.

“We are gathered on the 11th day of the week. The 84th 12th year 1009 years of the founding of The Republic of Herculean Misava in the 3rd month of the year.”

Galaxy drowns out the sound of the man and turns around to find everyone wearing their uniforms much like herself.

“These people that died are the prime example of what this country detests. All these faces shown, today, are people who are unfit to survive and are a disgrace to their country and their flag.”

The man concludes his speech and Galaxy sighs as she hears the sobs of the people around her. The stinging words that end the speech are toxic to hear when your child has just died early due to a man who decided he doesn’t care about their lives.

Galaxy looks at Quade and sees his neutral face much like his father’s.

Quade and Aldrich turn to Galaxy at the same time. They see her tears but remain neutral.

Everyone gets up and leaves. The pictures are taken as well as the stage. All the families that have lost someone are sobbing profusely while everyone else looks at them with pity.

“Those that died were from which classes?”Galaxy asks Quade as he pushes her towards the car. Aldrich is trailing behind. “Most were from the lower classes and as the grades get higher, the deaths decrease,” Quade says honestly. “So all the 5th’s that passed, died,”Galaxy says and laughs with anger, “unbelievable.”

Quade places her in the car and then takes his place beside her. Aldrich comes soon after.

Quade is sitting beside his father while Galaxy rests on the left-side of the car and looks outside the window.

“You will be at my house today, Galaxy, for some training,”Aldrich says politely, “we also have a detail to talk about today.” Galaxy nods and turns towards the window again. She watches the green trees and colorful flowers. The beauty fades into buildings and then she knows she has arrived in the city.

As soon as they arrive, Galaxy is helped out of the car by Quade and placed into the wheelchair. He pushes her into the home and places her among the chairs in the living room. Mazarine and his mother are waiting for them.

“What is this matter we have to discuss?”his mother, Nazereth, asks as she moves towards her husband. “It’s the matter my father discussed with you when we were going to get married,” Aldrich says seriously and Nazereth’s face pales slightly. She turns her face towards her son and Galaxy with pity as she awaits the words she dreaded.

“On the 6th month,”Aldrich says slowly, “you will be engaged.” Galaxy’s eyes widen at his words, “Aren’t we supposed to get married much later on?” Quade nods in agreement with Galaxy’s words. “There’s a law that everyone knows but isn’t applied very often,”Aldrich says seriously, “but leaders apply it all the time.” Nazereth watches as her husband tries to soften the words.

“Please just tell us,”Quade says impatiently and looks at his father with worry. “You are going to get married when you turn sixteen,”Aldrich says honestly and Galaxy looks up in shock.

“The law is that from twelve anyone can get engaged and married since they have reached maturity,”Aldrich says seriously, “but you will still finish school and have your ranks while doing it.” Quade looks at Galaxy who is in shock. “How come no one in the societies apply this law anymore?”Galaxy asks with confusion taking over her features. “At that age, most kids don’t want to get married and they wait till eighteen to do so since they want to be in the same categories,”Aldrich says honestly as he looks at her evident confusion.

Galaxy sighs and looks at Quade knowing she has no say. Quade smiles sadly at her and nods at his father in understanding.

“From the next graduation, you will have to stay with us,”Aldrich says seriously and gets up to leave. Galaxy nods but her eyes are distant. Quade pushes her to the library on the same floor.

Quade watches her as he sits down on a chair opposite her.

“Tell me,”he says and she lifts her head. “I have never heard of that law,”Galaxy says honestly, “we learn all the laws in school.” “No,”Quade says patiently, “they teach you the most important ones. These are all the laws.” He places a big book on the table and Galaxy’s eyes widen. “Only leaders pay attention to all of them,”Quade says and points to her, “civilians don’t like to be bothered by unnecessary laws.” Galaxy nods in understanding and asks, “Why do they make it sixteen then?” “You have to spend four years learning about the communities before you can be a useful leader,”Quade says and laughs at her confusion. She glares at him.

“You will learn all the answers you want to know when we become actual leaders,”Quade says honestly, “my dad told me that you will only learn that when we turn eighteen.” Galaxy nods and asks, “So why do we get married early?” “It’s just a rule,”Quade says seriously, “I don’t get it either.”

“Did you like being caught in the crossfire?”Galaxy asks as she sees his expression change at those words. “No,”Quade says with a sad smile and then looks up at her, “how many?” “Five,”Galaxy says with an angry laugh, “it’s not that many…but many died.” Quade nods and looks at the sadness in her eyes, “You never explained the orphanage detail.”

