
Survival of Adventurer

This is the tales of four brave adventurer who traverse the forbidden forest for the sake of humanity Updating everyday except tuesday, wednesday, and thursday

Dafa_Zain · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Dichter Wald

A forest traversed by many creatures. The forest is a source of curiosity. Oppression is justified in order to survive. Rules made by those who were born for it. Oh how stupid they are those who can't see things in front of their eyes. Cursed are those who neglect what they were born with. This is the forest where they rise and stand.

The boundless trees obscured the viewer's view. Leaves fall, fall, onto the surface beneath. How many times had they passed by this sight? Teak trees, pine trees, fir trees, teak trees, pine trees, sometimes there are rubber trees, followed by fir trees, teak trees, pine trees. Even though they keep repeating themselves, they continued to walk confidently without any confirmation of the existence of a path.

The leaves continued to fall but the trees still stood thickly, covering the light of the sun with swaying shadows. They realized this and stopped the journey to pay respects to the forest who had blessed this journey. It wasn't long before the journey started again and it wasn't too long before the same forest scenery repeated itself.

The sky has changed. Its pure blue color began to be polluted and darkened to orange and slowly faded to jet black, the white streaks called clouds have now disappeared to be replaced by white patterns called stars. They seemed to notice the change and prepared to rest at this exact time.

Four…a rather small number to penetrate this forest. Monsters would of course win easily if it was in terms of numbers but dancing from the bonfire, the flickering heat of crimson mane made even the wildest of monsters think twice. It seems that apart from their lack of numbers, they are also less prepared. The simple tent consists of waterproof cloth supported by two medium-sized pieces of wood on the back and front, forming a prism that resembles a tunnel with two holes on either side. One sleeps while the remaining three guard the flames and giving warning in case of danger, repeating themselves at intervals until everyone has had enough rest.

When we guard something, the scariest thing is not when the enemy is after what we are guarding but when no one is after what we are guarding. Is something important to me of no value at all? Is my enemy hiding waiting for an opportunity? Maybe it's not only the enemy but my friend is also after mine precious. Isn't there anything I can do? Who else can I trust? Those unimportant things will continue to float in the head making it impossible for someone to do rational things. "khu khu… khu khu… khuu… squeak… squeak… mciit… hrawrs!…Mrraw!…oooooo!" various voices roamed around the bonfire. No matter how brave the three of them were, they were still humans in the end. That's why they sing, that's why they gossip, interact with each other to forget reality for a moment. They are relaxed but sharp, focused on what really matters. "krrsek…krrsek" was faint but the voice was very close. "Wake up! Wake up! Blue level situation!" A faint voice was accompanied by a statement of command. The sleeper had now awakened and the four of them discussed the next step.

Switching to their light chainmail, the basic differences in appearance began to show. A stern man with a mustache and hair color that matched his chainmail adorned with a faded red cloth. Golden lion ornaments were attached to nearly everything he wore, medium shield in left hand and short sword in right, on top of the chainmail, light armor covering him from head to toe, with a loud voice he gave instructions to his three companions. "Unmistakably from Gander's observations, we have now been chosen as prey for the Giganobhoa."

"What Giganobhoa!? So that's what you mean by the blue level situation. Hey Gander! Didn't you say this forest is only filled with weak monsters? Then why did the Giganobhoa appear here!?! Damn, knowing this I should have turned down the offer." A teenage girl with a low temper pounded the ground with the blunt end of her spear, irritated by what she considered a breach of contract. She fought mostly with her instincts but she was not stupid, she stopped the pounding of the spear so as not to provoke Giganobhoa and instead poured out her frustration by quickly wearing the green cloth with a black eagle pattern that adorned her armor.

"Calm yourself Freya. Indeed, the average monsters in this forest are weak monsters but of course it does not rule out the possibility that a monster like Giganobhoa can appear. Judging from the weather and climate, I think the giant snake wakes up from hibernation to find a new nest." The bespectacled man replied. His armor decorated with blue cloth and the white bear crest shone in the moonlight. The reflection of his short black hair and in his back, maple wood bow can be seen from the reflection of his iron armor which he polishes every day.

The figure that had been hanging from a tree branch, jumped into the air and did a spin before landing on the ground. On the hips of her armor, which was decorated with a yellow cloth with an orange serpent crest, there were sword sheaths on the right and left. She pulled from the scabbard two swords with sharp, concave edges that seemed to have been pushed downwards and a slightly slanted shape at the head which contrasted with the center of the sword, "Balato" as she called her sword. With a flat expression the brown haired woman said "So all we need to do is defeat that Giganobhoa right Kryos? Then hurry up and make your plans and we can move on."

"You probably haven't realized Arte the fact that it's impossible for us to defeat the Giganobhoa. Even if we win, chances are that one of us will be injured or in the worst case get poisoned. Therefore for the sake of this mission we must retreat and find a detour outside the territory of Giganobhoa." Staring at the yellow knight, now he turned his gaze to all of his expedition companions. "Therefore you listen carefully because I will not repeat. So what we have to do are…"