
Play with Ben

"Jamie, why did you join? You and Drew?" Jay asked while watching the waves of the sea from the window in their room.

Jay, Jamie, Drew and Jacob are roommates.

Jacob isn't in their room yet. He left to hang out with Julian and Jasper at the deck.

"My mom said I should try my fate in this game... I had a foster dad... He's always drunk whenever he comes home. He would always beat me up and my mom... So one night, I was so mad and I pushed him and he fell down the stairs! Mom convinced me to try my fate in I-land to run away from my foster dad. While Mom said she will leave her husband and lead a new life..." Jamie said in one breath.

Drew and Jay turned to him when they heard what he said. But they were surprised because Jamie was smiling.

"Why are you smiling? Aren't you sad that you will be separated from your mother?" Drew asked and Jamie laughed.

"Why would I be sad! She never treated me as family either! If mom was always getting beaten by dad. She was always beating me! I wanted to run away but I had nowhere to go! So when she sent me here, I didn't hesitate and boarded the cruise immediately!" He said proudly and Drew and Jay looked at each other confused.

"Woah! Mom lied to me!" Drew exclaimed, covering his mouth.

"She said no mother will ever treat their child that way! And it only exists in movies!" He said and started shaking Jay exaggeratedly.

"I'm fine though! I finally feel free now! Anyway! Enough of me! What about you Drew?" Jamie asked and grabbed a pillow to hug.

"Well! To be honest, Mom didn't want me to join! I had a brother who joined this game during the last season! But he never got back! So I ran away from her to find my brother!" He said while scratching his nape.

Jay suddenly smacked his head "You're so cruel! How could you run from your mother!?" He scolded him.

"You said your brother didn't come back! Why?" Jamie asked.

"I don't know! And I'm coming to Herus island to find out why!" He said proudly.

* * *

"Come on Hanbin! Join us!" It's been ages since they started persuading Hanbin to join them.

Hunter, Sean, Hanbin and Jake are roommates. Jake suggested to tour the cruise and Hanbin refused. Scared that they might encounter one of the five earlier.

"I thought you're braver than this Hanbin! Come on! Don't be such a coward!" Sean yelled at him while pouting.

"I'm pretty sure they're asleep! Do you really think we'll tour the cruise knowing they're still out there?" Jake asked and Hanbin finally stood up having second thoughts.

"Are you sure?" He asked glaring at Jake and the three nodded.

Sean immediately pulled Hanbin out of their room. It's already past 10 PM and the rest of the contestants are already sleeping.

Jake and his roommates decided to sneak around the cruise while everyone was asleep.

The bedrooms are in the middle deck so they first went to the lower deck. In one of the rooms, a very luxurious music room filled with different music instruments.

The room is designed with every luxury that can be used. It is polished and neat. The room felt like a peaceful theater where someone might think this is where all music is born.

Hanbin played the piano as if he's a famous pianist. While Jamie played with the harp mimicking how the people in the opera would sing.

Jake and Hunter played with the drums while laughing at the sight of the two.

After having enough fun, they went to the next room. It was a fitness room filled with everything they will need to work out.

"Guys! Look at this!" Jake took an 8 kg barbell and showed off in front of the mirror.

The three laughed while watching him. And while they were having fun. They didn't know they disturbed someone who unfortunately stayed up late to work out in the room alone.

"Man, we should have brought our phones with us!!!" Sean said while holding his stomach due to his laughing.

"Come on Jake! Is that all you can do?" Hunter teased and laughed.

They were about to play with other equipment when they heard a loud clang of metal.

Their eyes widen within a split second and slowly turn around.

In front of them they saw a black haired guy staring at them with his dark hooded eyes.

"It's lights off... What are you doing here?" He asked with a deep and dark voice and no one could dare to open their mouth.

"Oh Hunter! I didn't see you there!" Ben smiled but it scared the four even more.

"Follow me!" Ben commanded coldly and the four followed him like little ducklings.

They were pushing and pointing at each other.

"It seems that you wanted to play... So let's play!" He said and sat on a stool.

The four stood up in front of him with their heads down.

"Do 200 pushups in 5 minutes!" He said and the four looked at him very surprised.

He just raised an eyebrow. He grabbed the towel on his shoulder and wiped the sweat on his neck.

Then he took out a medium sized hourglass from his jogger pants.

"If the sand ran out and you couldn't complete this simple task, I will double it tomorrow and have the others do it for you!" He said coldly.

The four looked at each other and gulped. They decided to do the given task while counting out loud.

Ben sat comfortably watching them having a hard time. Especially Sean who seems to get tired easily.

"Ben! What are you doing here?" Fortunately for the four, someone came.

"I'm playing with them!" He replied.

But unfortunately, Terrence was the one who came.

"Wow! You didn't call me! How long have they been there?" Terrence asked.

"3 minutes..."


The boys felt doomed when Terrence sat on a stool just to watch them as well.

They had no choice. It was their fault that they were being punished. They have to bear it.

After 5 minutes. Everyone successfully finished in time and fell on the floor with their sweats pouring.

Ben left as if nothing happened while Terrence left to get towels for the boys.

He handed them one by one which they had second thoughts to accept first.

"Get a massage before you sleep!" He said and sat back on the stool. Then he asked "Why did you come out during lights out?"

They were catching their breath so it took a minute before someone answered.

"We thought everyone's already asleep! So we decided to play a little..." Jake said and looked down.

"Well then how did it feel to play with Ben?" he asked and chuckled and the four looked at each other.

"I'm surprised he didn't ask you to run a lap around the upper deck!" He said and slid his hands in his pockets.

"I'm sorry to ask this! B-but... Are you guys... playing the game with us too?" Hunter asked but couldn't look Terrence in the eyes.

"You'll know when we arrive..." he said and left first.

Right after they left.

"Waaaaah!!! My precious soul!!! I was hazed!!!" Hanbin whined like a kid while Sean gave Jake a death glare.

"You owe us Jake!" Sean growled at him.

"I don't owe you anything! You guys wanted to come!" He yelled back.

"Can you guys not yell at each other!? You might summon another entity!" Hunter scolded them.

I hope you liked the chapter.

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