Galaxy looks at him and sighs. “My parents died when I was quite young. All I remember is the orphanage. Stone was my first real friendship that lasted. Everyone I ever made friends with would leave and never talk to me again,”Galaxy says as she reminisces about that time, “Stone came when I was eight. We have been friends since then. He remembers his parents and what happened to them. When I left there at ten, I became close friends with Falcon since he was in my society, Capistrano. Me, Stone and Falcon became friends. Falcon was already friends with the triplets who were friends with the twins. That’s how the large group became friends.”

Quade smiles at the memory, “It’s nice to know you have a story to tell.” “You do too, now,”Galaxy says and smiles mischievously. He nods and laughs.

“I could do some research about what happened to your parents,”Quade says with care. “They changed my name,”Galaxy says kindly, “my name has been like this for five years. Apparently, no one wants me to know what happened to them.” “What’s your real name?”Quade asks mischievously as he wants to tease her. “Granite,”Galaxy says and looks up at him, “I don’t even know their rank.” “It’s ok,”Quade says exhilarated by doing this, “we just have to be back before the announcement of the verdict.” Galaxy nods excitedly. “You have to stay here and I will be back shortly,”Quade says reassuringly and runs off through the library door.

As the hours pass and come near to the time of the verdict, Galaxy starts to get nervous and then Quade bursts through the door. Galaxy looks up and smiles brightly at him. He smiles back.

“I haven’t looked at the file yet,”Quade says and looks at her with worry, “I think I should look at it first before we read it.” Galaxy nods eagerly. Quade turns pale at the words written. “What is it?”Galaxy asks nervously. Aldrich barges into the library and looks at them, “It’s about to start. Are you just going to keep staring?”

Galaxy starts rolling herself and then winces. Aldrich sighs and then looks at his son’s pale complexion, “Quade!” Quade flinches and then looks to Galaxy. “It’s time for the verdict,”Galaxy says kindly and he nods. Quade hurriedly pushes her towards the living room so they can watch the television.

“According the laws of the country and its values, the defendant has been acquitted of any charges in regards to the deaths of the one hundred and forty-four squirrels. The defendant will be charged for the injuries on the pups which range in the thousands. The punishment is five years in prison for the damages caused to the pups.”

The man hits his gavel and the television goes black.

Galaxy looks at Quade and sees he is dazed. She puts her hand on his hand and says, “Quade?”

He looks at her and fear fills his eyes. “I’ll take you home,”Quade says and starts pushing her towards the door. The car is waiting outside. He picks her up and places her in the car. The car takes off soon after.

“Quade,”Galaxy says and looks at him with worry in her eyes, “tell me, please.” “I didn’t know there would be pictures,”Quade says as he looks at her with anger in his eyes, “why is everything the way it is?” Galaxy puts her hand on his mouth, “Don’t.” Quade sighs and looks at her, “They were right. You shouldn’t know. I don’t know what you will do if you know.” Galaxy looks at him with tears in her eyes, “Just tell me something.” “Your parents wouldn’t be happy that you are here,”Quade says sincerely, “in a government position.” Galaxy smiles at him even through her tears, “They wouldn’t have a choice anyways.” Quade smiles at her. The car comes to a halt.

Galaxy is picked up and put into her wheelchair.

“It’s not your fault,”Galaxy says sweetly, “you didn’t kill them.” Quade nods but tears still fall from his eyes as he looks at her with his black eyes. Galaxy goes into her home and stays there until morning.

Galaxy thinks and thinks over the days. She realizes that it’s better not to light a fire in her sparking heart.

A few days later, Galaxy is healed enough. She can know walk on her own, well with crutches.

Galaxy walks to the Dray train on her crutches and finds Quade trailing behind her.

“Hey Galaxy,”Quade says with a smile on his face. “Hey,”Galaxy replies and smiles back.

The day starts out normally. They walk to the train and travel to school. They go to their classes together and try not to think about the trauma surrounding the school.

“Is it hard coming back here?”Quade asks as they sit down in their first class. “Every time,” Galaxy says as she looks at him with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face.

The final bell rings and then the chant is heard. The hypocrisy of the words hits the children hard.

Galaxy looks at him and says, “How bad could it possibly be?” “Sometimes curiosity can really kill the cat,”Quade says honestly, “I don’t want to kill your personality.” Galaxy nods and sighs deeply.

Leadership class comes soon after.

“We will be talking about some hidden laws that no one knows of,”the teacher announces, “I will not be mentioning any that I know. I want to see what you guys have heard of.”

