
Jay's Secret

After the islanders finished their lunch, they proceeded to the Ground where two mentors were already waiting.

Ben had his usual expression which is the complete opposite of the islanders and the mentor, Raven. She was carrying a folder in her hand.

The islanders have the thought of seeing a champion in front of them gives them a bit of hope.

"Just in time..." he said with his usual blunt tone.

"First, I would like to congratulate you on passing the first test!" He smiled at them, making the islanders satisfied and clapped their hands like a five year old.

"So now, we're here to tell you about your next test!" He said and pointed the armory to them.

"If I'm going to be honest, your combat test was a failure and you only passed your test with pure luck!" As soon as he said those, the smiles on the islanders' faces faded.

Raven rolled her eyes and handed the folder to Ben. "Take it easy Ben!" She whispered.