
Re-enter the Game:Village Carnival 11

Day 15 of the game.

The locusts still haven't appeared.

The forest is eerily quiet. The massive swarm of locusts that had been so formidable just a short time ago has suddenly vanished.

All the way here, Wen Nannan hadn't seen a single locust. But the more this happens, the more she feels a sense of impending doom, like a storm brewing.

The weeds by the side of the road are covered in dew, but they're bald in spots, as if chewed by a dog.

The players did that.

Resources are so scarce on the mountain that players have resorted to eating weeds.

Due to lack of fuel, they can't heat and disinfect water and food. Players who eat this food will get sick, but if they don't eat, they'll starve to death.

It's a vicious cycle.

Besides the two players eaten by locusts, most of the remaining players were either killed in internal strife or died from illness after eating contaminated food due to their poor physical condition.

Only three of the nine volunteer teachers who originally came to Fuguo Town remain.

But Wen Nannan, with her abundant resources, doesn't have this problem.

However, to avoid the players, Wen Nannan has to keep moving. This time, she decides to go to the outermost edge of the instance she calculated earlier.

The mountain path is long. Wen Nannan cautiously keeps an eye on her surroundings as she heads towards the summit.

She glanced down at the steep cliff edge. Loose rocks tumble down into the abyss. It takes a long time to hear the stones hitting the bottom.

When she's still some distance from the summit, she suddenly hears a faint buzzing sound coming from below the cliff.

Wen Nannan only glances at it before looking away. It's just a dark cliff.

She thinks she must have heard wrong, but the buzzing sound comes again, faintly. She looks at the cliff behind her with a dubious gaze.

It can't be what she thinks, right?

Wen Nannan frowns slightly, her hands trembling as she climbs towards the cliff. She picks up a piece of loose rock and throws it down towards the cliff below.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz."

The locusts on the cliff stir, crashing into the wall like headless flies. After a while, they settle back onto the cliff.

Layer upon layer of locusts eagerly cling to the rock face, as if something on this mountain is attracting them.

Wen Nannan swallows hard, suddenly feeling a tightness in her throat.

These locusts have mutated. They're larger and bigger, and their color has changed from yellowish-brown to black.

This place is so weird.

Wen Nannan picks up another handful of rocks and keeps throwing them down the cliff. Each rock that falls causes the swarm of locusts below to stir.

But the locusts stubbornly circle only around the cliff, refusing to fly away. Could it be that the game's set trigger for their outbreak hasn't been reached yet?

When will it happen? By the time they return, mutate and multiply, they'll be terrifying! It'll be the end of the world!

This round of the game is called Village Carnival. Where does this carnival come from? Wen Nannan swallows hard, a strange look comes over her face.

At first, she thought this round of the game was deliberately designed to make them lack food and starve, but it seems Wen Nannan was still too naive about the game.

This game is clearly the locusts' carnival.

Wen Nannan looks at the cliff face, where layers upon layers of locusts, stretching as far as the eye can see, are clinging. Although she instinctively wants to leave quickly, she forces herself to calm down and think of a solution.

At that moment, a sound came from behind a nearby pile of rocks.

"Who's there?" Wen Nannan gets up quickly and looks towards the sound with caution.

A person emerges from behind the pile of rocks.

It's Li An.

The one who treated her as an NPC on the first day of the game, tried to coax game information out of her with bean cakes.

Since he's been discovered, he doesn't bother hiding anymore. Li An smiled gently, not at all embarrassed by being discovered.

"Little sister Nannan, you are really hard to find."

Li An thought to himself that Wen Nannan seemed to be a little slow in reaction, and it would be easy to fool her, and the Spatial Item was probably on her.

"Is there something you need, Teacher Li?" Wen Nannan asked, pretending to be clueless.

"I'm just a bit worried about you," Li An said gently. "The world is different now, and it’s too dangerous for a girl like you to be alone. If you have nowhere to go, you can come with me. I can look after you."

"Thank you for your concern, but I'm used to being alone. I wouldn't want to bother you. I have something to do, so I'll be going now," Wen Nannan said, picking up her backpack from the floor and preparing to leave quickly.

Seeing this, Li An curled his lips and sneered: "Don't pretend, Spatial Item Holder."

Li An lays his cards on the table. "Hand over the Spatial Item, and I'll let you go. How about that?"

Seeing Li An slowly approaching, Wen Nannan's heart sinks. The Spatial Item Holder, unless in a death state, cannot transfer the item. This is clearly a trick. As soon as she hands over the item, she'll probably be killed.

Just as Wen Nannan is discreetly trying to figure out how to escape...

"Brother Li, did you catch that spatial player?"

Zhang Yuan in the distance asks breathlessly as he runs, his voice somewhat muffled by the distance, but still audible.

Hearing this, Wen Nannan panics completely. She can't wait any longer. "Yes, I have the Spatial Item. But I can't give it to you!"

With that, Wen Nannan immediately picks up her backpack, which she's been using as a disguise, and extends it towards the cliff edge. If she lets go, the backpack will definitely fall into the abyss.

"Don't!" Li An's face changed.

"Then you better stand there and don't move!" Wen Nannan shouts, her voice trembling with feigned bravado.