Many hands shoot up and Galaxy looks at Quade curiously. “Maybe people know more than you let on,”Galaxy says and smiles wide. Quade smiles at her joy.

“Yes,”the teacher says and a young girl says, “The government is not allowed to kill anyone.” The teacher beams and says, “That’s a hard one to come by. Not everyone knows that the government is not allowed to kill anyone and if anyone knows about it then they can overthrow the government. You can replace them with a new leader family of your choice.” A boy lifts his hand up and is called on, “Has that ever happened?” “Yes,”the teacher says sweetly and then catches Galaxy’s eye, “it was fourteen years ago.” Galaxy’s eyes widen at the revelation and she looks to Quade for confirmation. He looks at her with fear in his eyes. He nods and tears fill his eyes. Galaxy’s tears start falling silently and she raises her hand, “Can I please be excused to the bathroom?”

The teacher looks at the tears in her eyes but says, “If you can give us an unknown law, you can walk out the door.” Galaxy glares at her but sighs, “At the age of twelve, you are allowed to get married and engaged since you have reached maturity.” Everyone gasps and looks to the teacher for confirmation. Galaxy runs out of the classroom and into the bathroom. Quade sits and watches the class get the confirmation they were waiting for.

Break ensues soon after. Galaxy, silently, walks along with Quade with her hand in his hand. The friend group sees them coming closer. They lock their glances with Galaxy’s eyes.

“What did I do this time?”Galaxy asks seriously. “You made everyone wonder why they haven’t gotten married yet,”Icterine says and laughs slightly. Everyone glares at her. “Do you know what law they brought out next?”Quade asks Galaxy rhetorically and she shrugs her shoulders, “the one that states that the man will pay for the fees of the female.” 6 smiles at his words.

“We aren’t upset, Quade,”Stone says honestly, “we think it’s hilarious that the government doesn’t give us all the rules. That we have to live off rumors.” Quade sighs and looks at them, “You guys have no fear. I’m a future leader. I can punish you for these acts when I am a leader.” They all look at him and then burst into laughter. “We are so sorry,”Falcon says honestly, “but seriously, what’s the worst you are going to do?” Quade sighs knowing they heard the law against killing civilians. “It’s nice to know that your father threatened me when he isn’t allowed to kill my sister,”Galaxy says and looks at Quade seriously. Everyone smiles slyly at her words.

“Wow,”Quade says sarcastically, “so just to be clear, you guys hate the government.” They all fall silent.

Galaxy looks at him, “I’m sure you can figure that out on your own.” Quade looks at her and says, “My family didn’t kill your parents.” “Thanks for finally confirming it,”Galaxy says with anger in her voice, “but the leaders did.” “How am I at fault?”Quade asks sincerely. “You’re not,”Galaxy says sweetly, “not yet.” Everyone looks at the interaction and sees the warning.

“We have confirmed one truth though,”Stone says and everyone looks at him with curiosity, “the R’s and the 5th’s that don’t make it are alive somewhere.” Everyone’s spirit lifts at the words. “Or else,”Icterine says and looks at Quade, “we will be losing another government.” Quade gets up and walks away from the group that he thought was starting to be his friends. Galaxy gets up and follows him.

“You can’t expect them to lose all the hurt they have,”Galaxy says and Quade stops in his tracks, turns around and looks at her. “You are right. I can’t. I just thought that they would understand that other people don’t define me,”Quade says and then continues walking.

Galaxy grabs his hand and stops him, “They have no reason to hide their true feelings. Death was their only fear.” Quade turns around and looks at her again with tears in his eyes, “Would you like to be judged based on your parents’ rank? Would you like to be isolated from the world? Would you like to know unimaginable things that you can’t change because if you did then thousands of people would die and many more would turn against you? Would you like that?” Galaxy shakes her head as she looks at the swirling emotions in his eyes.

“What do you expect from me or them?”Galaxy asks as his tears stop falling, “they only know bad things about the government. You can’t just change that.” Quade nods and smiles at her, “I know I can’t that’s why coming to this school was a bad idea.” Galaxy furrows her brows and says, “They like you as a person. When subjects like this come up then they will attack.” “I guess I have to be understanding?”Quade asks and looks into her eyes, “who will ever understand me?” “Me,”Galaxy says sweetly and smiles at him. He scoffs, “You were on their side and I know that’s where your heart will always be.” Galaxy sighs and says, “I can’t change years of hate in just a few months.” Quade nods and understanding fills them both.

Quade takes her hand and they walk to their next class.

“Galaxy, you need to realize which side you will be taking,”Quade says before they enter the class.