
First Match

After exactly 28 days of training. The first week with all mentors and the 21 days each are now finally over.

Each islanders barely improved their skill but fortunately, enough to fight for their first match.

The day has come for their first test.

If they fail, goodness knows what the consequences will be.

All 22 islanders gathered in the Ground and sat in two groups out of their red ring.

Niall stood in the middle of the red ring and looked at each of the islanders.

"We have already mentioned your points! As of now, all of you have nothing in your name! The rule is simply stay in the ring for 3 minutes! If you don't get hurt! 50 points! If you get hurt, your score will decrease by 5 points!"

"But where do you need the points for?" He gestured his voice into asking. "I'm aware that all of you are curious as to why we are doing this! As soon as you gain enough points, your mentor will give you a short briefing of why we are doing this! Now it depends on you if you are willing to show it to your fellow islanders!"

"But if you lose..." as soon as he said those, most of the islanders heaved a sigh.

"You will proceed to the pit!"

Niall then stepped out of the ring with Yuna stepping in.

Kamal stood beside the glass hour waiting to start the timer.

Yuna called Daniel and he stood up stepping in the ring with her.

He looked at his fellow islanders and then looked at the girl in front of him.

He was reminded of the day she was incharge of training all of them.

Like Jamie, and few of the islanders. He expected her to be nicer. It was the same for everyone. And everyone were fooled by their delusions.

Kamal started the timer and Daniel thought to himself that he just needs to stay in the ring. It doesn't matter if he loses the points. As long as he doesn't go to the pit.

3 minutes felt like forever for Daniel. And when it was over, he had bruises and blood all over his face. His right arm is broken.

Well, he has at least 10 points.

Then the next islanders stood on the ring. One by one, they met the same fate as Daniel.

And only a few islanders had caught the champion's attention.

K, Salem, Hunter, Jay, Grant, Simon and Jake. Most of them are under the terror mentors.

Niall stepped in the ring after a few minutes of conversation with the mentors about their points.

"Unfortunately! 10 of the islanders failed to pass their first test!" Niall spoke and any trace of emotions can be barely seen on his face.

"Julian... Jacob... Hanbin... Theo... Yuri... Seth... Taki... Neil... Kenny... and lastly, Elijah!" Niall announced the names of the islanders that failed their first test.

Theo, Hanbin and Yuri were unconscious. Seth and Kenny broke their bones while Taki and Neil can barely move because of their injuries.

As soon as they were announced. Niall ordered their mentors to bring them to the pit immediately.

Most of the remaining islanders that passed the first test cried as they watched their friends disappearing from their sight.

They were moved to a carriage that will bring them to the pit.

The remaining islanders held their thoughts when Niall spoke.

"Out of all of you, only 7 stand out and thankfully, they didn't fail me when I expected them to stand out. To Hunter, Jake and Kylo! I am impressed! I had expected Ben and Yael to have their students perform very well!" He said and clapped his hand thrice.

"To Simon, Jay, Grant and Salem! I am also impressed that you did well! And to all the remaining islanders! I am glad that you passed your first test! Very well!" Niall smirked and opened the folder he was holding.

Niall started announcing the current ranking of scores.

K - 35

Hunter - 35

Jake - 30

Grant - 30

Salem - 30

Jay - 30

Simon - 25

Nicholas - 20

Sean - 15

Jamie - 10

Daniel - 10

Jasper - 10

Though Kylo and Hunter were announced to have the highest score. They weren't happy.

But the others are happy for them. Since they will be able to ask a question to their mentor.

"Sir! What will happen to those who were sent to the pit?" As usual, Grant, who's always the most curious, asked.

"They will have to pass another test in the pit. Those who pass their test will compete with a few of you who will fail your next test! If you win, you can pass. It's the same for them!" Niall explained.

"So, they can still come back!?" Sean exclaimed and a few of the islanders were relieved.

"That's right! They can!" Yuna screamed in a high pitched tone while clapping her hands along with CROWNS members.

"Now you have passed your test! You can take your whole day tomorrow to rest! And the next day, we will return to announce what the next test will be!" After Niall said those, they left the islanders at the Ground.

It was already quite dark so they had to return to the castle.

Kylo was feeling so down. He's gotten so close with Neil and Taki as they both came from the same country. Both of them were sent to the pit and he can barely think of resting knowing that his friends are about to suffer.

Simon and Nicholas approached him to comfort him. Even Kylo's fellow leader, Jay and Hunter ended up crying.

All of them were exhausted and tired after the first test.

They're currently taking a rest and healing themselves at the castle infirmary.

"In a blink of time... everything changed..." they all turned to Grant when he said those as he stared outside the window.

Only a dark forest can be seen.

"When all this is over, we'll plant a flag of victory! Our victory!" Kylo said in hope of motivating the others.

"Guys! Even if I don't make it! Just know that I will always support all of you!" Sean smiled radiating his bubbly personality.

He wanted to cheer everyone up at least with his smile.

"I hope they're okay..." Salem spoke and sighed deeply.

They couldn't help but be worried for their friends. Especially the young ones.

I hope you liked the chapter.

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