
A Day of an Islander

Everyone gathered for dinner.

They ate as quietly as they could until Jamie spoke.

"I'm scared... I'm afraid..." he said, staring down at his food he hadn't even touched.

Hunter sighed and patted his shoulder. Jamie then looked at him then looked at everyone.

"But let's try!" He said and his fellow islanders smiled at him nodding their head.

They were almost done eating when the same voice spoke from the speakers.

"Lights off! Everyone will proceed to their rooms!" The voice said.

Everyone automatically stood up marching to their rooms.

* * *

Seth, Nicholas & Hanbin

"Did you guys notice? When Miss Juliet was talking at the front! The rest of the mentors aren't there!" Seth spoke while drying his hair. He just finished showering.

Nicholas is lying down on his bed while Hanbin is playing with a cube.

"I noticed it too! I don't think they will show up anymore! Unless they will give us a test or train us!" Nicholas said, shutting his eyes off.

"What she said earlier, she really meant that we're going to kill... I hope it's not us killing each other!" Hanbin said and deeply sighed.

"Of course not! I'm pretty sure they have something else prepared for us!" Nicholas stood up and snatched the cube from Hanbin.

"Give it back man!" Hanbin tried to take it back but Nicholas is way taller than him.

"But anyway, whose mentor is Miss Juliet?" Seth asked as he turned to the two.

"Isn't it Jasper?" Hanbin asked but Seth barely agreed.

* * *

Jacob, Grant & Jasper

It's already dark outside and the clock had approached 10.

Every islanders are sleeping soundly except for one.

Grant has been standing in front of their window for a few hours now. He couldn't sleep because of the thought that's been bothering him.

He couldn't accept the fact that he was right. And now he's having second thoughts of why he decided to join the game.

I must survive.

Whatever happens we have to survive...

He said to himself and turned to look at Jacob and Jasper who's sleeping soundly. Both were cuddling each other.

The next day...

Everyone was called out to the green field.

There they saw one of their mentors, Jace. Already waiting for all of them.

"For a moment, I thought no one would come!" He said and faced everyone with a playful pout.

"Wow! He's not as serious as he was yesterday!"

"He's not like the other mentors..."

"Okay! Everyone listen! Starting today, you will have to wake up early like this! Your daily routine will be running 7 laps around Castle Grim! After your morning exercise! You will split in two groups and head next either to the greenhouse or the cage!" Jace announced.

He instructed them first to jog around the castle and finished 7 laps. Then he took them to the greenhouse.

"Feel free to tour!" Jace said and the islanders started wandering around the greenhouse.

There are many different types of plants everywhere.

"Starting today! Taking care of the plants here will be a part of your daily life as an islander!"

Everyone turned when the door on the other end opened revealing Jennie holding a sprinkler.

"Oh boys! You're here! Right on time! Why don't you water these plants?" Jennie said, flashing her gummy smile.

The islanders looked at her as if a goddess from the heavens descended down to earth.

"Stop staring and move your asses!" Jace scoffed at them and he approached Jennie.

Jace and Jennie started talking while the islanders started watering the plants.

After they briefed the islanders of how to take care of the plants. He then brought them next to the cage.

It is built with a wooden wall of 15 meters high. Inside are inhabited by different kinds of common animals such as chickens, ducks and so on.

The islanders approached them and played with them.

"Welcome to the cage!" Another mentor approached them who was carrying a lamb.

"Jared! Did you even shower first before coming here?" Jace scolded him. He looked like he just woke up.

Jared laughed at him and handed him the lamb. "I got bored!" He said and turned to the islanders.

He briefed everyone of how they will be taking care of the animals.

Jared took the lamb back from Jace and approached Neil.

"Hey! Meet RJ! This is our favorite lamb here!" He said with his bunny smile.

He gave the lamb to Neil and the boy handled it carefully. Jamie and Taki touched its fluffy and soft white wool, cooing as it bleats.

They laughed when the sheep bleated. It sounded like a burp.

"From now on, you will take care of him alright?" Jared said and Neil nodded his head. "Or else Sage will roast you!" He joked and started laughing.

They left the cage and then went to The Ground.

In there they saw an armory of different weapons.

For a moment, looking at every weapon at the armory sent shivers to the islanders.

Some of them looked at the green field where the grass is painted red, forming a huge red box. On the left and right side of the box are the targets.

"Scared already?" Another mentor suddenly spoke from behind them.

"Did we disturb you?" Jace asked and Yael just smirked.

"I'm just starting... can someone care to join?" He said and looked for someone with the guts.

"They're not ready yet! I was just showing them half of the island!" Jace said and Yael nodded.

The islanders watched him as he approached the armory exchanging his gun with a bow and arrows. Then returning to the targets.

"Well I guess I won't have to explain to you why we have this here do I?" He said and one of the islanders raised a hand.

"Sir! Can I just ask?" The islanders turned to the boy, which happened to be Grant.

"Yes?" Jace nodded and smiled at him.

"I'll be frank about it! Are we going to kill each other here?" He asked and Jace's smile faded like a bubble.

"It depends!" Yael said who probably heard Grant and shot bullseye on the target.

Another ilander asked this time to Yael.

"Why Sir? Why do we need to kill? To prove who's the strongest?" Salem asked with a sarcastic tone.

Jace scoffed and a few seconds later he started laughing maniacally.

"We can't just tell you the details on your first day! You will soon find out as you start living here and begin to delve into the true secret of Castle Grim!" Jace said, matching his tone.

His sudden change of tone spooked the islanders.

Secret? Castle Grim is hiding another secret?

Hunter thought.

"Make sure that you spend at least 3 hours of your day in the Ground! In the first week, the mentors will teach and train you here! Then one mentor every day! After all the mentors are done teaching! We will be holding the First Match!"

"An ilander and a mentor in the ring! That will be your first test! If you get hurt more than five times, you lose a point! If you got kicked out of the red grass, you will be immediately sent to the pit!"

"Do you understand?" He asked and the islanders only looked at each other.

"Do you understand?" He asked again, raising his tone. "Yes sir!!!" Everyone flinched and answered in unison.

"Your first day of training here will start tomorrow!" Jace said then took them next to a hill.

There they saw flags with different symbols stuck on the ground.

There are exactly four flags in there.

Those flags are the flags of the previous champions during the previous four seasons.

"Take a good look! One day! Some of you will plant your flag of victory here after your long journey!" He said and stood beside the first flag.

"There are only four flags Sir! Is VALORS the first champion in the history of the game of Herus?" Kylo asked, looking at the first flag.

It has the symbol of the VALORS.

Simple. But meaningful.

"That's right! You'll soon know the reason why!" Jace said and everyone looked at the flags one more time.

"Where are the champions now Sir?" Sean asked.

One of them is now in front of you.

Jace thought as he smiled.

"You can only meet them on your final day!" He said but the islanders barely understand what he meant.

Well a few did and they know it's bad.

I hope you liked the chapter.

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