
Survival of a Villian in an Appocalypse (DROPPED)

NERDY · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The magic weapon

To avoid the suspicion of the future protagonist Audney must go regularly to school.

At the school gate, Audney opened the door and got off.

Looking at the familiar campus in front of him, he let out a long breath.

Now except for Jack, the other layouts are almost the same.

Then he just has to wait for the start of the Apocalypse.

This feeling is also quite strange.

Audney thought to himself that although he was not a good person in his previous life, he was not a bad person.

Why is he transmigrated as a villain?

He was a little upset about it.

But now he has nothing to do.

Because for him now, how to deal with the Apocalypse is the most important thing.

Originally, he had also thought about whether to kill Noah before he was reborn.

But the system has said it very clearly.

Dealing with the protagonist before the end of the world may have some immeasurable serious consequences!

For example, to abduct Noah, not only will it take a lot of time to plan, but also the risk of being quickly arrested by the police.

Not to mention killing Noah directly, what if Noah is reborn in a different person?

Therefore, Audney can't deal with Noah before he is reborn.


There are less than five days left until the end of the world.

He asked Linda to make an appointment with Catherine and Eddie to help John buy a house.

Mark, on the other hand, was helping Audney, to find Jack Miller's trace.

With his layout, time passed day by day.

There are still 48 hours left in the countdown before the apocalypse

Mark finally found Jack, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

Jack is a man of short structure, he has sharp eyes.

Plus he likes to gamble, so he has a nickname called Rat!

Unlike John, Jack is the thug next to Noah's area.

At 1:00 pm, after the college was over Audney drives his car to a small town on the outskirts of Sydney when he arrived he heard the sound of communication between two people.

Yes, he instructed Mark to come before him to Jack.

In a Yard in a small town

Looking at the rusty long sword about three feet in his hand, Lu Yu frowned.


The relationship between Xu Hao and Chu Feng is a long sword.

After the Apocalypse, not only animals, plants, and humans, but Some antique objects may also mutate.

In this world, history is similar to the Earth where he belongs to.

According to the plot data obtained by Audney.

Jack's sword was obtained by his grandfather in an ancient tomb with a few friends in his early years.

When the apocalypse comes, the surviving human beings may awaken to various abilities.

Profession! ! It is the collective name for all awakened ones.

Some Enhancers are good at melee combat and Shadow Assassins are good at sneak attacks.

There are even more awakened power users who can control natural elements such as water, fire, wind, thunder, and earth.

Of course, there are still some people who will awaken some life skills that are not capable of fighting.

For example Builders, Casters, Enchanters, Alchemists, etc.!

Before the rise of the profession of the foundry, the long sword of Jack's family could be regarded as a magic weapon for hunting monsters.

With this sword, Jack in his previous life became the overlord of this town.

Food, women, power, everything.

But that's not the point.

The point is that half a year after the Apocalypse, Noah fled to this small town with a team of survivors.

The leader of the survivor team saw Jack's weapon cutting iron like mud, killing monsters like chopping melons and vegetables!

He found an opportunity to kill Jack and then captured this magic weapon.

Noah, who was on the team, saw all this in his eyes.

It's just that in his previous life, he was too weak and did not have the qualifications to compete for the magic weapon!

In this life, Noah was reborn with ten years of combat experience.

Not only has he become decisive and ruthless, but also full of ambition.

Therefore, if Audney wants to survive Noah, this sword is inevitable.

It's just now... it's rusted all over, with a little force it's like a long sword that is about to be broken. Is it that legendary weapon??

"This is what you call a family heirloom sword??" sneered Audney

"What? Do you regret it?"

Hearing Audney 's words, Jack hugged the handbag given by Mark tightly, as if he was afraid that Audney would snatch it back: "This is the one who asked me first, saying that you will use 200,000 dollars to buy my family-heirloom sword! "

"Now that the sword is given to you, you don't want to take the money back."

Having said that, Jack held the money even tighter in his hand! Even subconsciously took a step back.

Seeing Jack's appearance, Mark took a step forward, and a flash of anger flashed in his eyes.

He and Eddie are Lu Yu's bodyguards.

The two are about the same height, about 178 in height, with a medium build.

It belongs to the type of clothes that look thin and fleshy when undressed.

The only difference is that Eddie is a little older and looks more restrained.

On the other hand, Mark was a twenty-seven- or eight-year-old boy with short hair and a youthful spirit.

At this time, Jack's words and behavior angered him.

He was in charge of him, and he helped Audney complete the transaction.

Now Jack cheated him of 200,000 with a broken sword, isn't this an insult to him?

"Want to hit someone? Come on, hit me?"

Instead of retreating, Jack stepped forward, and directly brought his face close to him, as if a dead pig was not afraid of being scalded by boiling water: "See if I will cheat you or not!"

He is a gangster himself, who is proficient in eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling.

If it wasn't for the sword hidden under Grandpa's bed itself was rusted and worthless, he would have sold it long ago.


Mark shouted angrily and wanted to step forward to teach this kid a lesson, but was stopped by Audney!

"Okay, Mark, don't be impulsive!"

After Audney finished speaking, he turned his eyes to Jack: "Jack, what we want to spend 200,000 dollars on is your family's sword, not this piece of junk, you want to buy and sell by force. ?"

"I... this sword of mine is a family heirloom!" Jack was a little guilty, but he still mustered up the courage to continue to explain: "And... it was passed down to me by my grandfather."

"Your grandfather?"

"Yes, when my grandfather left, he let me keep it!"