
The Third Game:Yun Hai City 18

"Boss, those people outside have broken in!"

Hearing the urgent shout from below, Shen Nanzhou's eyes narrowed into a sharp gaze. He released Wen Nannan and quickly descended the stairs, each step driven by a sense of impending crisis.

What a perfect opportunity! Wen Nannan thought, her mind racing as she followed him down the stairwell. The chaos unfolding below was the perfect chance for her to slip away unnoticed.

The destructive power of desperate people was immense. As the mob outside surged in like a relentless tide, they tore through the building's defenses with brutal efficiency. Windows shattered and reinforced wooden boards splintered under the weight of the onslaught.

The intruders, their eyes bloodshot and wild with hunger, seemed to charge forward with reckless abandon, driven by the primal need for survival.

"Everyone, charge! They have a lot of water and food!" The cry rang out from the front of the mob, spurring the crowd into a frenzied assault. The desperation in the intruders' voices was palpable, driven mad by days of deprivation.

Inside, half of Shen Nanzhou's group was already in a state of panic. They cowered as the intruders stormed through the building, their terror palpable.

Standing on the twelfth floor, Shen Nanzhou took decisive action. He drew his gun and began shooting the refugees at the forefront with an emotionless precision. The reports of his gunfire cut through the din of battle, each shot a reminder of his authority.

His gaze coldly swept over his subordinates below, a flicker of irritation crossing his features. "What are you waiting for? Do you want these people to take our supplies and turn us into them?"

His words jolted his men awake. They scrambled for iron bars and makeshift weapons, plunging into the fray with a fervor fueled by both fear and anger. The clash was chaotic, a frenzied melee of clanging metal and desperate cries.

Although the intruders outnumbered Shen Nanzhou's group, they were weakened from days of cold and hunger. Shen Nanzhou's group, well-rested and prepared, fought with a vigor that turned the tide of battle. For a time, both sides were evenly matched in the chaotic melee, each gaining and losing ground in the fierce combat.


As Shen Nanzhou observed his subordinates becoming increasingly injured, he finally decided to join the fight personally. He aimed carefully and shot a man who was about to strike Liu Tian, the bullet finding its mark with lethal accuracy. Moving swiftly, Shen Nanzhou stepped forward and delivered a powerful kick to the leg of an intruder who had just reached the twelfth floor. The sound of the bone snapping was sickening, and the intruder fell to the ground in agony.

Shen Nanzhou did not relent. He pressed his palm against the intruder's head and, with a subtle yet decisive motion, ended the man's suffering. The chaos began to recede as Shen Nanzhou's presence turned the tide.

Standing amidst a floor now strewn with corpses, Shen Nanzhou surveyed the aftermath with a sense of grim satisfaction. He kicked aside a severed hand blocking his path and addressed his men with a calm authority. "Clean this place up."

"Yes, Boss," Liu Tian responded, wincing as he clutched his injured arm. He quickly began directing the other men to remove the bodies and restore order.

Shen Nanzhou scanned the faces of his subordinates, his expression darkening as he noticed the absence of one key person. "Where's Wen Xiaohua?"

"Brother Shen, I'm here," Wen Nannan's voice came from a corner of the room. She emerged, clutching a stick and putting on an act of nervousness and fear.

Shen Nanzhou's gaze softened momentarily, and he offered her a gentle smile. "Xiaohua, are you scared? Don't worry, I'll protect you."

As he approached her with the intent to take her hand, Wen Nannan quickly handed him a towel with both hands. "Brother Shen, you're so strong. It's a blessing for all of us to have you as our leader."

Shen Nanzhou glanced at the towel in his hand and saw a hint of cunning in Wen Xiaohua's fearful eyes. He understood her meaning. The more she acted this way, the more it aroused his competitive spirit.

He wiped the sticky blood from his fingers with the towel, then tossed the soiled cloth back to her. "Block the damaged entrances and pile the bodies at the doors. From today, we will increase the patrols to two teams. Shoot anyone who approaches the building on sight."

Turning back to Wen Nannan, he added, "Xiaohua, come with me."

Liu Tian gave them a knowing smirk, making Wen Nannan's heart sink with apprehension. The top-floor hall was spacious but segregated into male and female sections. Only Shen Nanzhou had a private room.

He guided Wen Nannan into his room and pressed her against the door, his expression shifting to one of intense scrutiny. "Xiaohua, do you dislike me so much?" he whispered, his breath warm against her skin.

In the past, a hint of interest from him had always been enough to make NPC girls fall at his feet. But Wen Nannan was different. The thought crossed his mind—could Wen Xiaohua be a player? The probability of encountering a player among two hundred thousand people was small, but not impossible.

A look of inquiry flashed across his eyes, then softened into an expression of deep affection, as if she were the only person he loved in the entire world. Few girls could resist such a gaze and the false tenderness it conveyed.

Unfortunately for him, he had encountered the extraordinary Wen Nannan.

"Brother Shen, you underestimate yourself. We admire you," Wen Nannan said, her voice steady despite the precarious situation.

Shen Nanzhou chuckled softly, his amusement barely concealing a darker edge. "Xiaohua, if you continue to play dumb and deceive me, I might get angry. Do you know what happens when I'm angry?"

"Kick me... out?" Wen Nannan ventured cautiously.

I'll make you cry and beg me to love you endlessly in the last five days, Shen Nanzhou thought, his lips curling slightly as he imagined her slender waist. "You know how powerful I am, and you still dare to defy me?"

Wen Nannan, undeterred, thought to herself, You think too highly of yourself. Being kicked out would only make finding shelter more challenging, but it's hardly a threat to she.

Seeing her silence, Shen Nanzhou assumed she was intimidated and said softly, "As long as you obey, I will protect you for as long as I'm here."

He paused, then added, "If I'm gone, all the supplies in the building will be yours."

Wen Nannan tried to buy herself some time. "Brother Shen, give me a little more time to think."

Shen Nanzhou interpreted her hesitation as shyness and smiled reassuringly. "Alright, I'll give you a bit more time. But I expect to see you in my room tonight."

He traced her cheek with his long fingers and gave her a charming smile.

Wen Nannan glanced at him, realizing he had misunderstood her intent. However, it wasn't the right moment to correct him. She simply nodded and made her way downstairs, her mind racing with plans to escape.

Confident that she would not dare to leave, Shen Nanzhou was oblivious to Wen Nannan's real intentions. She hurried back to her room, quickly packed her belongings, and then stealthily made her way to the thirteenth floor. She knew she had to leave quickly and quietly.